/** ****************************************************************************** * @file stm32u0xx_ll_rcc.h * @author MCD Application Team * @brief Header file of RCC LL module. ****************************************************************************** * @attention * * Copyright (c) 2023 STMicroelectronics. * All rights reserved. * * This software is licensed under terms that can be found in the LICENSE file * in the root directory of this software component. * If no LICENSE file comes with this software, it is provided AS-IS. * ****************************************************************************** */ /* Define to prevent recursive inclusion -------------------------------------*/ #ifndef __STM32U0xx_LL_RCC_H #define __STM32U0xx_LL_RCC_H #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif /* Includes ------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #include "stm32u0xx.h" /** @addtogroup STM32U0xx_LL_Driver * @{ */ #if defined(RCC) /** @defgroup RCC_LL RCC * @{ */ /* Private types -------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Private variables ---------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Private constants ---------------------------------------------------------*/ /** @defgroup RCC_LL_Private_Constants RCC Private Constants * @{ */ /* Defines used to perform offsets*/ /* Offset used to access to RCC_CCIPR and RCC_CCIPR2 registers */ #define RCC_OFFSET_CCIPR 0U /** * @} */ /* Private macros ------------------------------------------------------------*/ #if defined(USE_FULL_LL_DRIVER) /** @defgroup RCC_LL_Private_Macros RCC Private Macros * @{ */ /** * @} */ #endif /*USE_FULL_LL_DRIVER*/ /* Exported types ------------------------------------------------------------*/ #if defined(USE_FULL_LL_DRIVER) /** @defgroup RCC_LL_Exported_Types RCC Exported Types * @{ */ /** @defgroup LL_ES_CLOCK_FREQ Clocks Frequency Structure * @{ */ /** * @brief RCC Clocks Frequency Structure */ typedef struct { uint32_t SYSCLK_Frequency; /*!< SYSCLK clock frequency */ uint32_t HCLK_Frequency; /*!< HCLK clock frequency */ uint32_t PCLK1_Frequency; /*!< PCLK1 clock frequency */ } LL_RCC_ClocksTypeDef; /** * @} */ /** * @} */ #endif /* USE_FULL_LL_DRIVER */ /* Exported constants --------------------------------------------------------*/ /** @defgroup RCC_LL_Exported_Constants RCC Exported Constants * @{ */ /** @defgroup RCC_LL_EC_OSC_VALUES Oscillator Values adaptation * @brief Defines used to adapt values of different oscillators * @note These values could be modified in the user environment according to * HW set-up. * @{ */ #if !defined (HSE_VALUE) #define HSE_VALUE 8000000U /*!< Value of the HSE oscillator in Hz */ #endif /* HSE_VALUE */ #if !defined (HSI_VALUE) #define HSI_VALUE 16000000U /*!< Value of the HSI oscillator in Hz */ #endif /* HSI_VALUE */ #if !defined (LSE_VALUE) #define LSE_VALUE 32768U /*!< Value of the LSE oscillator in Hz */ #endif /* LSE_VALUE */ #if !defined (LSI_VALUE) #define LSI_VALUE 32000U /*!< Value of the LSI oscillator in Hz */ #endif /* LSI_VALUE */ #if !defined (HSI48_VALUE) #define HSI48_VALUE 48000000U /*!< Value of the HSI48 oscillator in Hz */ #endif /* HSI48_VALUE */ /** * @} */ /** @defgroup RCC_LL_EC_CLEAR_FLAG Clear Flags Defines * @brief Flags defines which can be used with LL_RCC_WriteReg function * @{ */ #define LL_RCC_CICR_LSIRDYC RCC_CICR_LSIRDYC /*!< LSI Ready Interrupt Clear */ #define LL_RCC_CICR_LSERDYC RCC_CICR_LSERDYC /*!< LSE Ready Interrupt Clear */ #define LL_RCC_CICR_MSIRDYC RCC_CICR_MSIRDYC /*!< MSI Ready Interrupt Clear */ #define LL_RCC_CICR_HSIRDYC RCC_CICR_HSIRDYC /*!< HSI Ready Interrupt Clear */ #define LL_RCC_CICR_HSERDYC RCC_CICR_HSERDYC /*!< HSE Ready Interrupt Clear */ #define LL_RCC_CICR_PLLRDYC RCC_CICR_PLLRDYC /*!< PLL Ready Interrupt Clear */ #define LL_RCC_CICR_CSSC RCC_CICR_CSSC /*!< Clock Security System Interrupt Clear */ #define LL_RCC_CICR_LSECSSC RCC_CICR_LSECSSC /*!< LSE Clock Security System Interrupt Clear */ #if defined(RCC_CRRCR_HSI48ON) #define LL_RCC_CICR_HSI48RDYC RCC_CICR_HSI48RDYC /*!< HSI48 Clock Security System Interrupt Clear */ #endif /* RCC_CRRCR_HSI48ON */ /** * @} */ /** @defgroup RCC_LL_EC_GET_FLAG Get Flags Defines * @brief Flags defines which can be used with LL_RCC_ReadReg function * @{ */ #define LL_RCC_CIFR_LSIRDYF RCC_CIFR_LSIRDYF /*!< LSI Ready Interrupt flag */ #define LL_RCC_CIFR_LSERDYF RCC_CIFR_LSERDYF /*!< LSE Ready Interrupt flag */ #define LL_RCC_CIFR_MSIRDYF RCC_CIFR_MSIRDYF /*!< MSI Ready Interrupt flag */ #define LL_RCC_CIFR_HSIRDYF RCC_CIFR_HSIRDYF /*!< HSI Ready Interrupt flag */ #define LL_RCC_CIFR_HSERDYF RCC_CIFR_HSERDYF /*!< HSE Ready Interrupt flag */ #define LL_RCC_CIFR_PLLRDYF RCC_CIFR_PLLRDYF /*!< PLL Ready Interrupt flag */ #define LL_RCC_CIFR_CSSF RCC_CIFR_CSSF /*!< HSE Clock Security System Interrupt flag */ #define LL_RCC_CIFR_LSECSSF RCC_CIFR_LSECSSF /*!< LSE Clock Security System Interrupt flag */ #if defined(RCC_CRRCR_HSI48ON) #define LL_RCC_CIFR_HSI48RDYF RCC_CIFR_HSI48RDYF /*!< HSI48 Ready Interrupt flag */ #endif /* RCC_CRRCR_HSI48ON */ #define LL_RCC_CSR_RMVF RCC_CSR_RMVF /*!< Low-Power reset flag */ #define LL_RCC_CSR_OBLRSTF RCC_CSR_OBLRSTF /*!< OBL reset flag */ #define LL_RCC_CSR_PINRSTF RCC_CSR_PINRSTF /*!< PIN reset flag */ #define LL_RCC_CSR_PWRRSTF RCC_CSR_PWRRSTF /*!< PWR reset flag */ #define LL_RCC_CSR_SFTRSTF RCC_CSR_SFTRSTF /*!< Software Reset flag */ #define LL_RCC_CSR_IWDGRSTF RCC_CSR_IWDGRSTF /*!< Independent Watchdog reset flag */ #define LL_RCC_CSR_WWDGRSTF RCC_CSR_WWDGRSTF /*!< Window watchdog reset flag */ #define LL_RCC_CSR_LPWRRSTF RCC_CSR_LPWRRSTF /*!< Low-Power reset flag */ /** * @} */ /** @defgroup RCC_LL_EC_IT IT Defines * @brief IT defines which can be used with LL_RCC_ReadReg and LL_RCC_WriteReg functions * @{ */ #define LL_RCC_CIER_LSIRDYIE RCC_CIER_LSIRDYIE /*!< LSI Ready Interrupt Enable */ #define LL_RCC_CIER_LSERDYIE RCC_CIER_LSERDYIE /*!< LSE Ready Interrupt Enable */ #define LL_RCC_CIER_MSIRDYIE RCC_CIER_MSIRDYIE /*!< MSI Ready Interrupt Enable */ #define LL_RCC_CIER_HSIRDYIE RCC_CIER_HSIRDYIE /*!< HSI Ready Interrupt Enable */ #define LL_RCC_CIER_HSERDYIE RCC_CIER_HSERDYIE /*!< HSE Ready Interrupt Enable */ #define LL_RCC_CIER_PLLRDYIE RCC_CIER_PLLRDYIE /*!< PLL Ready Interrupt Enable */ #define LL_RCC_CIER_LSECSSIE RCC_CIER_LSECSSIE /*!< LSE CSS Interrupt Enable */ #if defined(RCC_CRRCR_HSI48ON) #define LL_RCC_CIER_HSI48RDYIE RCC_CIER_HSI48RDYIE /*!< HSI48 Ready Interrupt Enable */ #endif /* RCC_CRRCR_HSI48ON */ /** * @} */ /** @defgroup RCC_LL_EC_LSIPRE LSI prescaler * @{ */ #define LL_RCC_LSI_DIV_1 0UL /*!< LSI divided by 1 */ #define LL_RCC_LSI_DIV_128 RCC_CSR_LSIPREDIV /*!< LSI divided by 128 */ /** * @} */ /** @defgroup RCC_LL_EC_LSEDRIVE LSE oscillator drive capability * @{ */ #define LL_RCC_LSEDRIVE_LOW 0x00000000U /*!< Xtal mode lower driving capability */ #define LL_RCC_LSEDRIVE_MEDIUMLOW RCC_BDCR_LSEDRV_0 /*!< Xtal mode medium low driving capability */ #define LL_RCC_LSEDRIVE_MEDIUMHIGH RCC_BDCR_LSEDRV_1 /*!< Xtal mode medium high driving capability */ #define LL_RCC_LSEDRIVE_HIGH RCC_BDCR_LSEDRV /*!< Xtal mode higher driving capability */ /** * @} */ /** @defgroup RCC_LL_EC_MSIRANGE MSI clock ranges * @{ */ #define LL_RCC_MSIRANGE_0 RCC_CR_MSIRANGE_0 /*!< MSI = 100 KHz */ #define LL_RCC_MSIRANGE_1 RCC_CR_MSIRANGE_1 /*!< MSI = 200 KHz */ #define LL_RCC_MSIRANGE_2 RCC_CR_MSIRANGE_2 /*!< MSI = 400 KHz */ #define LL_RCC_MSIRANGE_3 RCC_CR_MSIRANGE_3 /*!< MSI = 800 KHz */ #define LL_RCC_MSIRANGE_4 RCC_CR_MSIRANGE_4 /*!< MSI = 1 MHz */ #define LL_RCC_MSIRANGE_5 RCC_CR_MSIRANGE_5 /*!< MSI = 2 MHz */ #define LL_RCC_MSIRANGE_6 RCC_CR_MSIRANGE_6 /*!< MSI = 4 MHz */ #define LL_RCC_MSIRANGE_7 RCC_CR_MSIRANGE_7 /*!< MSI = 8 MHz */ #define LL_RCC_MSIRANGE_8 RCC_CR_MSIRANGE_8 /*!< MSI = 16 MHz */ #define LL_RCC_MSIRANGE_9 RCC_CR_MSIRANGE_9 /*!< MSI = 24 MHz */ #define LL_RCC_MSIRANGE_10 RCC_CR_MSIRANGE_10 /*!< MSI = 32 MHz */ #define LL_RCC_MSIRANGE_11 RCC_CR_MSIRANGE_11 /*!< MSI = 48 MHz */ /** * @} */ /** @defgroup RCC_LL_EC_MSISRANGE MSI range after Standby mode * @{ */ #define LL_RCC_MSISRANGE_4 RCC_CSR_MSISTBYRG_1 /*!< MSI = 1 MHz */ #define LL_RCC_MSISRANGE_5 RCC_CSR_MSISTBYRG_2 /*!< MSI = 2 MHz */ #define LL_RCC_MSISRANGE_6 RCC_CSR_MSISTBYRG_4 /*!< MSI = 4 MHz */ #define LL_RCC_MSISRANGE_7 RCC_CSR_MSISTBYRG_8 /*!< MSI = 8 MHz */ /** * @} */ /** @defgroup RCC_LL_EC_LSCO_CLKSOURCE LSCO Selection * @{ */ #define LL_RCC_LSCO_CLKSOURCE_LSI 0x00000000U /*!< LSI selection for low speed clock */ #define LL_RCC_LSCO_CLKSOURCE_LSE RCC_BDCR_LSCOSEL /*!< LSE selection for low speed clock */ /** * @} */ /** @defgroup RCC_LL_EC_SYS_CLKSOURCE System clock switch * @{ */ #define LL_RCC_SYS_CLKSOURCE_MSI (0x00000000U) /*!< MSI selection as system clock */ #define LL_RCC_SYS_CLKSOURCE_HSI RCC_CFGR_SW_0 /*!< HSI selection as system clock */ #define LL_RCC_SYS_CLKSOURCE_HSE RCC_CFGR_SW_1 /*!< HSE selection as system clock */ #define LL_RCC_SYS_CLKSOURCE_PLL (RCC_CFGR_SW_1 | RCC_CFGR_SW_0) /*!< PLL selection as system clock */ #define LL_RCC_SYS_CLKSOURCE_LSI RCC_CFGR_SW_2 /*!< LSI selection as system clock */ #define LL_RCC_SYS_CLKSOURCE_LSE (RCC_CFGR_SW_2 |RCC_CFGR_SW_0) /*!< LSE selection as system clock */ /** * @} */ /** @defgroup RCC_LL_EC_SYS_CLKSOURCE_STATUS System clock switch status * @{ */ #define LL_RCC_SYS_CLKSOURCE_STATUS_MSI (0x00000000U) /*!< MSI used as system clock */ #define LL_RCC_SYS_CLKSOURCE_STATUS_HSI RCC_CFGR_SWS_0 /*!