#ifndef __QFPLIB_M0_FULL_H__ #define __QFPLIB_M0_FULL_H__ /* Copyright 2019-2024 Mark Owen http://www.quinapalus.com E-mail: qfp@quinapalus.com This file is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation. This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this file. If not, see or write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ typedef unsigned int ui32; typedef int i32; typedef unsigned long long int ui64; typedef long long int i64; extern float qfp_fadd (float x,float y); extern float qfp_fsub (float x,float y); extern float qfp_fmul (float x,float y); extern float qfp_fdiv (float x,float y); extern int qfp_fcmp (float x,float y); extern float qfp_fsqrt (float x); extern i32 qfp_float2int (float x); extern i32 qfp_float2fix (float x,int f); extern ui32 qfp_float2uint (float x); extern ui32 qfp_float2ufix (float x,int f); extern float qfp_int2float (i32 x); extern float qfp_fix2float (i32 x,int f); extern float qfp_uint2float (ui32 x); extern float qfp_ufix2float (ui32 x,int f); extern float qfp_int642float (i64 x); extern float qfp_fix642float (i64 x,int f); extern float qfp_uint642float (ui64 x); extern float qfp_ufix642float (ui64 x,int f); extern float qfp_fcos (float x); extern float qfp_fsin (float x); extern float qfp_ftan (float x); extern float qfp_fatan2 (float y,float x); extern float qfp_fexp (float x); extern float qfp_fln (float x); extern double qfp_dadd (double x,double y); extern double qfp_dsub (double x,double y); extern double qfp_dmul (double x,double y); extern double qfp_ddiv (double x,double y); extern double qfp_dsqrt (double x); extern double qfp_dcos (double x); extern double qfp_dsin (double x); extern double qfp_dtan (double x); extern double qfp_datan2 (double y,double x); extern double qfp_dexp (double x); extern double qfp_dln (double x); extern int qfp_dcmp (double x,double y); extern i64 qfp_float2int64 (float x); extern i64 qfp_float2fix64 (float x,int f); extern ui64 qfp_float2uint64 (float x); extern ui64 qfp_float2ufix64 (float x,int f); extern i32 qfp_float2int_z (float x); extern i64 qfp_float2int64_z (float x); extern i32 qfp_double2int (double x); extern i32 qfp_double2fix (double x,int f); extern ui32 qfp_double2uint (double x); extern ui32 qfp_double2ufix (double x,int f); extern i64 qfp_double2int64 (double x); extern i64 qfp_double2fix64 (double x,int f); extern ui64 qfp_double2uint64 (double x); extern ui64 qfp_double2ufix64 (double x,int f); extern i32 qfp_double2int_z (double x); extern i64 qfp_double2int64_z(double x); extern double qfp_int2double (i32 x); extern double qfp_fix2double (i32 x,int f); extern double qfp_uint2double (ui32 x); extern double qfp_ufix2double (ui32 x,int f); extern double qfp_int642double (i64 x); extern double qfp_fix642double (i64 x,int f); extern double qfp_uint642double (ui64 x); extern double qfp_ufix642double (ui64 x,int f); extern float qfp_double2float (double x); extern double qfp_float2double (float x); #endif