#ifndef LOGVIEW_H #define LOGVIEW_H #include // Adapted from ExampleAppLog from imgui_demo.cpp class LogView { public: LogView() { Clear(); } void Clear() { Buf.clear(); LineOffsets.clear(); LineOffsets.push_back(0); } void AddLog(const std::string& str) { AddLog(str.c_str()); } void AddLog(const char* fmt, ...) IM_FMTARGS(2) { int old_size = Buf.size(); va_list args; va_start(args, fmt); Buf.appendfv(fmt, args); Buf.appendfv("\n", args); va_end(args); for (int new_size = Buf.size(); old_size < new_size; old_size++) if (Buf[old_size] == '\n') LineOffsets.push_back(old_size + 1); } void Draw(const char* title, bool* p_open = NULL, ImGuiWindowFlags flags = 0) { if (!ImGui::Begin(title, p_open, flags)) { ImGui::End(); return; } ImGui::Text("Log "); ImGui::SameLine(); if (ImGui::Button("Clear")) Clear(); ImGui::SameLine(); if (ImGui::Button("Copy")) ImGui::LogToClipboard(); ImGui::Separator(); ImGui::BeginChild("scrolling", ImVec2(0, 0), false, ImGuiWindowFlags_HorizontalScrollbar); ImGui::PushStyleVar(ImGuiStyleVar_ItemSpacing, ImVec2(0, 0)); const char* buf = Buf.begin(); const char* buf_end = Buf.end(); ImGuiListClipper clipper; clipper.Begin(LineOffsets.Size); while (clipper.Step()) { for (int line_no = clipper.DisplayStart; line_no < clipper.DisplayEnd; line_no++) { const char* line_start = buf + LineOffsets[line_no]; const char* line_end = (line_no + 1 < LineOffsets.Size) ? (buf + LineOffsets[line_no + 1] - 1) : buf_end; ImGui::TextUnformatted(line_start, line_end); } } clipper.End(); ImGui::PopStyleVar(); if (ImGui::GetScrollY() >= ImGui::GetScrollMaxY()) ImGui::SetScrollHereY(1.0f); ImGui::EndChild(); ImGui::End(); } private: ImGuiTextBuffer Buf; ImVector LineOffsets; // Index to lines offset. We maintain this with AddLog() calls. }; #endif // LOGVIEW_H