< HSI used as system clock */ #define LL_RCC_SYS_CLKSOURCE_STATUS_HSE RCC_CFGR_SWS_1 /*!< HSE used as system clock */ #define LL_RCC_SYS_CLKSOURCE_STATUS_PLL (RCC_CFGR_SWS_1 | RCC_CFGR_SWS_0) /*!< PLL used as system clock */ #define LL_RCC_SYS_CLKSOURCE_STATUS_LSI RCC_CFGR_SWS_2 /*!< LSI used as system clock */ #define LL_RCC_SYS_CLKSOURCE_STATUS_LSE (RCC_CFGR_SWS_2 |RCC_CFGR_SWS_0) /*!< LSE used as system clock */ /** * @} */ /** @defgroup RCC_LL_EC_SYSCLK_DIV AHB prescaler * @{ */ #define LL_RCC_SYSCLK_DIV_1 (0x00000000U) /*!< SYSCLK not divided */ #define LL_RCC_SYSCLK_DIV_2 RCC_CFGR_HPRE_3 /*!< SYSCLK divided by 2 */ #define LL_RCC_SYSCLK_DIV_4 (RCC_CFGR_HPRE_3 | RCC_CFGR_HPRE_0) /*!< SYSCLK divided by 4 */ #define LL_RCC_SYSCLK_DIV_8 (RCC_CFGR_HPRE_3 | RCC_CFGR_HPRE_1) /*!< SYSCLK divided by 8 */ #define LL_RCC_SYSCLK_DIV_16 (RCC_CFGR_HPRE_3 | RCC_CFGR_HPRE_1 | RCC_CFGR_HPRE_0) /*!< SYSCLK divided by 16 */ #define LL_RCC_SYSCLK_DIV_64 (RCC_CFGR_HPRE_3 | RCC_CFGR_HPRE_2) /*!< SYSCLK divided by 64 */ #define LL_RCC_SYSCLK_DIV_128 (RCC_CFGR_HPRE_3 | RCC_CFGR_HPRE_2 | RCC_CFGR_HPRE_0) /*!< SYSCLK divided by 128 */ #define LL_RCC_SYSCLK_DIV_256 (RCC_CFGR_HPRE_3 | RCC_CFGR_HPRE_2 | RCC_CFGR_HPRE_1) /*!< SYSCLK divided by 256 */ #define LL_RCC_SYSCLK_DIV_512 (RCC_CFGR_HPRE_3 | RCC_CFGR_HPRE_2 | RCC_CFGR_HPRE_1 | RCC_CFGR_HPRE_0) /*!< SYSCLK divided by 512 */ /** * @} */ /** @defgroup RCC_LL_EC_APB1_DIV APB low-speed prescaler (APB1) * @{ */ #define LL_RCC_APB1_DIV_1 (0x00000000U) /*!< APB not divided */ #define LL_RCC_APB1_DIV_2 RCC_CFGR_PPRE_2 /*!< APB divided by 2 */ #define LL_RCC_APB1_DIV_4 (RCC_CFGR_PPRE_2 | RCC_CFGR_PPRE_0) /*!< APB divided by 4 */ #define LL_RCC_APB1_DIV_8 (RCC_CFGR_PPRE_2 | RCC_CFGR_PPRE_1) /*!< APB divided by 8 */ #define LL_RCC_APB1_DIV_16 (RCC_CFGR_PPRE_2 | RCC_CFGR_PPRE_1 | RCC_CFGR_PPRE_0) /*!< APB divided by 16 */ /** * @} */ /** @defgroup RCC_LL_EC_STOP_WAKEUPCLOCK Wakeup from Stop and CSS backup clock selection * @{ */ #define LL_RCC_STOP_WAKEUPCLOCK_MSI 0x00000000U /*!< MSI selection after wake-up from STOP */ #define LL_RCC_STOP_WAKEUPCLOCK_HSI RCC_CFGR_STOPWUCK /*!< HSI selection after wake-up from STOP */ /** * @} */ /** @defgroup RCC_LL_EC_MCO1SOURCE MCO1 SOURCE selection * @{ */ #define LL_RCC_MCO1SOURCE_NOCLOCK (uint32_t)((RCC_CFGR_MCO1SEL>>16U) | 0x00000000U) /*!< MCO output disabled, no clock on MCO */ #define LL_RCC_MCO1SOURCE_SYSCLK (uint32_t)((RCC_CFGR_MCO1SEL>>16U) | RCC_CFGR_MCO1SEL_0) /*!< SYSCLK selection as MCO1 source */ #define LL_RCC_MCO1SOURCE_MSI (uint32_t)((RCC_CFGR_MCO1SEL>>16U) | RCC_CFGR_MCO1SEL_1) /*!< MSI selection as MCO1 source */ #define LL_RCC_MCO1SOURCE_HSI16 (uint32_t)((RCC_CFGR_MCO1SEL>>16U) | RCC_CFGR_MCO1SEL_1 |\ RCC_CFGR_MCO1SEL_0) /*!< HSI16 selection as MCO1 source */ #define LL_RCC_MCO1SOURCE_HSE (uint32_t)((RCC_CFGR_MCO1SEL>>16U) | RCC_CFGR_MCO1SEL_2) /*!< HSE selection as MCO1 source */ #define LL_RCC_MCO1SOURCE_PLLCLK (uint32_t)((RCC_CFGR_MCO1SEL>>16U) | RCC_CFGR_MCO1SEL_2 |\ RCC_CFGR_MCO1SEL_0) /*!< Main PLL selection as MCO1 source */ #define LL_RCC_MCO1SOURCE_LSI (uint32_t)((RCC_CFGR_MCO1SEL>>16U) | RCC_CFGR_MCO1SEL_2 |\ RCC_CFGR_MCO1SEL_1) /*!< LSI selection as MCO1 source */ #define LL_RCC_MCO1SOURCE_LSE (uint32_t)((RCC_CFGR_MCO1SEL>>16U) | RCC_CFGR_MCO1SEL_2 |\ RCC_CFGR_MCO1SEL_1 | RCC_CFGR_MCO1SEL_0) /*!< LSE selection as MCO1 source */ #if defined(RCC_CRRCR_HSI48ON) #define LL_RCC_MCO1SOURCE_HSI48 (uint32_t)((RCC_CFGR_MCO1SEL>>16U) | RCC_CFGR_MCO1SEL_3) /*!< HSI48 selection as MCO1 source */ #endif /* RCC_CRRCR_HSI48ON */ #define LL_RCC_MCO1SOURCE_RTC (uint32_t)((RCC_CFGR_MCO1SEL>>16U) | RCC_CFGR_MCO1SEL_3 |\ RCC_CFGR_MCO1SEL_0) /*!< RTC alter clk selection as MCO1 source */ #define LL_RCC_MCO1SOURCE_RTCWUPI (uint32_t)((RCC_CFGR_MCO1SEL>>16U) | RCC_CFGR_MCO1SEL_3 |\ RCC_CFGR_MCO1SEL_1) /*!< RTC wakeup interrupt signal selection as MCO1 source */ /** * @} */ /** @defgroup RCC_LL_EC_MCO1_DIV MCO1 prescaler * @{ */ #define LL_RCC_MCO1_DIV_1 (uint32_t)((RCC_CFGR_MCO1PRE>>16U) | 0x00000000U) /*!< MCO not divided */ #define LL_RCC_MCO1_DIV_2 (uint32_t)((RCC_CFGR_MCO1PRE>>16U) | RCC_CFGR_MCO1PRE_0) /*!< MCO divided by 2 */ #define LL_RCC_MCO1_DIV_4 (uint32_t)((RCC_CFGR_MCO1PRE>>16U) | RCC_CFGR_MCO1PRE_1) /*!< MCO divided by 4 */ #define LL_RCC_MCO1_DIV_8 (uint32_t)((RCC_CFGR_MCO1PRE>>16U) | RCC_CFGR_MCO1PRE_1 |\ RCC_CFGR_MCO1PRE_0) /*!< MCO divided by 8 */ #define LL_RCC_MCO1_DIV_16 (uint32_t)((RCC_CFGR_MCO1PRE>>16U) | RCC_CFGR_MCO1PRE_2) /*!< MCO divided by 16 */ #define LL_RCC_MCO1_DIV_32 (uint32_t)((RCC_CFGR_MCO1PRE>>16U) | RCC_CFGR_MCO1PRE_2 |\ RCC_CFGR_MCO1PRE_0) /*!< MCO divided by 32 */ #define LL_RCC_MCO1_DIV_64 (uint32_t)((RCC_CFGR_MCO1PRE>>16U) | RCC_CFGR_MCO1PRE_2 |\ RCC_CFGR_MCO1PRE_1) /*!< MCO divided by 64 */ #define LL_RCC_MCO1_DIV_128 (uint32_t)((RCC_CFGR_MCO1PRE>>16U) | RCC_CFGR_MCO1PRE_2 |\ RCC_CFGR_MCO1PRE_1 | RCC_CFGR_MCO1PRE_0) /*!< MCO divided by 128 */ #define LL_RCC_MCO1_DIV_256 (uint32_t)((RCC_CFGR_MCO1PRE>>16U) | RCC_CFGR_MCO1PRE_3) /*!< MCO divided by 256 */ #define LL_RCC_MCO1_DIV_512 (uint32_t)((RCC_CFGR_MCO1PRE>>16U) | RCC_CFGR_MCO1PRE_3 |\ RCC_CFGR_MCO1PRE_0) /*!< MCO divided by 512 */ #define LL_RCC_MCO1_DIV_1024 (uint32_t)((RCC_CFGR_MCO1PRE>>16U) | RCC_CFGR_MCO1PRE_3 |\ RCC_CFGR_MCO1PRE_1) /*!< MCO divided by 1024 */ /** * @} */ /** @defgroup RCC_LL_EC_MCO2SOURCE MCO2 SOURCE selection * @{ */ #define LL_RCC_MCO2SOURCE_NOCLOCK (uint32_t)((RCC_CFGR_MCO2SEL>>16U) | 0x00000000U) /*!< MCO output disabled, no clock on MCO2 */ #define LL_RCC_MCO2SOURCE_SYSCLK (uint32_t)((RCC_CFGR_MCO2SEL>>16U) | RCC_CFGR_MCO2SEL_0) /*!< SYSCLK selection as MCO2 source */ #define LL_RCC_MCO2SOURCE_MSI (uint32_t)((RCC_CFGR_MCO2SEL>>16U) | RCC_CFGR_MCO2SEL_1) /*!< MSI selection as MCO2 source */ #define LL_RCC_MCO2SOURCE_HSI16 (uint32_t)((RCC_CFGR_MCO2SEL>>16U) | RCC_CFGR_MCO2SEL_1 |\ RCC_CFGR_MCO2SEL_0) /*!< HSI16 selection as MCO2 source */ #define LL_RCC_MCO2SOURCE_HSE (uint32_t)((RCC_CFGR_MCO2SEL>>16U) | RCC_CFGR_MCO2SEL_2) /*!< HSE selection as MCO2 source */ #define LL_RCC_MCO2SOURCE_PLLCLK (uint32_t)((RCC_CFGR_MCO2SEL>>16U) | RCC_CFGR_MCO2SEL_2 |\ RCC_CFGR_MCO2SEL_0) /*!< Main PLL selection as MCO2 source */ #define LL_RCC_MCO2SOURCE_LSI (uint32_t)((RCC_CFGR_MCO2SEL>>16U) | RCC_CFGR_MCO2SEL_2 |\ RCC_CFGR_MCO2SEL_1) /*!< LSI selection as MCO2 source */ #define LL_RCC_MCO2SOURCE_LSE (uint32_t)((RCC_CFGR_MCO2SEL>>16U) | RCC_CFGR_MCO2SEL_2 |\ RCC_CFGR_MCO2SEL_1 | RCC_CFGR_MCO2SEL_0) /*!< LSE selection as MCO2 source */ #if defined(RCC_CRRCR_HSI48ON) #define LL_RCC_MCO2SOURCE_HSI48 (uint32_t)((RCC_CFGR_MCO2SEL>>16U) | RCC_CFGR_MCO2SEL_3) /*!< HSI48 selection as MCO2 source */ #endif /* RCC_CRRCR_HSI48ON */ #define LL_RCC_MCO2SOURCE_RTC (uint32_t)((RCC_CFGR_MCO2SEL>>16U) | RCC_CFGR_MCO2SEL_3 |\ RCC_CFGR_MCO2SEL_0) /*!< RTC alter clk selection as MCO2 source */ #define LL_RCC_MCO2SOURCE_RTCWUPI (uint32_t)((RCC_CFGR_MCO2SEL>>16U) | RCC_CFGR_MCO2SEL_3 |\ RCC_CFGR_MCO2SEL_1) /*!< RTC wakeup interrupt signal selection as MCO2 source */ /** * @} */ /** @defgroup RCC_LL_EC_MCO2_DIV MCO2 prescaler * @{ */ #define LL_RCC_MCO2_DIV_1 (uint32_t)((RCC_CFGR_MCO2PRE>>16U) | 0x00000000U) /*!< MCO not divided */ #define LL_RCC_MCO2_DIV_2 (uint32_t)((RCC_CFGR_MCO2PRE>>16U) | RCC_CFGR_MCO2PRE_0) /*!< MCO divided by 2 */ #define LL_RCC_MCO2_DIV_4 (uint32_t)((RCC_CFGR_MCO2PRE>>16U) | RCC_CFGR_MCO2PRE_1) /*!< MCO divided by 4 */ #define LL_RCC_MCO2_DIV_8 (uint32_t)((RCC_CFGR_MCO2PRE>>16U) | RCC_CFGR_MCO2PRE_1 |\ RCC_CFGR_MCO2PRE_0) /*!< MCO divided by 8 */ #define LL_RCC_MCO2_DIV_16 (uint32_t)((RCC_CFGR_MCO2PRE>>16U) | RCC_CFGR_MCO2PRE_2) /*!< MCO divided by 16 */ #define LL_RCC_MCO2_DIV_32 (uint32_t)((RCC_CFGR_MCO2PRE>>16U) | RCC_CFGR_MCO2PRE_2 |\ RCC_CFGR_MCO2PRE_0) /*!< MCO divided by 32 */ #define LL_RCC_MCO2_DIV_64 (uint32_t)((RCC_CFGR_MCO2PRE>>16U) | RCC_CFGR_MCO2PRE_2 |\ RCC_CFGR_MCO2PRE_1) /*!< MCO divided by 64 */ #define LL_RCC_MCO2_DIV_128 (uint32_t)((RCC_CFGR_MCO2PRE>>16U) | RCC_CFGR_MCO2PRE_2 |\ RCC_CFGR_MCO2PRE_1 | RCC_CFGR_MCO2PRE_0) /*!< MCO divided by 128 */ #define LL_RCC_MCO2_DIV_256 (uint32_t)((RCC_CFGR_MCO2PRE>>16U) | RCC_CFGR_MCO2PRE_3) /*!< MCO divided by 256 */ #define LL_RCC_MCO2_DIV_512 (uint32_t)((RCC_CFGR_MCO2PRE>>16U) | RCC_CFGR_MCO2PRE_3 |\ RCC_CFGR_MCO2PRE_0) /*!< MCO divided by 512 */ #define LL_RCC_MCO2_DIV_1024 (uint32_t)((RCC_CFGR_MCO2PRE>>16U) | RCC_CFGR_MCO2PRE_3 |\ RCC_CFGR_MCO2PRE_1) /*!< MCO divided by 1024 */ /** * @} */ #if defined(USE_FULL_LL_DRIVER) /** @defgroup RCC_LL_EC_PERIPH_FREQUENCY Peripheral clock frequency * @{ */ #define LL_RCC_PERIPH_FREQUENCY_NO 0x00000000U /*!< No clock enabled for the peripheral */ #define LL_RCC_PERIPH_FREQUENCY_NA 0xFFFFFFFFU /*!< Frequency cannot be provided as external clock */ /** * @} */ #endif /* USE_FULL_LL_DRIVER */ /** @defgroup RCC_LL_EC_USART1_CLKSOURCE Peripheral USART clock source selection * @{ */ #define LL_RCC_USART1_CLKSOURCE_PCLK1 (RCC_CCIPR_USART1SEL << 16U) /*!< PCLK clock used as USART1 clock source */ #define LL_RCC_USART1_CLKSOURCE_SYSCLK ((RCC_CCIPR_USART1SEL << 16U) | RCC_CCIPR_USART1SEL_0) /*!< SYSCLK clock used as USART1 clock source */ #define LL_RCC_USART1_CLKSOURCE_HSI ((RCC_CCIPR_USART1SEL << 16U) | RCC_CCIPR_USART1SEL_1) /*!< HSI clock used as USART1 clock source */ #define LL_RCC_USART1_CLKSOURCE_LSE ((RCC_CCIPR_USART1SEL << 16U) | RCC_CCIPR_USART1SEL) /*!