# Alee Forth **Still very much in development! Not suitable for real applications yet.** Alee is a portable and concise Forth implementation in modern C++. Its primary aims are for reduced program size and execution efficiency. Portability includes bare-metal platforms, with intentions to support microcontrollers with kilobytes of memory. ## Compatibility A base dictionary is being built by working through the "core" and "core extension" [glossaries](https://forth-standard.org/standard/core). These word lists are included in `compat.txt`, with "yes" indicating that the word is implemented either in `core.fth` or within Alee itself. A `sys` word is available to provide access to user-defined C++ functions. ## Building Alee requires `make` and a C++17-compatible compiler. To compile, simply run the `make` command. This will produce a library, `libalee.a`, as well as a REPL binary named `alee`. A `small` target exists that optimizes the build for size.