2018-05-08  Toni Rönkkö

	* Version 1.23.2: fixes bad scandir prototype.

2017-08-27  Toni Rönkkö

	* Version 1.23: support readdir_r and scandir functions.

2017-07-18  Toni Rönkkö

	* Created release branches v1.22 and v1.21 to Git.  Published version
	1.22 at softagalleria.net.

2016-09-11  Toni Rönkkö

	* Version 1.22: added support for CMake.  Thanks to Paul Fultz II.

2014-09-25  Toni Rönkkö

	* Version 1.21: compiles correctly under Open Watcom.  Thanks to
	Virgil Banowetz for a patch!

2014-04-07  Toni Rönkkö

	* Version 1.20.1: the zip file from the previous version did not open
	correctly with Microsoft's compressed folders.  Thanks to Alexandre
	for info!

2014-03-17  Toni Ronkko

	* Version 1.20: dirent.h compiles correctly in 64-bit architecture.
	Thanks to Aaron Simmons!

2014-03-03  Toni Ronkko

	* Version 1.13.2: define DT_LNK for compatibility with Unix
	programs.  Thanks to Joel Bruick for suggestion!

2013-01-27  Toni Ronkko

	* Version 1.13.1: patch from Edward Berner fixes set_errno() on
	Windows NT 4.0.

	* Revised wcstombs() and mbstowcs() wrappers to make sure that they do
	not write past their target string.

	* PATH_MAX from windows.h includes zero terminator so there is no
	need to add one extra byte to variables and structures.

2012-12-12  Toni Ronkko

	* Version 1.13: use the traditional 8+3 file naming scheme if a file
	name cannot be represented in the default ANSI code page.  Now
	compiles again with MSVC 6.0.  Thanks to Konstantin Khomoutov for

2012-10-01  Toni Ronkko

	* Version 1.12.1: renamed wide-character DIR structure _wDIR to
	_WDIR (with capital W) in order to maintain compatibility with MingW.

2012-09-30  Toni Ronkko

	* Version 1.12: define PATH_MAX and NAME_MAX.  Added wide-character
	variants _wDIR, _wdirent, _wopendir(), _wreaddir(), _wclosedir() and
	_wrewinddir().  Thanks to Edgar Buerkle and Jan Nijtmans for ideas
	and code.

	* Now avoiding windows.h.  This allows dirent.h to be integrated
	more easily into programs using winsock.  Thanks to Fernando

2011-03-15  Toni Ronkko

	* Version 1.11: defined FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DEVICE for MSVC 6.0.

2010-08-11  Toni Ronkko

	* Version 1.10: added d_type and d_namlen fields to dirent structure.
	The former is especially useful for determining whether directory
	entry represents a file or a directory.  For more information, see

	* Improved conformance to the standards.  For example, errno is now
	set properly on failure and assert() is never used.  Thanks to Peter
	Brockam for suggestions.

	* Fixed a bug in rewinddir(): when using relative directory names,
	change of working directory no longer causes rewinddir() to fail.

2009-12-15  John Cunningham

	* Version 1.9: added rewinddir member function

2008-01-18  Toni Ronkko

	* Version 1.8: Using FindFirstFileA and WIN32_FIND_DATAA to avoid
	converting string between multi-byte and unicode representations.
	This makes the code simpler and also allows the code to be compiled
	under MingW.  Thanks to Azriel Fasten for the suggestion.

2007-03-04  Toni Ronkko

	* Bug fix: due to the strncpy_s() function this file only compiled in
	Visual Studio 2005.  Using the new string functions only when the
	compiler version allows.

2006-11-02  Toni Ronkko

	* Major update: removed support for Watcom C, MS-DOS and Turbo C to
	simplify the file, updated the code to compile cleanly on Visual
	Studio 2005 with both unicode and multi-byte character strings,
	removed rewinddir() as it had a bug.

2006-08-20  Toni Ronkko

	* Removed all remarks about MSVC 1.0, which is antiqued now.
	Simplified comments by removing SGML tags.

2002-05-14  Toni Ronkko

	* Embedded the function definitions directly to the header so that no
	source modules need to be included in the Visual Studio project.
	Removed all the dependencies to other projects so that this header
	file can be used independently.

1998-05-28  Toni Ronkko

	* First version.