< LSE clock used as USART1 clock source */ #define LL_RCC_USART2_CLKSOURCE_PCLK1 (RCC_CCIPR_USART2SEL << 16U) /*!< PCLK clock used as USART2 clock source */ #define LL_RCC_USART2_CLKSOURCE_SYSCLK ((RCC_CCIPR_USART2SEL << 16U) | RCC_CCIPR_USART2SEL_0) /*!< SYSCLK clock used as USART2 clock source */ #define LL_RCC_USART2_CLKSOURCE_HSI ((RCC_CCIPR_USART2SEL << 16U) | RCC_CCIPR_USART2SEL_1) /*!< HSI clock used as USART2 clock source */ #define LL_RCC_USART2_CLKSOURCE_LSE ((RCC_CCIPR_USART2SEL << 16U) | RCC_CCIPR_USART2SEL) /*!< LSE clock used as USART2 clock source */ /** * @} */ /** @defgroup RCC_LL_EC_LPUARTx_CLKSOURCE Peripheral LPUART clock source selection * @{ */ #if defined (LPUART3) #define LL_RCC_LPUART3_CLKSOURCE_PCLK1 ((RCC_CCIPR_LPUART3SEL << 16U) | 0x00000000U) /*!< PCLK clock used as LPUART3 clock source */ #define LL_RCC_LPUART3_CLKSOURCE_SYSCLK ((RCC_CCIPR_LPUART3SEL << 16U) | RCC_CCIPR_LPUART3SEL_0) /*!< SYSCLK clock used as LPUART3 clock source */ #define LL_RCC_LPUART3_CLKSOURCE_HSI ((RCC_CCIPR_LPUART3SEL << 16U) | RCC_CCIPR_LPUART3SEL_1) /*!< HSI clock used as LPUART3 clock source */ #define LL_RCC_LPUART3_CLKSOURCE_LSE ((RCC_CCIPR_LPUART3SEL << 16U) | RCC_CCIPR_LPUART3SEL) /*!< LSE clock used as LPUART3 clock source */ #endif /* LPUART3 */ #define LL_RCC_LPUART2_CLKSOURCE_PCLK1 ((RCC_CCIPR_LPUART2SEL << 16U) | 0x00000000U) /*!< PCLK clock used as LPUART2 clock source */ #define LL_RCC_LPUART2_CLKSOURCE_SYSCLK ((RCC_CCIPR_LPUART2SEL << 16U) | RCC_CCIPR_LPUART2SEL_0) /*!< SYSCLK clock used as LPUART2 clock source */ #define LL_RCC_LPUART2_CLKSOURCE_HSI ((RCC_CCIPR_LPUART2SEL << 16U) | RCC_CCIPR_LPUART2SEL_1) /*!< HSI clock used as LPUART2 clock source */ #define LL_RCC_LPUART2_CLKSOURCE_LSE ((RCC_CCIPR_LPUART2SEL << 16U) | RCC_CCIPR_LPUART2SEL) /*!< LSE clock used as LPUART2 clock source */ #define LL_RCC_LPUART1_CLKSOURCE_PCLK1 ((RCC_CCIPR_LPUART1SEL << 16U) | 0x00000000U) /*!< PCLK clock used as LPUART1 clock source */ #define LL_RCC_LPUART1_CLKSOURCE_SYSCLK ((RCC_CCIPR_LPUART1SEL << 16U) | RCC_CCIPR_LPUART1SEL_0) /*!< SYSCLK clock used as LPUART1 clock source */ #define LL_RCC_LPUART1_CLKSOURCE_HSI ((RCC_CCIPR_LPUART1SEL << 16U) | RCC_CCIPR_LPUART1SEL_1) /*!< HSI clock used as LPUART1 clock source */ #define LL_RCC_LPUART1_CLKSOURCE_LSE ((RCC_CCIPR_LPUART1SEL << 16U) | RCC_CCIPR_LPUART1SEL) /*!< LSE clock used as LPUART1 clock source */ /** * @} */ /** @defgroup RCC_LL_EC_I2C1_CLKSOURCE Peripheral I2C clock source selection * @{ */ #define LL_RCC_I2C1_CLKSOURCE_PCLK1 ((RCC_OFFSET_CCIPR << 24U) | (RCC_CCIPR_I2C1SEL_Pos << 16U)) /*!< PCLK1 clock used as I2C1 clock source */ #define LL_RCC_I2C1_CLKSOURCE_SYSCLK ((RCC_OFFSET_CCIPR << 24U) | (RCC_CCIPR_I2C1SEL_Pos << 16U) | \ (RCC_CCIPR_I2C1SEL_0 >> RCC_CCIPR_I2C1SEL_Pos)) /*!< SYSCLK clock used as I2C1 clock source */ #define LL_RCC_I2C1_CLKSOURCE_HSI ((RCC_OFFSET_CCIPR << 24U) | (RCC_CCIPR_I2C1SEL_Pos << 16U) | \ (RCC_CCIPR_I2C1SEL_1 >> RCC_CCIPR_I2C1SEL_Pos)) /*!< HSI clock used as I2C1 clock source */ #define LL_RCC_I2C3_CLKSOURCE_PCLK1 ((RCC_OFFSET_CCIPR << 24U) | (RCC_CCIPR_I2C3SEL_Pos << 16U)) /*!< PCLK1 clock used as I2C3 clock source */ #define LL_RCC_I2C3_CLKSOURCE_SYSCLK ((RCC_OFFSET_CCIPR << 24U) | (RCC_CCIPR_I2C3SEL_Pos << 16U) | \ (RCC_CCIPR_I2C3SEL_0 >> RCC_CCIPR_I2C3SEL_Pos)) /*!< SYSCLK clock used as I2C3 clock source */ #define LL_RCC_I2C3_CLKSOURCE_HSI ((RCC_OFFSET_CCIPR << 24U) | (RCC_CCIPR_I2C3SEL_Pos << 16U) | \ (RCC_CCIPR_I2C3SEL_1 >> RCC_CCIPR_I2C3SEL_Pos)) /*!< HSI clock used as I2C3 clock source */ /** * @} */ /** @defgroup RCC_LL_EC_TIMx_CLKSOURCE Peripheral TIM clock source selection * @{ */ #define LL_RCC_TIM1_CLKSOURCE_PCLK1 (RCC_CCIPR_TIM1SEL | (0x00000000U >> 16U)) /*!< PCLK clock used as TIM1 clock source */ #define LL_RCC_TIM1_CLKSOURCE_PLLQ (RCC_CCIPR_TIM1SEL | (RCC_CCIPR_TIM1SEL >> 16U)) /*!< PLL used as TIM1 clock source */ /** * @} */ /** @addtogroup RCC_LL_EC_TIMx_CLKSOURCE * @{ */ #define LL_RCC_TIM15_CLKSOURCE_PCLK1 (RCC_CCIPR_TIM15SEL | (0x00000000U >> 16U)) /*!< PCLK clock used as TIM15 clock source */ #define LL_RCC_TIM15_CLKSOURCE_PLLQ (RCC_CCIPR_TIM15SEL | (RCC_CCIPR_TIM15SEL >> 16U)) /*!< PLL used as TIM15 clock source */ /** * @} */ /** @defgroup RCC_LL_EC_LPTIMx_CLKSOURCE Peripheral LPTIM clock source selection * @{ */ #define LL_RCC_LPTIM1_CLKSOURCE_PCLK1 (RCC_CCIPR_LPTIM1SEL | (0x00000000U >> 16U)) /*!< PCLK selected as LPTIM1 clock */ #define LL_RCC_LPTIM1_CLKSOURCE_LSI (RCC_CCIPR_LPTIM1SEL | (RCC_CCIPR_LPTIM1SEL_0 >> 16U)) /*!< LSI selected as LPTIM1 clock */ #define LL_RCC_LPTIM1_CLKSOURCE_HSI (RCC_CCIPR_LPTIM1SEL | (RCC_CCIPR_LPTIM1SEL_1 >> 16U)) /*!< HSI selected as LPTIM1 clock */ #define LL_RCC_LPTIM1_CLKSOURCE_LSE (RCC_CCIPR_LPTIM1SEL | (RCC_CCIPR_LPTIM1SEL >> 16U)) /*!< LSE selected as LPTIM1 clock */ #define LL_RCC_LPTIM2_CLKSOURCE_PCLK1 (RCC_CCIPR_LPTIM2SEL | (0x00000000U >> 16U)) /*!< PCLK selected as LPTIM2 clock */ #define LL_RCC_LPTIM2_CLKSOURCE_LSI (RCC_CCIPR_LPTIM2SEL | (RCC_CCIPR_LPTIM2SEL_0 >> 16U)) /*!< LSI selected as LPTIM2 clock */ #define LL_RCC_LPTIM2_CLKSOURCE_HSI (RCC_CCIPR_LPTIM2SEL | (RCC_CCIPR_LPTIM2SEL_1 >> 16U)) /*!< HSI selected as LPTIM2 clock */ #define LL_RCC_LPTIM2_CLKSOURCE_LSE (RCC_CCIPR_LPTIM2SEL | (RCC_CCIPR_LPTIM2SEL >> 16U)) /*!< LSE selected as LPTIM2 clock */ #if defined (LPTIM3) #define LL_RCC_LPTIM3_CLKSOURCE_PCLK1 (RCC_CCIPR_LPTIM3SEL | (0x00000000U >> 16U)) /*!< PCLK selected as LPTIM3 clock */ #define LL_RCC_LPTIM3_CLKSOURCE_LSI (RCC_CCIPR_LPTIM3SEL | (RCC_CCIPR_LPTIM3SEL_0 >> 16U)) /*!< LSI selected as LPTIM3 clock */ #define LL_RCC_LPTIM3_CLKSOURCE_HSI (RCC_CCIPR_LPTIM3SEL | (RCC_CCIPR_LPTIM3SEL_1 >> 16U)) /*!< HSI selected as LPTIM3 clock */ #define LL_RCC_LPTIM3_CLKSOURCE_LSE (RCC_CCIPR_LPTIM3SEL | (RCC_CCIPR_LPTIM3SEL >> 16U)) /*!< LSE selected as LPTIM3 clock */ #endif /* LPTIM3 */ /** * @} */ #if defined(USB_DRD_FS) /** @defgroup RCC_LL_EC_USB_CLKSOURCE Peripheral USB clock source selection * @{ */ #define LL_RCC_USB_CLKSOURCE_NONE 0x00000000U /*!< No clock used as USB clock source */ #define LL_RCC_USB_CLKSOURCE_MSI RCC_CCIPR_CLK48SEL_0 /*!< MSI clock used as USB clock source */ #define LL_RCC_USB_CLKSOURCE_PLLQ RCC_CCIPR_CLK48SEL_1 /*!< PLL clock used as USB clock source */ #define LL_RCC_USB_CLKSOURCE_HSI48 RCC_CCIPR_CLK48SEL /*!< HSI48 clock used as USB clock source */ #endif /* USB_DRD_FS */ /** * @} */ /** @defgroup RCC_LL_EC_RNG_CLKSOURCE Peripheral RNG clock source selection * @{ */ #define LL_RCC_RNG_CLKSOURCE_NONE 0x00000000U /*!< No clock used as RNG clock source */ #define LL_RCC_RNG_CLKSOURCE_MSI RCC_CCIPR_CLK48SEL_0 /*!< MSI clock used as RNG clock source */ #define LL_RCC_RNG_CLKSOURCE_PLLQ RCC_CCIPR_CLK48SEL_1 /*!< PLL clock used as RNG clock source */ #if defined(RCC_CRRCR_HSI48ON) #define LL_RCC_RNG_CLKSOURCE_HSI48 RCC_CCIPR_CLK48SEL /*!< HSI48 clock used as RNG clock source */ #endif /* RCC_CRRCR_HSI48ON */ /** * @} */ /** @defgroup RCC_LL_EC_ADC_CLKSOURCE Peripheral ADC clock source selection * @{ */ #define LL_RCC_ADC_CLKSOURCE_SYSCLK 0x00000000U /*!< SYSCLK clock used as ADC clock source */ #define LL_RCC_ADC_CLKSOURCE_PLLP RCC_CCIPR_ADCSEL_0 /*!< PLL P clock used as ADC clock source */ #define LL_RCC_ADC_CLKSOURCE_HSI RCC_CCIPR_ADCSEL_1 /*!< HSI clock used as ADC clock source */ #define LL_RCC_ADC_CLKSOURCE_NONE RCC_CCIPR_ADCSEL /*!< No clock used as ADC clock source */ /** * @} */ /** @defgroup RCC_LL_EC_USART1 Peripheral USART get clock source * @{ */ #define LL_RCC_USART1_CLKSOURCE RCC_CCIPR_USART1SEL /*!< USART1 Clock source selection */ #define LL_RCC_USART2_CLKSOURCE RCC_CCIPR_USART2SEL /*!< USART2 Clock source selection */ #define LL_RCC_USART3_CLKSOURCE 0x00000000U /*!< To be used for USART3 Clock frequency retrieval */ #define LL_RCC_USART4_CLKSOURCE 0x00000001U /*!< To be used for USART4 Clock frequency retrieval */ /** * @} */ /** @defgroup RCC_LL_EC_LPUART1 Peripheral LPUART get clock source * @{ */ #define LL_RCC_LPUART1_CLKSOURCE RCC_CCIPR_LPUART1SEL /*!< LPUART1 Clock source selection */ #define LL_RCC_LPUART2_CLKSOURCE RCC_CCIPR_LPUART2SEL /*!< LPUART2 Clock source selection */ #if defined (LPUART3) #define LL_RCC_LPUART3_CLKSOURCE RCC_CCIPR_LPUART3SEL /*!< LPUART3 Clock source selection */ #endif /* LPUART3 */ /** * @} */ /** @defgroup RCC_LL_EC_I2C1 Peripheral I2C get clock source * @{ */ #define LL_RCC_I2C1_CLKSOURCE ((RCC_OFFSET_CCIPR << 24U) | (RCC_CCIPR_I2C1SEL_Pos << 16U) | \ (RCC_CCIPR_I2C1SEL >> RCC_CCIPR_I2C1SEL_Pos)) /*!< I2C1 Clock source selection */ #define LL_RCC_I2C3_CLKSOURCE ((RCC_OFFSET_CCIPR << 24U) | (RCC_CCIPR_I2C3SEL_Pos << 16U) | \ (RCC_CCIPR_I2C3SEL >> RCC_CCIPR_I2C3SEL_Pos)) /*!< I2C3 Clock source selection */ /** * @} */ /** @defgroup RCC_LL_EC_TIMx Peripheral TIMx get clock source * @{ */ #define LL_RCC_TIM1_CLKSOURCE RCC_CCIPR_TIM1SEL /*!< TIM1 Clock source selection */ #define LL_RCC_TIM15_CLKSOURCE RCC_CCIPR_TIM15SEL /*!< TIM15 Clock source selection */ /** * @} */ /** @defgroup RCC_LL_EC_LPTIM1 Peripheral LPTIM get clock source * @{ */ #define LL_RCC_LPTIM1_CLKSOURCE RCC_CCIPR_LPTIM1SEL /*!< LPTIM2 Clock source selection */ #define LL_RCC_LPTIM2_CLKSOURCE RCC_CCIPR_LPTIM2SEL /*!< LPTIM2 Clock source selection */ #if defined (LPTIM3) #define LL_RCC_LPTIM3_CLKSOURCE RCC_CCIPR_LPTIM3SEL /*!< LPTIM2 Clock source selection */ #endif /* LPTIM3 */ /** * @} */ /** @defgroup RCC_LL_EC_RNG Peripheral RNG get clock source * @{ */ #define LL_RCC_RNG_CLKSOURCE RCC_CCIPR_CLK48SEL /*!