@ -17,9 +17,13 @@ procedure Ada_Chip is
State : CPU.Instance;
State : CPU.Instance;
Delay_Timer : Natural := 0;
Delay_Timer : Natural := 0;
Sound_Timer : Natural := 0;
Sound_Timer : Natural := 0;
Model : Video.Model := Video.Chip_8;
Steps_Per_Frame : Natural := 8;
procedure Draw_Sprite (VX, VY : ISA.Register_Index; N : ISA.Byte) is
procedure Draw_Sprite (VX, VY : ISA.Register_Index; N : ISA.Byte) is
use ISA;
use ISA;
use Sf;
use Video;
X : constant Byte := State.Registers (VX);
X : constant Byte := State.Registers (VX);
Y : constant Byte := State.Registers (VY);
Y : constant Byte := State.Registers (VY);
@ -27,14 +31,45 @@ procedure Ada_Chip is
Row_Pixels : Pixel with Address => Row'Address;
Row_Pixels : Pixel with Address => Row'Address;
VF : Byte := 0;
VF : Byte := 0;
if Model = Super_Chip_10 and then N = 0 then
for I in 0 .. Byte (15) loop
Row := State.Memory (State.Address_Register + Address (I * 2));
for J in 0 .. 7 loop
if Row_Pixels (7 - J) then
if Video.Toggle_Pixel
(sfUint32 (X + Byte (J)) mod Video.Width,
sfUint32 (Y + I) mod Video.Height)
VF := 1;
end if;
end if;
end loop;
Row := State.Memory (State.Address_Register + Address (I * 2 + 1));
for J in 0 .. 7 loop
if Row_Pixels (7 - J) then
if Video.Toggle_Pixel
(sfUint32 (8 + X + Byte (J)) mod Video.Width,
sfUint32 (Y + I) mod Video.Height)
VF := 1;
end if;
end if;
end loop;
end loop;
State.Registers (15) := VF;
for I in 0 .. N - 1 loop
for I in 0 .. N - 1 loop
Row := State.Memory (State.Address_Register + Address (I));
Row := State.Memory (State.Address_Register + Address (I));
for J in 0 .. 7 loop
for J in 0 .. 7 loop
if Row_Pixels (7 - J) then
if Row_Pixels (7 - J) then
if Video.Toggle_Pixel
if Video.Toggle_Pixel
(Sf.sfUint32 ((X + Byte (J)) mod Video.Width),
(sfUint32 (X + Byte (J)) mod Video.Width,
Sf.sfUint32 ((Y + I) mod Video.Height))
sfUint32 (Y + I) mod Video.Height)
VF := 1;
VF := 1;
end if;
end if;
@ -43,6 +78,7 @@ procedure Ada_Chip is
end loop;
end loop;
State.Registers (15) := VF;
State.Registers (15) := VF;
end if;
end Draw_Sprite;
end Draw_Sprite;
procedure Run_Flow (ins : ISA.Opcode) is
procedure Run_Flow (ins : ISA.Opcode) is
@ -50,6 +86,8 @@ procedure Ada_Chip is
case ins.Value is
case ins.Value is
when ISA.Clear_Screen => Video.Clear_Screen;
when ISA.Clear_Screen => Video.Clear_Screen;
when ISA.Ret => CPU.Ret (State);
when ISA.Ret => CPU.Ret (State);
when ISA.Low_Res => Video.Low_Res;
when ISA.High_Res => Video.High_Res;
when others =>
when others =>
Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line ("Machine code calls are unsupported!");
Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line ("Machine code calls are unsupported!");
delay 1.0;
delay 1.0;
@ -85,10 +123,35 @@ procedure Ada_Chip is
when Set_Sound => Sound_Timer := Natural (State.Registers (X));
when Set_Sound => Sound_Timer := Natural (State.Registers (X));
when Reg_Store => CPU.Reg_Store (State, X);
when Reg_Store => CPU.Reg_Store (State, X);
when Reg_Load => CPU.Reg_Load (State, X);
when Reg_Load => CPU.Reg_Load (State, X);
when Reg_Store_X => declare
I : constant Address := State.Address_Register;
State.Address_Register := CPU.RPL_Stash;
CPU.Reg_Store (State, X);
State.Address_Register := I;
when Reg_Load_X => declare
I : constant Address := State.Address_Register;
State.Address_Register := CPU.RPL_Stash;
CPU.Reg_Load (State, X);
State.Address_Register := I;
when Add_Address => State.Address_Register :=
when Add_Address => State.Address_Register :=
State.Address_Register + Address (State.Registers (X));
State.Address_Register + Address (State.Registers (X));
when Get_Font =>
when Get_Font => declare
State.Address_Register := Address (State.Registers (X) mod 16) * 5;
use Video;
VX : constant Byte := State.Registers (X);
if Model = Video.Super_Chip_10 and then VX > 15 then
State.Address_Register := Address (VX mod 16) * 10 + 80;
State.Address_Register := Address (VX mod 16) * 5;
end if;
when Get_Font_10 =>
State.Address_Register := Address (State.Registers (X) mod 16)
* 10 + 80;
when Get_BCD =>
when Get_BCD =>
State.Memory (State.Address_Register) :=
State.Memory (State.Address_Register) :=
State.Registers (X) / 100;
State.Registers (X) / 100;
@ -143,17 +206,46 @@ procedure Ada_Chip is
end case;
end case;
end Run_Step;
end Run_Step;
Steps_Per_Frame : constant := 8;
Beep_Sound : constant Sf.Audio.sfSound_Ptr := Sf.Audio.Sound.create;
Beep_Sound : constant Sf.Audio.sfSound_Ptr := Sf.Audio.Sound.create;
Beep_Sound_Buffer : constant Sf.Audio.sfSoundBuffer_Ptr :=
Beep_Sound_Buffer : constant Sf.Audio.sfSoundBuffer_Ptr :=
Sf.Audio.SoundBuffer.createFromFile ("beep.ogg");
Sf.Audio.SoundBuffer.createFromFile ("beep.ogg");
File_Loaded : Boolean := False;
if Ada.Command_Line.Argument_Count /= 1 then
for I in 1 .. Ada.Command_Line.Argument_Count loop
Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line ("usage: adachip <.c8 file>");
Arg : constant String := Ada.Command_Line.Argument (I);
if Arg = "--schip" then
Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line ("Super-CHIP model selected.");
Model := Video.Super_Chip_10;
if Arg'Length > 6
and then Arg (1 .. 6) = "--spf="
Steps_Per_Frame := Natural'Value (Arg (7 .. Arg'Length));
if File_Loaded then
Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line ("More than one ROM specified!");
File_Loaded := False;
Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line ("Loading ROM: " &
Ada.Command_Line.Argument (I));
CPU.Load_File (State, Ada.Command_Line.Argument (I));
File_Loaded := True;
end if;
end if;
end if;
end loop;
if not File_Loaded then
Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line ("usage: adachip [flags] <.c8 file>");
Video.Initialize (Model);
Random_Byte.Reset (Random_Generator);
Random_Byte.Reset (Random_Generator);
CPU.Load_File (State, Ada.Command_Line.Argument (1));
Sf.Audio.Sound.setBuffer (Beep_Sound, Beep_Sound_Buffer);
Sf.Audio.Sound.setBuffer (Beep_Sound, Beep_Sound_Buffer);
while Video.Is_Running loop
while Video.Is_Running loop