/** * @file conversion.cpp * @brief Manages algorithm application (converts input samples to output). * * Copyright (C) 2021 Clyne Sullivan * * Distributed under the GNU GPL v3 or later. You should have received a copy of * the GNU General Public License along with this program. * If not, see . */ #include "conversion.hpp" #include "periph/adc.hpp" #include "periph/dac.hpp" #include "elfload.hpp" #include "error.hpp" #include "runstatus.hpp" #include "samples.hpp" // MSG_* things below are macros rather than constexpr // to ensure inlining. #define MSG_CONVFIRST (1) #define MSG_CONVSECOND (2) #define MSG_CONVFIRST_MEASURE (3) #define MSG_CONVSECOND_MEASURE (4) #define MSG_FOR_FIRST(msg) (msg & 1) #define MSG_FOR_MEASURE(msg) (msg > 2) __attribute__((section(".convdata"))) thread_t *ConversionManager::m_thread_monitor = nullptr; thread_t *ConversionManager::m_thread_runner = nullptr; __attribute__((section(".stacks"))) std::array ConversionManager::m_thread_monitor_stack = {}; __attribute__((section(".stacks"))) std::array ConversionManager::m_thread_runner_entry_stack = {}; __attribute__((section(".convdata"))) std::array ConversionManager::m_thread_runner_stack = {}; std::array ConversionManager::m_mailbox_buffer; mailbox_t ConversionManager::m_mailbox = _MAILBOX_DATA(m_mailbox, m_mailbox_buffer.data(), m_mailbox_buffer.size()); void ConversionManager::begin() { m_thread_monitor = chThdCreateStatic(m_thread_monitor_stack.data(), m_thread_monitor_stack.size(), NORMALPRIO + 1, threadMonitor, nullptr); auto runner_stack_end = &m_thread_runner_stack[CONVERSION_THREAD_STACK_SIZE]; m_thread_runner = chThdCreateStatic(m_thread_runner_entry_stack.data(), m_thread_runner_entry_stack.size(), HIGHPRIO, threadRunnerEntry, runner_stack_end); } void ConversionManager::start() { Samples::Out.clear(); ADC::start(Samples::In.data(), Samples::In.size(), adcReadHandler); DAC::start(0, Samples::Out.data(), Samples::Out.size()); } void ConversionManager::startMeasurement() { ADC::setOperation(adcReadHandlerMeasure); } void ConversionManager::stop() { DAC::stop(0); ADC::stop(); } thread_t *ConversionManager::getMonitorHandle() { return m_thread_monitor; } void ConversionManager::abort(bool fpu_stacked) { ELFManager::unload(); EM.add(Error::ConversionAborted); //run_status = RunStatus::Recovering; // Confirm that the exception return thread is the algorithm... uint32_t *psp; asm("mrs %0, psp" : "=r" (psp)); bool isRunnerStack = (uint32_t)psp >= reinterpret_cast(m_thread_runner_stack.data()) && (uint32_t)psp <= reinterpret_cast(m_thread_runner_stack.data() + m_thread_runner_stack.size()); if (isRunnerStack) { // If it is, we can force the algorithm to exit by "resetting" its thread. // We do this by rebuilding the thread's stacked exception return. auto newpsp = reinterpret_cast(m_thread_runner_stack.data() + m_thread_runner_stack.size() - (fpu_stacked ? 26 : 8) * sizeof(uint32_t)); // Set the LR register to the thread's entry point. newpsp[5] = reinterpret_cast(threadRunner); // Overwrite the instruction we'll return to with "bx lr" (jump to address in LR). newpsp[6] = psp[6]; *reinterpret_cast(newpsp[6]) = 0x4770; // "bx lr" // Keep PSR contents (bit set forces Thumb mode, just in case). newpsp[7] = psp[7] | (1 << 24); // Set the new stack pointer. asm("msr psp, %0" :: "r" (newpsp)); } } void ConversionManager::threadMonitor(void *) { while (1) { msg_t message; msg_t fetch = chMBFetchTimeout(&m_mailbox, &message, TIME_INFINITE); if (fetch == MSG_OK) chMsgSend(m_thread_runner, message); } } void ConversionManager::threadRunnerEntry(void *stack) { ELFManager::unload(); port_unprivileged_jump(reinterpret_cast(threadRunner), reinterpret_cast(stack)); } __attribute__((section(".convcode"))) void ConversionManager::threadRunner(void *) { while (1) { // Sleep until we receive a mailbox message. msg_t message; asm("svc 0; mov %0, r0" : "=r" (message)); if (message != 0) { auto samples = MSG_FOR_FIRST(message) ? Samples::In.data() : Samples::In.middata(); auto size = Samples::In.size() / 2; auto entry = ELFManager::loadedElf(); if (entry) { // Below, we remember the stack pointer just in case the // loaded algorithm messes things up. uint32_t sp; if (!MSG_FOR_MEASURE(message)) { asm("mov %0, sp" : "=r" (sp)); samples = entry(samples, size); asm("mov sp, %0" :: "r" (sp)); volatile auto testRead = *samples; } else { // Start execution timer: asm("mov %0, sp; eor r0, r0; svc 2" : "=r" (sp)); samples = entry(samples, size); // Stop execution timer: asm("mov r0, #1; svc 2; mov sp, %0" :: "r" (sp)); volatile auto testRead = *samples; } } // Update the sample out buffer with the transformed samples. if (samples != nullptr) { if (MSG_FOR_FIRST(message)) Samples::Out.modify(samples, size); else Samples::Out.midmodify(samples, size); } } } } void ConversionManager::adcReadHandler(adcsample_t *buffer, size_t) { chSysLockFromISR(); // If previous request hasn't been handled, then we're going too slow. // We'll need to abort. if (chMBGetUsedCountI(&m_mailbox) > 1) { chMBResetI(&m_mailbox); chMBResumeX(&m_mailbox); chSysUnlockFromISR(); abort(); } else { // Mark the modified samples as 'fresh' or ready for manipulation. if (buffer == Samples::In.data()) { Samples::In.setModified(); chMBPostI(&m_mailbox, MSG_CONVFIRST); } else { Samples::In.setMidmodified(); chMBPostI(&m_mailbox, MSG_CONVSECOND); } chSysUnlockFromISR(); } } void ConversionManager::adcReadHandlerMeasure(adcsample_t *buffer, size_t) { chSysLockFromISR(); if (buffer == Samples::In.data()) { Samples::In.setModified(); chMBPostI(&m_mailbox, MSG_CONVFIRST_MEASURE); } else { Samples::In.setMidmodified(); chMBPostI(&m_mailbox, MSG_CONVSECOND_MEASURE); } chSysUnlockFromISR(); ADC::setOperation(adcReadHandler); }