< RNG Clock source selection */ /** * @} */ #if defined (USB_DRD_FS) /** @defgroup RCC_LL_EC_USB Peripheral USB get clock source * @{ */ #define LL_RCC_USB_CLKSOURCE RCC_CCIPR_CLK48SEL /*!< USB Clock source selection */ #endif /* USB_DRD_FS */ /** * @} */ /** @defgroup RCC_LL_EC_ADC Peripheral ADC get clock source * @{ */ #define LL_RCC_ADC_CLKSOURCE RCC_CCIPR_ADCSEL /*!< ADC Clock source selection */ /** * @} */ /** @defgroup RCC_LL_EC_RTC_CLKSOURCE RTC clock source selection * @{ */ #define LL_RCC_RTC_CLKSOURCE_NONE 0x00000000U /*!< No clock used as RTC clock */ #define LL_RCC_RTC_CLKSOURCE_LSE RCC_BDCR_RTCSEL_0 /*!< LSE oscillator clock used as RTC clock */ #define LL_RCC_RTC_CLKSOURCE_LSI RCC_BDCR_RTCSEL_1 /*!< LSI oscillator clock used as RTC clock */ #define LL_RCC_RTC_CLKSOURCE_HSE_DIV32 RCC_BDCR_RTCSEL /*!< HSE oscillator clock divided by 32 used as RTC clock */ /** * @} */ /** @defgroup RCC_LL_EC_PLLSOURCE PLL entry clock source * @{ */ #define LL_RCC_PLLSOURCE_NONE 0UL /*!< No clock selected as main PLL entry clock source */ #define LL_RCC_PLLSOURCE_MSI RCC_PLLCFGR_PLLSRC_0 /*!< MSI clock selected as main PLL entry clock source */ #define LL_RCC_PLLSOURCE_HSI RCC_PLLCFGR_PLLSRC_1 /*!< HSI16 clock selected as main PLL entry clock source */ #define LL_RCC_PLLSOURCE_HSE (RCC_PLLCFGR_PLLSRC_1 | RCC_PLLCFGR_PLLSRC_0) /*!< HSE clock selected as main PLL entry clock source */ /** * @} */ /** @defgroup RCC_LL_EC_PLLM_DIV PLL division factor * @{ */ #define LL_RCC_PLLM_DIV_1 0x00000000U /*!< Main PLL division factor for PLLM input by 1 */ #define LL_RCC_PLLM_DIV_2 (RCC_PLLCFGR_PLLM_0) /*!< Main PLL division factor for PLLM input by 2 */ #define LL_RCC_PLLM_DIV_3 (RCC_PLLCFGR_PLLM_1) /*!< Main PLL division factor for PLLM input by 3 */ #define LL_RCC_PLLM_DIV_4 (RCC_PLLCFGR_PLLM_1 | RCC_PLLCFGR_PLLM_0) /*!< Main PLL division factor for PLLM input by 4 */ #define LL_RCC_PLLM_DIV_5 (RCC_PLLCFGR_PLLM_2) /*!< Main PLL division factor for PLLM input by 5 */ #define LL_RCC_PLLM_DIV_6 (RCC_PLLCFGR_PLLM_2 | RCC_PLLCFGR_PLLM_0) /*!< Main PLL division factor for PLLM input by 6 */ #define LL_RCC_PLLM_DIV_7 (RCC_PLLCFGR_PLLM_2 | RCC_PLLCFGR_PLLM_1) /*!< Main PLL division factor for PLLM input by 7 */ #define LL_RCC_PLLM_DIV_8 (RCC_PLLCFGR_PLLM) /*!< Main PLL division factor for PLLM input by 8 */ /** * @} */ /** @defgroup RCC_LL_EC_PLLR_DIV PLL division factor (PLLR) * @{ */ #define LL_RCC_PLLR_DIV_2 (RCC_PLLCFGR_PLLR_0) /*!< Main PLL division factor for PLLCLK (system clock) by 2 */ #define LL_RCC_PLLR_DIV_3 (RCC_PLLCFGR_PLLR_1) /*!< Main PLL division factor for PLLCLK (system clock) by 3 */ #define LL_RCC_PLLR_DIV_4 (RCC_PLLCFGR_PLLR_1 | RCC_PLLCFGR_PLLR_0) /*!< Main PLL division factor for PLLCLK (system clock) by 4 */ #define LL_RCC_PLLR_DIV_5 (RCC_PLLCFGR_PLLR_2) /*!< Main PLL division factor for PLLCLK (system clock) by 5 */ #define LL_RCC_PLLR_DIV_6 (RCC_PLLCFGR_PLLR_2 | RCC_PLLCFGR_PLLR_0) /*!< Main PLL division factor for PLLCLK (system clock) by 6 */ #define LL_RCC_PLLR_DIV_7 (RCC_PLLCFGR_PLLR_2 | RCC_PLLCFGR_PLLR_1) /*!< Main PLL division factor for PLLCLK (system clock) by 7 */ #define LL_RCC_PLLR_DIV_8 (RCC_PLLCFGR_PLLR) /*!< Main PLL division factor for PLLCLK (system clock) by 8 */ /** * @} */ /** @defgroup RCC_LL_EC_PLLP_DIV PLL division factor (PLLP) * @{ */ #define LL_RCC_PLLP_DIV_2 (RCC_PLLCFGR_PLLP_0) /*!< Main PLL division factor for PLLP output by 2 */ #define LL_RCC_PLLP_DIV_3 (RCC_PLLCFGR_PLLP_1) /*!< Main PLL division factor for PLLP output by 3 */ #define LL_RCC_PLLP_DIV_4 (RCC_PLLCFGR_PLLP_1|RCC_PLLCFGR_PLLP_0) /*!< Main PLL division factor for PLLP output by 4 */ #define LL_RCC_PLLP_DIV_5 (RCC_PLLCFGR_PLLP_2) /*!< Main PLL division factor for PLLP output by 5 */ #define LL_RCC_PLLP_DIV_6 (RCC_PLLCFGR_PLLP_2|RCC_PLLCFGR_PLLP_0) /*!< Main PLL division factor for PLLP output by 6 */ #define LL_RCC_PLLP_DIV_7 (RCC_PLLCFGR_PLLP_2|RCC_PLLCFGR_PLLP_1) /*!< Main PLL division factor for PLLP output by 7 */ #define LL_RCC_PLLP_DIV_8 (RCC_PLLCFGR_PLLP_2|RCC_PLLCFGR_PLLP_1|RCC_PLLCFGR_PLLP_0) /*!< Main PLL division factor for PLLP output by 8 */ #define LL_RCC_PLLP_DIV_9 (RCC_PLLCFGR_PLLP_3) /*!< Main PLL division factor for PLLP output by 9 */ #define LL_RCC_PLLP_DIV_10 (RCC_PLLCFGR_PLLP_3|RCC_PLLCFGR_PLLP_0) /*!< Main PLL division factor for PLLP output by 10 */ #define LL_RCC_PLLP_DIV_11 (RCC_PLLCFGR_PLLP_3|RCC_PLLCFGR_PLLP_1) /*!< Main PLL division factor for PLLP output by 11 */ #define LL_RCC_PLLP_DIV_12 (RCC_PLLCFGR_PLLP_3|RCC_PLLCFGR_PLLP_1|RCC_PLLCFGR_PLLP_0) /*!< Main PLL division factor for PLLP output by 12 */ #define LL_RCC_PLLP_DIV_13 (RCC_PLLCFGR_PLLP_3|RCC_PLLCFGR_PLLP_2) /*!< Main PLL division factor for PLLP output by 13 */ #define LL_RCC_PLLP_DIV_14 (RCC_PLLCFGR_PLLP_3|RCC_PLLCFGR_PLLP_2|RCC_PLLCFGR_PLLP_0) /*!< Main PLL division factor for PLLP output by 14 */ #define LL_RCC_PLLP_DIV_15 (RCC_PLLCFGR_PLLP_3|RCC_PLLCFGR_PLLP_2|RCC_PLLCFGR_PLLP_1) /*!< Main PLL division factor for PLLP output by 15 */ #define LL_RCC_PLLP_DIV_16 (RCC_PLLCFGR_PLLP_3|RCC_PLLCFGR_PLLP_2|RCC_PLLCFGR_PLLP_1|RCC_PLLCFGR_PLLP_0) /*!< Main PLL division factor for PLLP output by 16 */ #define LL_RCC_PLLP_DIV_17 (RCC_PLLCFGR_PLLP_4) /*!< Main PLL division factor for PLLP output by 17 */ #define LL_RCC_PLLP_DIV_18 (RCC_PLLCFGR_PLLP_4|RCC_PLLCFGR_PLLP_0) /*!< Main PLL division factor for PLLP output by 18 */ #define LL_RCC_PLLP_DIV_19 (RCC_PLLCFGR_PLLP_4|RCC_PLLCFGR_PLLP_1) /*!< Main PLL division factor for PLLP output by 19 */ #define LL_RCC_PLLP_DIV_20 (RCC_PLLCFGR_PLLP_4|RCC_PLLCFGR_PLLP_1|RCC_PLLCFGR_PLLP_0) /*!< Main PLL division factor for PLLP output by 20 */ #define LL_RCC_PLLP_DIV_21 (RCC_PLLCFGR_PLLP_4|RCC_PLLCFGR_PLLP_2) /*!< Main PLL division factor for PLLP output by 21 */ #define LL_RCC_PLLP_DIV_22 (RCC_PLLCFGR_PLLP_4|RCC_PLLCFGR_PLLP_2|RCC_PLLCFGR_PLLP_0) /*!< Main PLL division factor for PLLP output by 22 */ #define LL_RCC_PLLP_DIV_23 (RCC_PLLCFGR_PLLP_4|RCC_PLLCFGR_PLLP_2|RCC_PLLCFGR_PLLP_1) /*!< Main PLL division factor for PLLP output by 23 */ #define LL_RCC_PLLP_DIV_24 (RCC_PLLCFGR_PLLP_4|RCC_PLLCFGR_PLLP_2|RCC_PLLCFGR_PLLP_1|RCC_PLLCFGR_PLLP_0) /*!< Main PLL division factor for PLLP output by 24 */ #define LL_RCC_PLLP_DIV_25 (RCC_PLLCFGR_PLLP_4|RCC_PLLCFGR_PLLP_3) /*!< Main PLL division factor for PLLP output by 25 */ #define LL_RCC_PLLP_DIV_26 (RCC_PLLCFGR_PLLP_4|RCC_PLLCFGR_PLLP_3|RCC_PLLCFGR_PLLP_0) /*!< Main PLL division factor for PLLP output by 26 */ #define LL_RCC_PLLP_DIV_27 (RCC_PLLCFGR_PLLP_4|RCC_PLLCFGR_PLLP_3|RCC_PLLCFGR_PLLP_1) /*!< Main PLL division factor for PLLP output by 27 */ #define LL_RCC_PLLP_DIV_28 (RCC_PLLCFGR_PLLP_4|RCC_PLLCFGR_PLLP_3|RCC_PLLCFGR_PLLP_1|RCC_PLLCFGR_PLLP_0) /*!< Main PLL division factor for PLLP output by 28 */ #define LL_RCC_PLLP_DIV_29 (RCC_PLLCFGR_PLLP_4|RCC_PLLCFGR_PLLP_3|RCC_PLLCFGR_PLLP_2) /*!< Main PLL division factor for PLLP output by 29 */ #define LL_RCC_PLLP_DIV_30 (RCC_PLLCFGR_PLLP_4|RCC_PLLCFGR_PLLP_3|RCC_PLLCFGR_PLLP_2|RCC_PLLCFGR_PLLP_0) /*!< Main PLL division factor for PLLP output by 30 */ #define LL_RCC_PLLP_DIV_31 (RCC_PLLCFGR_PLLP_4|RCC_PLLCFGR_PLLP_3|RCC_PLLCFGR_PLLP_2|RCC_PLLCFGR_PLLP_1) /*!< Main PLL division factor for PLLP output by 31 */ #define LL_RCC_PLLP_DIV_32 (RCC_PLLCFGR_PLLP_4|RCC_PLLCFGR_PLLP_3|RCC_PLLCFGR_PLLP_2|RCC_PLLCFGR_PLLP_1| \ RCC_PLLCFGR_PLLP_0) /*!< Main PLL division factor for PLLP output by 32 */ /** * @} */ /** @defgroup RCC_LL_EC_PLLQ_DIV PLL division factor (PLLQ) * @{ */ #define LL_RCC_PLLQ_DIV_2 (RCC_PLLCFGR_PLLQ_0) /*!< Main PLL division factor for PLLQ output by 2 */ #define LL_RCC_PLLQ_DIV_3 (RCC_PLLCFGR_PLLQ_1) /*!< Main PLL division factor for PLLQ output by 3 */ #define LL_RCC_PLLQ_DIV_4 (RCC_PLLCFGR_PLLQ_1 | RCC_PLLCFGR_PLLQ_0) /*!< Main PLL division factor for PLLQ output by 4 */ #define LL_RCC_PLLQ_DIV_5 (RCC_PLLCFGR_PLLQ_2) /*!< Main PLL division factor for PLLQ output by 5 */ #define LL_RCC_PLLQ_DIV_6 (RCC_PLLCFGR_PLLQ_2 | RCC_PLLCFGR_PLLQ_0) /*!< Main PLL division factor for PLLQ output by 6 */ #define LL_RCC_PLLQ_DIV_7 (RCC_PLLCFGR_PLLQ_2 | RCC_PLLCFGR_PLLQ_1) /*!< Main PLL division factor for PLLQ output by 7 */ #define LL_RCC_PLLQ_DIV_8 (RCC_PLLCFGR_PLLQ_2 | RCC_PLLCFGR_PLLQ_1 | RCC_PLLCFGR_PLLQ_0) /*!< Main PLL division factor for PLLQ output by 8 */ /** * @} */ /** @defgroup RCC_LL_EC_MSIRANGESEL MSI clock range selection * @{ */ #define LL_RCC_MSIRANGESEL_STANDBY 0U /*!< MSI Range is provided by MSISRANGE */ #define LL_RCC_MSIRANGESEL_RUN 1U /*!< MSI Range is provided by MSIRANGE */ /** * @} */ /** * @} */ /* Exported macro ------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** @defgroup RCC_LL_Exported_Macros RCC Exported Macros * @{ */ /** @defgroup RCC_LL_EM_WRITE_READ Common Write and read registers Macros * @{ */ /** * @brief Write a value in RCC register * @param __REG__ Register to be written * @param __VALUE__ Value to be written in the register * @retval None */ #define LL_RCC_WriteReg(__REG__, __VALUE__) WRITE_REG(RCC->__REG__, (__VALUE__)) /** * @brief Read a value in RCC register * @param __REG__ Register to be read * @retval Register value */ #define LL_RCC_ReadReg(__REG__) READ_REG(RCC->__REG__) /** * @} */ /** @defgroup RCC_LL_EM_CALC_FREQ Calculate frequencies * @{ */ /** * @brief Helper macro to calculate the PLLCLK frequency on system domain * @note ex: @ref __LL_RCC_CALC_PLLCLK_R_FREQ (HSE_VALUE,@ref LL_RCC_PLL_GetM (), * @ref LL_RCC_PLL_GetN (), @ref LL_RCC_PLL_GetR ()); * @param __INPUTFREQ__ PLL Input frequency (based on MSI/HSE/HSI) * @param __PLLM__ This parameter can be one of the following values: * @arg @ref LL_RCC_PLLM_DIV_1 * @arg @ref LL_RCC_PLLM_DIV_2 * @arg @ref LL_RCC_PLLM_DIV_3 * @arg @ref LL_RCC_PLLM_DIV_4 * @arg @ref LL_RCC_PLLM_DIV_5 * @arg @ref LL_RCC_PLLM_DIV_6 * @arg @ref LL_RCC_PLLM_DIV_7 * @arg @ref LL_RCC_PLLM_DIV_8 * * @param __PLLN__ Between 4 and 127 * @param __PLLR__ This parameter can be one of the following values: * @arg @ref LL_RCC_PLLR_DIV_2 * @arg @ref LL_RCC_PLLR_DIV_3 * @arg @ref LL_RCC_PLLR_DIV_4 * @arg @ref LL_RCC_PLLR_DIV_5 * @arg @ref LL_RCC_PLLR_DIV_6 * @arg @ref LL_RCC_PLLR_DIV_7 * @arg @ref LL_RCC_PLLR_DIV_8 * @retval PLL clock frequency (in Hz) */ #define __LL_RCC_CALC_PLLCLK_R_FREQ(__INPUTFREQ__, __PLLM__, __PLLN__, __PLLR__) \ ((__INPUTFREQ__) / ((((__PLLM__)>> RCC_PLLCFGR_PLLM_Pos) + 1U)) * (__PLLN__) / \ (((__PLLR__)>> RCC_PLLCFGR_PLLR_Pos) + 1U)) /** * @brief Helper macro to calculate the PLLCLK frequency used on 48M domain * @note ex: @ref __LL_RCC_CALC_PLLCLK_Q_FREQ (HSE_VALUE,@ref LL_RCC_PLL_GetM (), * @ref LL_RCC_PLL_GetN (), @ref LL_RCC_PLL_GetQ ()); * @param __INPUTFREQ__ PLL Input frequency (based on MSI/HSE/HSI) * @param __PLLM__ This parameter can be one of the following values: * @arg @ref LL_RCC_PLLM_DIV_1 * @arg @ref LL_RCC_PLLM_DIV_2 * @arg @ref LL_RCC_PLLM_DIV_3 * @arg @ref LL_RCC_PLLM_DIV_4 * @arg @ref LL_RCC_PLLM_DIV_5 * @arg @ref LL_RCC_PLLM_DIV_6 * @arg @ref LL_RCC_PLLM_DIV_7 * @arg @ref LL_RCC_PLLM_DIV_8 * * @param __PLLN__ Between 4 and 127 * @param __PLLQ__ This parameter can be one of the following values: * @arg @ref LL_RCC_PLLQ_DIV_2 * @arg @ref LL_RCC_PLLR_DIV_3 * @arg @ref LL_RCC_PLLQ_DIV_4 * @arg @ref LL_RCC_PLLR_DIV_5 * @arg @ref LL_RCC_PLLQ_DIV_6 * @arg @ref LL_RCC_PLLR_DIV_7 * @arg @ref LL_RCC_PLLQ_DIV_8 * @retval PLL clock frequency (in Hz) */ #define __LL_RCC_CALC_PLLCLK_Q_FREQ(__INPUTFREQ__, __PLLM__, __PLLN__, __PLLQ__) ((((__INPUTFREQ__) \ /(((__PLLM__)>> RCC_PLLCFGR_PLLM_Pos) +1UL))) * (__PLLN__)) / (((__PLLQ__)>> RCC_PLLCFGR_PLLQ_Pos) + 1UL) /** * @brief Helper macro to calculate the HCLK frequency * @param __SYSCLKFREQ__ SYSCLK frequency (based on MSI/HSE/HSI/PLLCLK) * @param __AHBPRESCALER__ This parameter can be one of the following values: * @arg @ref LL_RCC_SYSCLK_DIV_1 * @arg @ref LL_RCC_SYSCLK_DIV_2 * @arg @ref LL_RCC_SYSCLK_DIV_4 * @arg @ref LL_RCC_SYSCLK_DIV_8 * @arg @ref LL_RCC_SYSCLK_DIV_16 * @arg @ref LL_RCC_SYSCLK_DIV_64 * @arg @ref LL_RCC_SYSCLK_DIV_128 * @arg @ref LL_RCC_SYSCLK_DIV_256 * @arg @ref LL_RCC_SYSCLK_DIV_512 * @retval HCLK clock frequency (in Hz) */ #define __LL_RCC_CALC_HCLK_FREQ(__SYSCLKFREQ__, __AHBPRESCALER__) \ ((__SYSCLKFREQ__) >> AHBPrescTable[((__AHBPRESCALER__) & \ RCC_CFGR_HPRE) >> RCC_CFGR_HPRE_Pos]) /** * @brief Helper macro to calculate the PCLK frequency (APB) * @param __HCLKFREQ__ HCLK frequency * @param __APBPRESCALER__ This parameter can be one of the following values: * @arg @ref LL_RCC_APB1_DIV_1 * @arg @ref LL_RCC_APB1_DIV_2 * @arg @ref LL_RCC_APB1_DIV_4 * @arg @ref LL_RCC_APB1_DIV_8 * @arg @ref LL_RCC_APB1_DIV_16 * @retval PCLK1 clock frequency (in Hz) */ #define __LL_RCC_CALC_PCLK1_FREQ(__HCLKFREQ__, __APBPRESCALER__) \ ((__HCLKFREQ__) >> APBPrescTable[(__APBPRESCALER__) >> RCC_CFGR_PPRE_Pos]) /** * @brief Helper macro to calculate the MSI frequency (in Hz) * @note __MSISEL__ can be retrieved thanks to function LL_RCC_MSI_IsEnabledRangeSelect() * @note if __MSISEL__ is equal to LL_RCC_MSIRANGESEL_STANDBY, * __MSIRANGE__can be retrieved by LL_RCC_MSI_GetRangeAfterStandby() * else by LL_RCC_MSI_GetRange() * ex: __LL_RCC_CALC_MSI_FREQ(LL_RCC_MSI_IsEnabledRangeSelect(), * (LL_RCC_MSI_IsEnabledRangeSelect()? * LL_RCC_MSI_GetRange(): * LL_RCC_MSI_GetRangeAfterStandby())) * @param __MSISEL__ This parameter can be one of the following values: * @arg @ref LL_RCC_MSIRANGESEL_STANDBY * @arg @ref LL_RCC_MSIRANGESEL_RUN * @param __MSIRANGE__ This parameter can be one of the following values: * @arg @ref LL_RCC_MSIRANGE_0 * @arg @ref LL_RCC_MSIRANGE_1 * @arg @ref LL_RCC_MSIRANGE_2 * @arg @ref LL_RCC_MSIRANGE_3 * @arg @ref LL_RCC_MSIRANGE_4 * @arg @ref LL_RCC_MSIRANGE_5 * @arg @ref LL_RCC_MSIRANGE_6 * @arg @ref LL_RCC_MSIRANGE_7 * @arg @ref LL_RCC_MSIRANGE_8 * @arg @ref LL_RCC_MSIRANGE_9 * @arg @ref LL_RCC_MSIRANGE_10 * @arg @ref LL_RCC_MSIRANGE_11 * @arg @ref LL_RCC_MSISRANGE_4 * @arg @ref LL_RCC_MSISRANGE_5 * @arg @ref LL_RCC_MSISRANGE_6 * @arg @ref LL_RCC_MSISRANGE_7 * @retval MSI clock frequency (in Hz) */ #define __LL_RCC_CALC_MSI_FREQ(__MSISEL__, __MSIRANGE__) (((__MSISEL__) == LL_RCC_MSIRANGESEL_STANDBY) ? \ (MSIRangeTable[(__MSIRANGE__) >> 8U]) : \ (MSIRangeTable[(__MSIRANGE__) >> 4U])) /** * @brief Helper macro to calculate the PLLPCLK frequency used on P domain * @note ex: @ref __LL_RCC_CALC_PLLCLK_P_FREQ (HSE_VALUE,@ref LL_RCC_PLL_GetM (), * @ref LL_RCC_PLL_GetN (), @ref LL_RCC_PLL_GetP ()); * @param __INPUTFREQ__ PLL Input frequency (based on HSE/HSI) * @param __PLLM__ This parameter can be one of the following values: * @arg @ref LL_RCC_PLLM_DIV_1 * @arg @ref LL_RCC_PLLM_DIV_2 * @arg @ref LL_RCC_PLLM_DIV_3 * @arg @ref LL_RCC_PLLM_DIV_4 * @arg @ref LL_RCC_PLLM_DIV_5 * @arg @ref LL_RCC_PLLM_DIV_6 * @arg @ref LL_RCC_PLLM_DIV_7 * @arg @ref LL_RCC_PLLM_DIV_8 * @param __PLLN__ Between Min_Data = 4 and Max_Data = 127 * @param __PLLP__ This parameter can be one of the following values: * @arg @ref LL_RCC_PLLP_DIV_2 * @arg @ref LL_RCC_PLLP_DIV_3 * @arg @ref LL_RCC_PLLP_DIV_4 * @arg @ref LL_RCC_PLLP_DIV_5 * @arg @ref LL_RCC_PLLP_DIV_6 * @arg @ref LL_RCC_PLLP_DIV_7 * @arg @ref LL_RCC_PLLP_DIV_8 * @arg @ref LL_RCC_PLLP_DIV_9 * @arg @ref LL_RCC_PLLP_DIV_10 * @arg @ref LL_RCC_PLLP_DIV_11 * @arg @ref LL_RCC_PLLP_DIV_12 * @arg @ref LL_RCC_PLLP_DIV_13 * @arg @ref LL_RCC_PLLP_DIV_14 * @arg @ref LL_RCC_PLLP_DIV_15 * @arg @ref LL_RCC_PLLP_DIV_16 * @arg @ref LL_RCC_PLLP_DIV_17 * @arg @ref LL_RCC_PLLP_DIV_18 * @arg @ref LL_RCC_PLLP_DIV_19 * @arg @ref LL_RCC_PLLP_DIV_20 * @arg @ref LL_RCC_PLLP_DIV_21 * @arg @ref LL_RCC_PLLP_DIV_22 * @arg @ref LL_RCC_PLLP_DIV_23 * @arg @ref LL_RCC_PLLP_DIV_24 * @arg @ref LL_RCC_PLLP_DIV_25 * @arg @ref LL_RCC_PLLP_DIV_26 * @arg @ref LL_RCC_PLLP_DIV_27 * @arg @ref LL_RCC_PLLP_DIV_28 * @arg @ref LL_RCC_PLLP_DIV_29 * @arg @ref LL_RCC_PLLP_DIV_30 * @arg @ref LL_RCC_PLLP_DIV_31 * @arg @ref LL_RCC_PLLP_DIV_32 * @retval PLL clock frequency (in Hz) */ #define __LL_RCC_CALC_PLLCLK_P_FREQ(__INPUTFREQ__, __PLLM__, __PLLN__, __PLLP__) \ ((__INPUTFREQ__) * (__PLLN__) / ((((__PLLM__)>> RCC_PLLCFGR_PLLM_Pos) + 1U)) / \ (((__PLLP__) >> RCC_PLLCFGR_PLLP_Pos) + 1U)) /** * @} */ /** * @} */ /* Exported functions --------------------------------------------------------*/ /** @defgroup RCC_LL_Exported_Functions RCC Exported Functions * @{ */ /** @defgroup RCC_LL_EF_HSE HSE * @{ */ /** * @brief Enable the Clock Security System. * @rmtoll CR CSSON LL_RCC_EnableCSS * @retval None */ __STATIC_INLINE void LL_RCC_EnableCSS(void) { SET_BIT(RCC->CR, RCC_CR_CSSON); } /** * @brief Disable the Clock Security System. * @rmtoll CR CSSON LL_RCC_DisableCSS * @retval None */ __STATIC_INLINE void LL_RCC_DisableCSS(void) { CLEAR_BIT(RCC->CR, RCC_CR_CSSON); } /** * @brief Enable HSE external oscillator (HSE Bypass) * @rmtoll CR HSEBYP LL_RCC_HSE_EnableBypass * @retval None */ __STATIC_INLINE void LL_RCC_HSE_EnableBypass(void) { SET_BIT(RCC->CR, RCC_CR_HSEBYP); } /** * @brief Disable HSE external oscillator (HSE Bypass) * @rmtoll CR HSEBYP LL_RCC_HSE_DisableBypass * @retval None */ __STATIC_INLINE void LL_RCC_HSE_DisableBypass(void) { CLEAR_BIT(RCC->CR, RCC_CR_HSEBYP); } /** * @brief Enable HSE crystal oscillator (HSE ON) * @rmtoll CR HSEON LL_RCC_HSE_Enable * @retval None */ __STATIC_INLINE void LL_RCC_HSE_Enable(void) { SET_BIT(RCC->CR, RCC_CR_HSEON); } /** * @brief Disable HSE crystal oscillator (HSE ON) * @rmtoll CR HSEON LL_RCC_HSE_Disable * @retval None */ __STATIC_INLINE void LL_RCC_HSE_Disable(void) { CLEAR_BIT(RCC->CR, RCC_CR_HSEON); } /** * @brief Check if HSE oscillator Ready * @rmtoll CR HSERDY LL_RCC_HSE_IsReady * @retval State of bit (1 or 0). */ __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t LL_RCC_HSE_IsReady(void) { return (READ_BIT(RCC->CR, RCC_CR_HSERDY) == (RCC_CR_HSERDY)); } /** * @} */ /** @defgroup RCC_LL_EF_HSI HSI * @{ */ /** * @brief Enable HSI even in stop mode * @note HSI oscillator is forced ON even in Stop mode * @rmtoll CR HSIKERON LL_RCC_HSI_EnableInStopMode * @retval None */ __STATIC_INLINE void LL_RCC_HSI_EnableInStopMode(void) { SET_BIT(RCC->CR, RCC_CR_HSIKERON); } /** * @brief Disable HSI in stop mode * @rmtoll CR HSIKERON LL_RCC_HSI_DisableInStopMode * @retval None */ __STATIC_INLINE void LL_RCC_HSI_DisableInStopMode(void) { CLEAR_BIT(RCC->CR, RCC_CR_HSIKERON); } /** * @brief IsEnabled HSI in stop mode * @rmtoll CR HSIKERON LL_RCC_HSI_IsEnabledInStopMode * @retval State of bit (1 or 0). */ __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t LL_RCC_HSI_IsEnabledInStopMode(void) { return (READ_BIT(RCC->CR, RCC_CR_HSIKERON) == (RCC_CR_HSIKERON)); } /** * @brief Enable HSI oscillator * @rmtoll CR HSION LL_RCC_HSI_Enable * @retval None */ __STATIC_INLINE void LL_RCC_HSI_Enable(void) { SET_BIT(RCC->CR, RCC_CR_HSION); } /** * @brief Disable HSI oscillator * @rmtoll CR HSION LL_RCC_HSI_Disable * @retval None */ __STATIC_INLINE void LL_RCC_HSI_Disable(void) { CLEAR_BIT(RCC->CR, RCC_CR_HSION); } /** * @brief Check if HSI clock is ready * @rmtoll CR HSIRDY LL_RCC_HSI_IsReady * @retval State of bit (1 or 0). */ __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t LL_RCC_HSI_IsReady(void) { return (READ_BIT(RCC->CR, RCC_CR_HSIRDY) == (RCC_CR_HSIRDY)); } /** * @brief Enable HSI oscillator in auto start from stop mode * @rmtoll CR HSIASFS LL_RCC_HSI_EnableAutoFromStop * @retval None */ __STATIC_INLINE void LL_RCC_HSI_EnableAutoFromStop(void) { SET_BIT(RCC->CR, RCC_CR_HSIASFS); } /** * @brief Disable HSI oscillator in auto start from stop mode * @rmtoll CR HSIASFS LL_RCC_HSI_DisableAutoFromStop * @retval None */ __STATIC_INLINE void LL_RCC_HSI_DisableAutoFromStop(void) { CLEAR_BIT(RCC->CR, RCC_CR_HSIASFS); } /** * @brief Check if HSI is enabled in auto start from stop mode * @rmtoll CR HSIASFS LL_RCC_HSI_IsEnabledInAutoFromStop * @retval State of bit (1 or 0). */ __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t LL_RCC_HSI_IsEnabledInAutoFromStop(void) { return ((READ_BIT(RCC->CR, RCC_CR_HSIASFS) == RCC_CR_HSIASFS) ? 1U : 0U); } /** * @brief Get HSI Calibration value * @note When HSITRIM is written, HSICAL is updated with the sum of * HSITRIM and the factory trim value * @rmtoll ICSCR HSICAL LL_RCC_HSI_GetCalibration * @retval Between Min_Data = 0x00 and Max_Data = 0xFF */ __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t LL_RCC_HSI_GetCalibration(void) { return (uint32_t)(READ_BIT(RCC->ICSCR, RCC_ICSCR_HSICAL) >> RCC_ICSCR_HSICAL_Pos); } /** * @brief Set HSI Calibration trimming * @note user-programmable trimming value that is added to the HSICAL * @note Default value is 16, which, when added to the HSICAL value, * should trim the HSI to 16 MHz +/- 1 % * @rmtoll ICSCR HSITRIM LL_RCC_HSI_SetCalibTrimming * @param Value Between Min_Data = 0 and Max_Data = 31 * @retval None */ __STATIC_INLINE void LL_RCC_HSI_SetCalibTrimming(uint32_t Value) { MODIFY_REG(RCC->ICSCR, RCC_ICSCR_HSITRIM, Value << RCC_ICSCR_HSITRIM_Pos); } /** * @brief Get HSI Calibration trimming * @rmtoll ICSCR HSITRIM LL_RCC_HSI_GetCalibTrimming * @retval Between Min_Data = 0 and Max_Data = 31 */ __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t LL_RCC_HSI_GetCalibTrimming(void) { return (uint32_t)(READ_BIT(RCC->ICSCR, RCC_ICSCR_HSITRIM) >> RCC_ICSCR_HSITRIM_Pos); } /** * @} */ /** @defgroup RCC_LL_EF_LSE LSE * @{ */ /** * @brief Enable Low Speed External (LSE) crystal. * @rmtoll BDCR LSEON LL_RCC_LSE_Enable * @retval None */ __STATIC_INLINE void LL_RCC_LSE_Enable(void) { SET_BIT(RCC->BDCR, RCC_BDCR_LSEON); } /** * @brief Disable Low Speed External (LSE) crystal. * @rmtoll BDCR LSEON LL_RCC_LSE_Disable * @retval None */ __STATIC_INLINE void LL_RCC_LSE_Disable(void) { CLEAR_BIT(RCC->BDCR, RCC_BDCR_LSEON); } /** * @brief Enable LSE oscillator propagation for system clock * @rmtoll BDCR LSESYSEN LL_RCC_LSE_EnablePropagation * @retval None */ __STATIC_INLINE void LL_RCC_LSE_EnablePropagation(void) { SET_BIT(RCC->BDCR, RCC_BDCR_LSESYSEN); } /** * @brief Disable LSE oscillator propagation for system clock * @rmtoll BDCR LSESYSEN LL_RCC_LSE_DisablePropagation * @retval None */ __STATIC_INLINE void LL_RCC_LSE_DisablePropagation(void) { CLEAR_BIT(RCC->BDCR, RCC_BDCR_LSESYSEN); } /** * @brief Enable external clock source (LSE bypass). * @rmtoll BDCR LSEBYP LL_RCC_LSE_EnableBypass * @retval None */ __STATIC_INLINE void LL_RCC_LSE_EnableBypass(void) { SET_BIT(RCC->BDCR, RCC_BDCR_LSEBYP); } /** * @brief Disable external clock source (LSE bypass). * @rmtoll BDCR LSEBYP LL_RCC_LSE_DisableBypass * @retval None */ __STATIC_INLINE void LL_RCC_LSE_DisableBypass(void) { CLEAR_BIT(RCC->BDCR, RCC_BDCR_LSEBYP); } /** * @brief Set LSE oscillator drive capability * @note The oscillator is in Xtal mode when it is not in bypass mode. * @rmtoll BDCR LSEDRV LL_RCC_LSE_SetDriveCapability * @param LSEDrive This parameter can be one of the following values: * @arg @ref LL_RCC_LSEDRIVE_LOW * @arg @ref LL_RCC_LSEDRIVE_MEDIUMLOW * @arg @ref LL_RCC_LSEDRIVE_MEDIUMHIGH * @arg @ref LL_RCC_LSEDRIVE_HIGH * @retval None */ __STATIC_INLINE void LL_RCC_LSE_SetDriveCapability(uint32_t LSEDrive) { MODIFY_REG(RCC->BDCR, RCC_BDCR_LSEDRV, LSEDrive); } /** * @brief Get LSE oscillator drive capability * @rmtoll BDCR LSEDRV LL_RCC_LSE_GetDriveCapability * @retval Returned value can be one of the following values: * @arg @ref LL_RCC_LSEDRIVE_LOW * @arg @ref LL_RCC_LSEDRIVE_MEDIUMLOW * @arg @ref LL_RCC_LSEDRIVE_MEDIUMHIGH * @arg @ref LL_RCC_LSEDRIVE_HIGH */ __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t LL_RCC_LSE_GetDriveCapability(void) { return (uint32_t)(READ_BIT(RCC->BDCR, RCC_BDCR_LSEDRV)); } /** * @brief Enable Clock security system on LSE. * @rmtoll BDCR LSECSSON LL_RCC_LSE_EnableCSS * @retval None */ __STATIC_INLINE void LL_RCC_LSE_EnableCSS(void) { SET_BIT(RCC->BDCR, RCC_BDCR_LSECSSON); } /** * @brief Disable Clock security system on LSE. * @note Clock security system can be disabled only after a LSE * failure detection. In that case it MUST be disabled by software. * @rmtoll BDCR LSECSSON LL_RCC_LSE_DisableCSS * @retval None */ __STATIC_INLINE void LL_RCC_LSE_DisableCSS(void) { CLEAR_BIT(RCC->BDCR, RCC_BDCR_LSECSSON); } /** * @brief Check if LSE oscillator Ready * @rmtoll BDCR LSERDY LL_RCC_LSE_IsReady * @retval State of bit (1 or 0). */ __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t LL_RCC_LSE_IsReady(void) { return (READ_BIT(RCC->BDCR, RCC_BDCR_LSERDY) == (RCC_BDCR_LSERDY)); } /** * @brief Check if LSE oscillator propagation for system clock Ready * @rmtoll BDCR LSESYSRDY LL_RCC_LSE_IsPropagationReady * @retval State of bit (1 or 0). */ __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t LL_RCC_LSE_IsPropagationReady(void) { return ((READ_BIT(RCC->BDCR, RCC_BDCR_LSESYSRDY) == RCC_BDCR_LSESYSRDY)); } /** * @brief Check if CSS on LSE failure Detection * @rmtoll BDCR LSECSSD LL_RCC_LSE_IsCSSDetected * @retval State of bit (1 or 0). */ __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t LL_RCC_LSE_IsCSSDetected(void) { return (READ_BIT(RCC->BDCR, RCC_BDCR_LSECSSD) == (RCC_BDCR_LSECSSD)); } /** * @} */ /** @defgroup RCC_LL_EF_LSI LSI * @{ */ /** * @brief Enable LSI Oscillator * @rmtoll CSR LSION LL_RCC_LSI_Enable * @retval None */ __STATIC_INLINE void LL_RCC_LSI_Enable(void) { SET_BIT(RCC->CSR, RCC_CSR_LSION); } /** * @brief Disable LSI Oscillator * @rmtoll CSR LSION LL_RCC_LSI_Disable * @retval None */ __STATIC_INLINE void LL_RCC_LSI_Disable(void) { CLEAR_BIT(RCC->CSR, RCC_CSR_LSION); } /** * @brief Check if LSI is Ready * @rmtoll CSR LSIRDY LL_RCC_LSI_IsReady * @retval State of bit (1 or 0). */ __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t LL_RCC_LSI_IsReady(void) { return (READ_BIT(RCC->CSR, RCC_CSR_LSIRDY) == (RCC_CSR_LSIRDY)); } /** * @brief Set LSI prescaler * @rmtoll CSR LSIPRE LL_RCC_LSI_SetPrescaler * @param LSIPrescaler This parameter can be one of the following values: * @arg @ref LL_RCC_LSI_DIV_1 * @arg @ref LL_RCC_LSI_DIV_128 * @retval None */ __STATIC_INLINE void LL_RCC_LSI_SetPrescaler(uint32_t LSIPrescaler) { MODIFY_REG(RCC->CSR, RCC_CSR_LSIPREDIV, LSIPrescaler); } /** * @brief Get LSI prescaler * @rmtoll CSR LSIPRE LL_RCC_LSI_GetPrescaler * @retval Returned value can be one of the following values: * @arg @ref LL_RCC_LSI_DIV_1 * @arg @ref LL_RCC_LSI_DIV_128 */ __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t LL_RCC_LSI_GetPrescaler(void) { return (READ_BIT(RCC->CSR, RCC_CSR_LSIPREDIV)); } /** * @} */ /** * @} */ /** @defgroup RCC_LL_EF_MSI MSI * @{ */ /** * @brief Enable MSI oscillator * @rmtoll CR MSION LL_RCC_MSI_Enable * @retval None */ __STATIC_INLINE void LL_RCC_MSI_Enable(void) { SET_BIT(RCC->CR, RCC_CR_MSION); } /** * @brief Disable MSI oscillator * @rmtoll CR MSION LL_RCC_MSI_Disable * @retval None */ __STATIC_INLINE void LL_RCC_MSI_Disable(void) { CLEAR_BIT(RCC->CR, RCC_CR_MSION); } /** * @brief Check if MSI oscillator Ready * @rmtoll CR MSIRDY LL_RCC_MSI_IsReady * @retval State of bit (1 or 0). */ __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t LL_RCC_MSI_IsReady(void) { return (READ_BIT(RCC->CR, RCC_CR_MSIRDY) == (RCC_CR_MSIRDY)); } /** * @brief Enable MSI PLL-mode (Hardware auto calibration with LSE) * @note MSIPLLEN must be enabled after LSE is enabled (LSEON enabled) * and ready (LSERDY set by hardware) * @note hardware protection to avoid enabling MSIPLLEN if LSE is not * ready * @rmtoll CR MSIPLLEN LL_RCC_MSI_EnablePLLMode * @retval None */ __STATIC_INLINE void LL_RCC_MSI_EnablePLLMode(void) { SET_BIT(RCC->CR, RCC_CR_MSIPLLEN); } /** * @brief Disable MSI-PLL mode * @note cleared by hardware when LSE is disabled (LSEON = 0) or when * the Clock Security System on LSE detects a LSE failure * @rmtoll CR MSIPLLEN LL_RCC_MSI_DisablePLLMode * @retval None */ __STATIC_INLINE void LL_RCC_MSI_DisablePLLMode(void) { CLEAR_BIT(RCC->CR, RCC_CR_MSIPLLEN); } /** * @brief Enable MSI clock range selection with MSIRANGE register * @note Write 0 has no effect. After a standby or a reset * MSIRGSEL is at 0 and the MSI range value is provided by * MSISRANGE * @rmtoll CR MSIRGSEL LL_RCC_MSI_EnableRangeSelection * @retval None */ __STATIC_INLINE void LL_RCC_MSI_EnableRangeSelection(void) { SET_BIT(RCC->CR, RCC_CR_MSIRGSEL); } /** * @brief Check if MSI clock range is selected with MSIRANGE register * @rmtoll CR MSIRGSEL LL_RCC_MSI_IsEnabledRangeSelect * @retval State of bit (1 or 0). */ __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t LL_RCC_MSI_IsEnabledRangeSelect(void) { return (READ_BIT(RCC->CR, RCC_CR_MSIRGSEL) == (RCC_CR_MSIRGSEL)); } /** * @brief Configure the Internal Multi Speed oscillator (MSI) clock range in run mode. * @rmtoll CR MSIRANGE LL_RCC_MSI_SetRange * @param Range This parameter can be one of the following values: * @arg @ref LL_RCC_MSIRANGE_0 * @arg @ref LL_RCC_MSIRANGE_1 * @arg @ref LL_RCC_MSIRANGE_2 * @arg @ref LL_RCC_MSIRANGE_3 * @arg @ref LL_RCC_MSIRANGE_4 * @arg @ref LL_RCC_MSIRANGE_5 * @arg @ref LL_RCC_MSIRANGE_6 * @arg @ref LL_RCC_MSIRANGE_7 * @arg @ref LL_RCC_MSIRANGE_8 * @arg @ref LL_RCC_MSIRANGE_9 * @arg @ref LL_RCC_MSIRANGE_10 * @arg @ref LL_RCC_MSIRANGE_11 * @retval None */ __STATIC_INLINE void LL_RCC_MSI_SetRange(uint32_t Range) { MODIFY_REG(RCC->CR, RCC_CR_MSIRANGE, Range); } /** * @brief Get the Internal Multi Speed oscillator (MSI) clock range in run mode. * @rmtoll CR MSIRANGE LL_RCC_MSI_GetRange * @retval Returned value can be one of the following values: * @arg @ref LL_RCC_MSIRANGE_0 * @arg @ref LL_RCC_MSIRANGE_1 * @arg @ref LL_RCC_MSIRANGE_2 * @arg @ref LL_RCC_MSIRANGE_3 * @arg @ref LL_RCC_MSIRANGE_4 * @arg @ref LL_RCC_MSIRANGE_5 * @arg @ref LL_RCC_MSIRANGE_6 * @arg @ref LL_RCC_MSIRANGE_7 * @arg @ref LL_RCC_MSIRANGE_8 * @arg @ref LL_RCC_MSIRANGE_9 * @arg @ref LL_RCC_MSIRANGE_10 * @arg @ref LL_RCC_MSIRANGE_11 */ __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t LL_RCC_MSI_GetRange(void) { return (uint32_t)(READ_BIT(RCC->CR, RCC_CR_MSIRANGE)); } /** * @brief Configure MSI range used after standby * @rmtoll CSR MSISTBYRG LL_RCC_MSI_SetRangeAfterStandby * @param Range This parameter can be one of the following values: * @arg @ref LL_RCC_MSISRANGE_4 * @arg @ref LL_RCC_MSISRANGE_5 * @arg @ref LL_RCC_MSISRANGE_6 * @arg @ref LL_RCC_MSISRANGE_7 * @retval None */ __STATIC_INLINE void LL_RCC_MSI_SetRangeAfterStandby(uint32_t Range) { MODIFY_REG(RCC->CSR, RCC_CSR_MSISTBYRG, Range); } /** * @brief Get MSI range used after standby * @rmtoll CSR MSISTBYRG LL_RCC_MSI_GetRangeAfterStandby * @retval Returned value can be one of the following values: * @arg @ref LL_RCC_MSISRANGE_4 * @arg @ref LL_RCC_MSISRANGE_5 * @arg @ref LL_RCC_MSISRANGE_6 * @arg @ref LL_RCC_MSISRANGE_7 */ __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t LL_RCC_MSI_GetRangeAfterStandby(void) { return (uint32_t)(READ_BIT(RCC->CSR, RCC_CSR_MSISTBYRG)); } /** * @brief Get MSI Calibration value * @note When MSITRIM is written, MSICAL is updated with the sum of * MSITRIM and the factory trim value * @rmtoll ICSCR MSICAL LL_RCC_MSI_GetCalibration * @retval Between Min_Data = 0 and Max_Data = 255 */ __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t LL_RCC_MSI_GetCalibration(void) { return (uint32_t)(READ_BIT(RCC->ICSCR, RCC_ICSCR_MSICAL) >> RCC_ICSCR_MSICAL_Pos); } /** * @brief Set MSI Calibration trimming * @note user-programmable trimming value that is added to the MSICAL * @rmtoll ICSCR MSITRIM LL_RCC_MSI_SetCalibTrimming * @param Value Between Min_Data = 0 and Max_Data = 255 * @retval None */ __STATIC_INLINE void LL_RCC_MSI_SetCalibTrimming(uint32_t Value) { MODIFY_REG(RCC->ICSCR, RCC_ICSCR_MSITRIM, Value << RCC_ICSCR_MSITRIM_Pos); } /** * @brief Get MSI Calibration trimming * @rmtoll ICSCR MSITRIM LL_RCC_MSI_GetCalibTrimming * @retval Between 0 and 255 */ __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t LL_RCC_MSI_GetCalibTrimming(void) { return (uint32_t)(READ_BIT(RCC->ICSCR, RCC_ICSCR_MSITRIM) >> RCC_ICSCR_MSITRIM_Pos); } /** * @} */ /** @defgroup RCC_LL_EF_LSCO LSCO * @{ */ /** * @brief Enable Low speed clock * @rmtoll BDCR LSCOEN LL_RCC_LSCO_Enable * @retval None */ __STATIC_INLINE void LL_RCC_LSCO_Enable(void) { SET_BIT(RCC->BDCR, RCC_BDCR_LSCOEN); } /** * @brief Disable Low speed clock * @rmtoll BDCR LSCOEN LL_RCC_LSCO_Disable * @retval None */ __STATIC_INLINE void LL_RCC_LSCO_Disable(void) { CLEAR_BIT(RCC->BDCR, RCC_BDCR_LSCOEN); } /** * @brief Configure Low speed clock selection * @rmtoll BDCR LSCOSEL LL_RCC_LSCO_SetSource * @param Source This parameter can be one of the following values: * @arg @ref LL_RCC_LSCO_CLKSOURCE_LSI * @arg @ref LL_RCC_LSCO_CLKSOURCE_LSE * @retval None */ __STATIC_INLINE void LL_RCC_LSCO_SetSource(uint32_t Source) { MODIFY_REG(RCC->BDCR, RCC_BDCR_LSCOSEL, Source); } /** * @brief Get Low speed clock selection * @rmtoll BDCR LSCOSEL LL_RCC_LSCO_GetSource * @retval Returned value can be one of the following values: * @arg @ref LL_RCC_LSCO_CLKSOURCE_LSI * @arg @ref LL_RCC_LSCO_CLKSOURCE_LSE */ __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t LL_RCC_LSCO_GetSource(void) { return (uint32_t)(READ_BIT(RCC->BDCR, RCC_BDCR_LSCOSEL)); } /** * @} */ /** @defgroup RCC_LL_EF_System System * @{ */ /** * @brief Configure the system clock source * @rmtoll CFGR SW LL_RCC_SetSysClkSource * @param Source This parameter can be one of the following values: * @arg @ref LL_RCC_SYS_CLKSOURCE_MSI * @arg @ref LL_RCC_SYS_CLKSOURCE_HSI * @arg @ref LL_RCC_SYS_CLKSOURCE_HSE * @arg @ref LL_RCC_SYS_CLKSOURCE_PLL * @arg @ref LL_RCC_SYS_CLKSOURCE_LSI * @arg @ref LL_RCC_SYS_CLKSOURCE_LSE * @retval None */ __STATIC_INLINE void LL_RCC_SetSysClkSource(uint32_t Source) { MODIFY_REG(RCC->CFGR, RCC_CFGR_SW, Source); } /** * @brief Get the system clock source * @rmtoll CFGR SWS LL_RCC_GetSysClkSource * @retval Returned value can be one of the following values: * @arg @ref LL_RCC_SYS_CLKSOURCE_STATUS_MSI * @arg @ref LL_RCC_SYS_CLKSOURCE_STATUS_HSI * @arg @ref LL_RCC_SYS_CLKSOURCE_STATUS_HSE * @arg @ref LL_RCC_SYS_CLKSOURCE_STATUS_PLL * @arg @ref LL_RCC_SYS_CLKSOURCE_STATUS_LSI * @arg @ref LL_RCC_SYS_CLKSOURCE_STATUS_LSE */ __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t LL_RCC_GetSysClkSource(void) { return (uint32_t)(READ_BIT(RCC->CFGR, RCC_CFGR_SWS)); } /** * @brief Set AHB prescaler * @rmtoll CFGR HPRE LL_RCC_SetAHBPrescaler * @param Prescaler This parameter can be one of the following values: * @arg @ref LL_RCC_SYSCLK_DIV_1 * @arg @ref LL_RCC_SYSCLK_DIV_2 * @arg @ref LL_RCC_SYSCLK_DIV_4 * @arg @ref LL_RCC_SYSCLK_DIV_8 * @arg @ref LL_RCC_SYSCLK_DIV_16 * @arg @ref LL_RCC_SYSCLK_DIV_64 * @arg @ref LL_RCC_SYSCLK_DIV_128 * @arg @ref LL_RCC_SYSCLK_DIV_256 * @arg @ref LL_RCC_SYSCLK_DIV_512 * @retval None */ __STATIC_INLINE void LL_RCC_SetAHBPrescaler(uint32_t Prescaler) { MODIFY_REG(RCC->CFGR, RCC_CFGR_HPRE, Prescaler); } /** * @brief Set APB prescaler * @rmtoll CFGR PPRE LL_RCC_SetAPBPrescaler * @param Prescaler This parameter can be one of the following values: * @arg @ref LL_RCC_APB1_DIV_1 * @arg @ref LL_RCC_APB1_DIV_2 * @arg @ref LL_RCC_APB1_DIV_4 * @arg @ref LL_RCC_APB1_DIV_8 * @arg @ref LL_RCC_APB1_DIV_16 * @retval None */ __STATIC_INLINE void LL_RCC_SetAPB1Prescaler(uint32_t Prescaler) { MODIFY_REG(RCC->CFGR, RCC_CFGR_PPRE, Prescaler); } /** * @brief Get AHB prescaler * @rmtoll CFGR HPRE LL_RCC_GetAHBPrescaler * @retval Returned value can be one of the following values: * @arg @ref LL_RCC_SYSCLK_DIV_1 * @arg @ref LL_RCC_SYSCLK_DIV_2 * @arg @ref LL_RCC_SYSCLK_DIV_4 * @arg @ref LL_RCC_SYSCLK_DIV_8 * @arg @ref LL_RCC_SYSCLK_DIV_16 * @arg @ref LL_RCC_SYSCLK_DIV_64 * @arg @ref LL_RCC_SYSCLK_DIV_128 * @arg @ref LL_RCC_SYSCLK_DIV_256 * @arg @ref LL_RCC_SYSCLK_DIV_512 */ __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t LL_RCC_GetAHBPrescaler(void) { return (uint32_t)(READ_BIT(RCC->CFGR, RCC_CFGR_HPRE)); } /** * @brief Get APB prescaler * @rmtoll CFGR PPRE LL_RCC_GetAPB1Prescaler * @retval Returned value can be one of the following values: * @arg @ref LL_RCC_APB1_DIV_1 * @arg @ref LL_RCC_APB1_DIV_2 * @arg @ref LL_RCC_APB1_DIV_4 * @arg @ref LL_RCC_APB1_DIV_8 * @arg @ref LL_RCC_APB1_DIV_16 */ __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t LL_RCC_GetAPB1Prescaler(void) { return (uint32_t)(READ_BIT(RCC->CFGR, RCC_CFGR_PPRE)); } /** * @brief Set Clock After Wake-Up From Stop mode * @rmtoll CFGR STOPWUCK LL_RCC_SetClkAfterWakeFromStop * @param Clock This parameter can be one of the following values: * @arg @ref LL_RCC_STOP_WAKEUPCLOCK_MSI * @arg @ref LL_RCC_STOP_WAKEUPCLOCK_HSI * @retval None */ __STATIC_INLINE void LL_RCC_SetClkAfterWakeFromStop(uint32_t Clock) { MODIFY_REG(RCC->CFGR, RCC_CFGR_STOPWUCK, Clock); } /** * @brief Get Clock After Wake-Up From Stop mode * @rmtoll CFGR STOPWUCK LL_RCC_GetClkAfterWakeFromStop * @retval Returned value can be one of the following values: * @arg @ref LL_RCC_STOP_WAKEUPCLOCK_MSI * @arg @ref LL_RCC_STOP_WAKEUPCLOCK_HSI */ __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t LL_RCC_GetClkAfterWakeFromStop(void) { return (uint32_t)(READ_BIT(RCC->CFGR, RCC_CFGR_STOPWUCK)); } /** * @} */ /** @defgroup RCC_LL_EF_MCO MCO * @{ */ /** * @brief Configure MCOx * @rmtoll CFGR MCO1 LL_RCC_ConfigMCO\n * CFGR MCO1PRE LL_RCC_ConfigMCO\n * CFGR MCO2 LL_RCC_ConfigMCO\n * CFGR MCO2PRE LL_RCC_ConfigMCO * @param MCOxSource This parameter can be one of the following values: * @arg @ref LL_RCC_MCO1SOURCE_NOCLOCK * @arg @ref LL_RCC_MCO1SOURCE_SYSCLK * @arg @ref LL_RCC_MCO1SOURCE_MSI * @arg @ref LL_RCC_MCO1SOURCE_HSI16 * @arg @ref LL_RCC_MCO1SOURCE_HSE * @arg @ref LL_RCC_MCO1SOURCE_PLLCLK * @arg @ref LL_RCC_MCO1SOURCE_LSI * @arg @ref LL_RCC_MCO1SOURCE_LSE * @arg @ref LL_RCC_MCO1SOURCE_HSI48 * @arg @ref LL_RCC_MCO2SOURCE_NOCLOCK * @arg @ref LL_RCC_MCO2SOURCE_SYSCLK * @arg @ref LL_RCC_MCO2SOURCE_MSI * @arg @ref LL_RCC_MCO2SOURCE_HSI16 * @arg @ref LL_RCC_MCO2SOURCE_HSE * @arg @ref LL_RCC_MCO2SOURCE_PLLCLK * @arg @ref LL_RCC_MCO2SOURCE_LSI * @arg @ref LL_RCC_MCO2SOURCE_LSE * @arg @ref LL_RCC_MCO2SOURCE_HSI48 * @param MCOxPrescaler This parameter can be one of the following values: * @arg @ref LL_RCC_MCO1_DIV_1 * @arg @ref LL_RCC_MCO1_DIV_2 * @arg @ref LL_RCC_MCO1_DIV_4 * @arg @ref LL_RCC_MCO1_DIV_8 * @arg @ref LL_RCC_MCO1_DIV_16 * @arg @ref LL_RCC_MCO1_DIV_32 * @arg @ref LL_RCC_MCO1_DIV_64 * @arg @ref LL_RCC_MCO1_DIV_128 * @arg @ref LL_RCC_MCO1_DIV_256 * @arg @ref LL_RCC_MCO1_DIV_512 * @arg @ref LL_RCC_MCO2_DIV_1 * @arg @ref LL_RCC_MCO2_DIV_2 * @arg @ref LL_RCC_MCO2_DIV_4 * @arg @ref LL_RCC_MCO2_DIV_8 * @arg @ref LL_RCC_MCO2_DIV_16 * @arg @ref LL_RCC_MCO2_DIV_32 * @arg @ref LL_RCC_MCO2_DIV_64 * @arg @ref LL_RCC_MCO2_DIV_128 * @arg @ref LL_RCC_MCO2_DIV_256 * @arg @ref LL_RCC_MCO2_DIV_512 * @arg @ref LL_RCC_MCO2_DIV_1024 * @retval None */ __STATIC_INLINE void LL_RCC_ConfigMCO(uint32_t MCOxSource, uint32_t MCOxPrescaler) { MODIFY_REG(RCC->CFGR, (MCOxSource << 16U) | (MCOxPrescaler << 16U), \ (MCOxSource & 0xFFFF0000U) | (MCOxPrescaler & 0xFFFF0000U)); } /** * @} */ /** @defgroup RCC_LL_EF_Peripheral_Clock_Source Peripheral Clock Source * @{ */ /** * @brief Configure USARTx clock source * @rmtoll CCIPR USARTxSEL LL_RCC_SetUSARTClockSource * @param USARTxSource This parameter can be one of the following values: * @arg @ref LL_RCC_USART1_CLKSOURCE_PCLK1 * @arg @ref LL_RCC_USART1_CLKSOURCE_SYSCLK * @arg @ref LL_RCC_USART1_CLKSOURCE_HSI * @arg @ref LL_RCC_USART1_CLKSOURCE_LSE * @arg @ref LL_RCC_USART2_CLKSOURCE_PCLK1 * @arg @ref LL_RCC_USART2_CLKSOURCE_SYSCLK * @arg @ref LL_RCC_USART2_CLKSOURCE_HSI * @arg @ref LL_RCC_USART2_CLKSOURCE_LSE * @retval None */ __STATIC_INLINE void LL_RCC_SetUSARTClockSource(uint32_t USARTxSource) { MODIFY_REG(RCC->CCIPR, (USARTxSource >> 16), (USARTxSource & 0x0000FFFF)); } /** * @brief Configure LPUART1x clock source * @rmtoll CCIPR LPUART1SEL LL_RCC_SetLPUARTClockSource * @param LPUARTxSource This parameter can be one of the following values: * @arg @ref LL_RCC_LPUART1_CLKSOURCE_PCLK1 * @arg @ref LL_RCC_LPUART1_CLKSOURCE_SYSCLK * @arg @ref LL_RCC_LPUART1_CLKSOURCE_HSI * @arg @ref LL_RCC_LPUART1_CLKSOURCE_LSE * @arg @ref LL_RCC_LPUART2_CLKSOURCE_PCLK1 * @arg @ref LL_RCC_LPUART2_CLKSOURCE_SYSCLK * @arg @ref LL_RCC_LPUART2_CLKSOURCE_HSI * @arg @ref LL_RCC_LPUART2_CLKSOURCE_LSE * @arg @ref LL_RCC_LPUART3_CLKSOURCE_PCLK1 (*) * @arg @ref LL_RCC_LPUART3_CLKSOURCE_SYSCLK (*) * @arg @ref LL_RCC_LPUART3_CLKSOURCE_HSI (*) * @arg @ref LL_RCC_LPUART3_CLKSOURCE_LSE (*) * * (*) value not defined in all devices. * @retval None */ __STATIC_INLINE void LL_RCC_SetLPUARTClockSource(uint32_t LPUARTxSource) { MODIFY_REG(RCC->CCIPR, (LPUARTxSource >> 16), (LPUARTxSource & 0x0000FFFFU)); } /** * @brief Configure I2Cx clock source * @rmtoll CCIPR I2CxSEL LL_RCC_SetI2CClockSource * @param I2CxSource This parameter can be one of the following values: * @arg @ref LL_RCC_I2C1_CLKSOURCE_PCLK1 * @arg @ref LL_RCC_I2C1_CLKSOURCE_SYSCLK * @arg @ref LL_RCC_I2C1_CLKSOURCE_HSI * @arg @ref LL_RCC_I2C3_CLKSOURCE_PCLK1 * @arg @ref LL_RCC_I2C3_CLKSOURCE_SYSCLK * @arg @ref LL_RCC_I2C3_CLKSOURCE_HSI * @retval None */ __STATIC_INLINE void LL_RCC_SetI2CClockSource(uint32_t I2CxSource) { __IO uint32_t *reg = (__IO uint32_t *)(uint32_t)(RCC_BASE + 0x88U + (I2CxSource >> 24U)); MODIFY_REG(*reg, 3U << ((I2CxSource & 0x00FF0000U) >> 16U), \ ((I2CxSource & 0x000000FFU) << ((I2CxSource & 0x00FF0000U) >> 16U))); } /** * @brief Configure TIMx clock source * @rmtoll CCIPR TIMxSEL LL_RCC_SetTIMClockSource * @param TIMxSource This parameter can be one of the following values: * @arg @ref LL_RCC_TIM1_CLKSOURCE_PLLQ * @arg @ref LL_RCC_TIM1_CLKSOURCE_PCLK1 * @arg @ref LL_RCC_TIM15_CLKSOURCE_PLLQ * @arg @ref LL_RCC_TIM15_CLKSOURCE_PCLK1 * @retval None */ __STATIC_INLINE void LL_RCC_SetTIMClockSource(uint32_t TIMxSource) { MODIFY_REG(RCC->CCIPR, (TIMxSource & 0xFFFF0000U), (TIMxSource << 16)); } /** * @brief Configure LPTIMx clock source * @rmtoll CCIPR LPTIMxSEL LL_RCC_SetLPTIMClockSource * @param LPTIMxSource This parameter can be one of the following values: * @arg @ref LL_RCC_LPTIM1_CLKSOURCE_PCLK1 * @arg @ref LL_RCC_LPTIM1_CLKSOURCE_LSI * @arg @ref LL_RCC_LPTIM1_CLKSOURCE_HSI * @arg @ref LL_RCC_LPTIM1_CLKSOURCE_LSE * @arg @ref LL_RCC_LPTIM2_CLKSOURCE_PCLK1 * @arg @ref LL_RCC_LPTIM2_CLKSOURCE_LSI * @arg @ref LL_RCC_LPTIM2_CLKSOURCE_HSI * @arg @ref LL_RCC_LPTIM2_CLKSOURCE_LSE * @arg @ref LL_RCC_LPTIM3_CLKSOURCE_PCLK1 (*) * @arg @ref LL_RCC_LPTIM3_CLKSOURCE_LSI (*) * @arg @ref LL_RCC_LPTIM3_CLKSOURCE_HSI (*) * @arg @ref LL_RCC_LPTIM3_CLKSOURCE_LSE (*) * * (*) value not defined in all devices. * @retval None */ __STATIC_INLINE void LL_RCC_SetLPTIMClockSource(uint32_t LPTIMxSource) { MODIFY_REG(RCC->CCIPR, (LPTIMxSource & 0xFFFF0000U), (LPTIMxSource << 16U)); } /** * @brief Configure RNG clock source * @rmtoll CCIPR CLK48MSEL LL_RCC_SetRNGClockSource * @param RNGxSource This parameter can be one of the following values: * @arg @ref LL_RCC_RNG_CLKSOURCE_NONE * @arg @ref LL_RCC_RNG_CLKSOURCE_HSI48 (*) * @arg @ref LL_RCC_RNG_CLKSOURCE_PLLQ * @arg @ref LL_RCC_RNG_CLKSOURCE_MSI * * (*) value not defined in all devices. * @retval None */ __STATIC_INLINE void LL_RCC_SetRNGClockSource(uint32_t RNGxSource) { MODIFY_REG(RCC->CCIPR, RCC_CCIPR_CLK48SEL, RNGxSource); } #if defined(USB_DRD_FS) /** * @brief Configure USB clock source * @rmtoll CCIPR USBSEL LL_RCC_SetUSBClockSource * @param USBxSource This parameter can be one of the following values: * @arg @ref LL_RCC_USB_CLKSOURCE_NONE * @arg @ref LL_RCC_USB_CLKSOURCE_HSI48 * @arg @ref LL_RCC_USB_CLKSOURCE_PLLQ * @arg @ref LL_RCC_USB_CLKSOURCE_MSI * * (*) value not defined in all devices. * @retval None */ __STATIC_INLINE void LL_RCC_SetUSBClockSource(uint32_t USBxSource) { MODIFY_REG(RCC->CCIPR, RCC_CCIPR_CLK48SEL, USBxSource); } #endif /* USB_DRD_FS */ /** * @brief Configure ADC clock source * @rmtoll CCIPR ADCSEL LL_RCC_SetADCClockSource * @param ADCxSource This parameter can be one of the following values: * @arg @ref LL_RCC_ADC_CLKSOURCE_NONE * @arg @ref LL_RCC_ADC_CLKSOURCE_PLLP * @arg @ref LL_RCC_ADC_CLKSOURCE_HSI * @arg @ref LL_RCC_ADC_CLKSOURCE_SYSCLK * @retval None */ __STATIC_INLINE void LL_RCC_SetADCClockSource(uint32_t ADCxSource) { MODIFY_REG(RCC->CCIPR, RCC_CCIPR_ADCSEL, ADCxSource); } /** * @brief Get USARTx clock source * @rmtoll CCIPR USARTxSEL LL_RCC_GetUSARTClockSource * @param USARTx This parameter can be one of the following values: * @arg @ref LL_RCC_USART1_CLKSOURCE * @arg @ref LL_RCC_USART2_CLKSOURCE * * (*) value not defined in all devices. * @retval Returned value can be one of the following values: * @arg @ref LL_RCC_USART1_CLKSOURCE_PCLK1 * @arg @ref LL_RCC_USART1_CLKSOURCE_SYSCLK * @arg @ref LL_RCC_USART1_CLKSOURCE_HSI * @arg @ref LL_RCC_USART1_CLKSOURCE_LSE * @arg @ref LL_RCC_USART2_CLKSOURCE_PCLK1 * @arg @ref LL_RCC_USART2_CLKSOURCE_SYSCLK * @arg @ref LL_RCC_USART2_CLKSOURCE_HSI * @arg @ref LL_RCC_USART2_CLKSOURCE_LSE */ __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t LL_RCC_GetUSARTClockSource(uint32_t USARTx) { return (uint32_t)(READ_BIT(RCC->CCIPR, USARTx) | (USARTx << 16U)); } /** * @brief Get LPUARTx clock source * @rmtoll CCIPR LPUART1SEL LL_RCC_GetLPUARTClockSource * @param LPUARTx This parameter can be one of the following values: * @arg @ref LL_RCC_LPUART1_CLKSOURCE * @retval Returned value can be one of the following values: * @arg @ref LL_RCC_LPUART1_CLKSOURCE_PCLK1 * @arg @ref LL_RCC_LPUART1_CLKSOURCE_SYSCLK * @arg @ref LL_RCC_LPUART1_CLKSOURCE_HSI * @arg @ref LL_RCC_LPUART1_CLKSOURCE_LSE * @arg @ref LL_RCC_LPUART2_CLKSOURCE_PCLK1 * @arg @ref LL_RCC_LPUART2_CLKSOURCE_SYSCLK * @arg @ref LL_RCC_LPUART2_CLKSOURCE_HSI * @arg @ref LL_RCC_LPUART2_CLKSOURCE_LSE * @arg @ref LL_RCC_LPUART3_CLKSOURCE_PCLK1 (*) * @arg @ref LL_RCC_LPUART3_CLKSOURCE_SYSCLK (*) * @arg @ref LL_RCC_LPUART3_CLKSOURCE_HSI (*) * @arg @ref LL_RCC_LPUART3_CLKSOURCE_LSE (*) * * (*) value not defined in all devices. */ __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t LL_RCC_GetLPUARTClockSource(uint32_t LPUARTx) { return (uint32_t)((READ_BIT(RCC->CCIPR, LPUARTx) | (LPUARTx << 16U))); } /** * @brief Get I2Cx clock source * @rmtoll CCIPR I2CxSEL LL_RCC_GetI2CClockSource * @param I2Cx This parameter can be one of the following values: * @arg @ref LL_RCC_I2C1_CLKSOURCE * @arg @ref LL_RCC_I2C3_CLKSOURCE * * (*) value not defined in all devices. * @retval Returned value can be one of the following values: * @arg @ref LL_RCC_I2C1_CLKSOURCE_PCLK1 * @arg @ref LL_RCC_I2C1_CLKSOURCE_SYSCLK * @arg @ref LL_RCC_I2C1_CLKSOURCE_HSI * @arg @ref LL_RCC_I2C3_CLKSOURCE_PCLK1 * @arg @ref LL_RCC_I2C3_CLKSOURCE_SYSCLK * @arg @ref LL_RCC_I2C3_CLKSOURCE_HSI */ __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t LL_RCC_GetI2CClockSource(uint32_t I2Cx) { __IO uint32_t *reg = (__IO uint32_t *)(uint32_t)(RCC_BASE + 0x88U + (I2Cx >> 24U)); return (uint32_t)((READ_BIT(*reg, 3U << ((I2Cx & 0x0000FF0000U) >> 16U)) >> ((I2Cx & 0x0000FF0000U) >> 16U)) | \ (I2Cx & 0xFFFF0000U)); } /** * @brief Get TIMx clock source * @rmtoll CCIPR TIMxSEL LL_RCC_GetTIMClockSource * @param TIMx This parameter can be one of the following values: * @arg @ref LL_RCC_TIM1_CLKSOURCE * @arg @ref LL_RCC_TIM15_CLKSOURCE * @retval Returned value can be one of the following values: * @arg @ref LL_RCC_TIM1_CLKSOURCE_PLLQ * @arg @ref LL_RCC_TIM1_CLKSOURCE_PCLK1 * @arg @ref LL_RCC_TIM15_CLKSOURCE_PLLQ * @arg @ref LL_RCC_TIM15_CLKSOURCE_PCLK1 */ __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t LL_RCC_GetTIMClockSource(uint32_t TIMx) { return (uint32_t)((READ_BIT(RCC->CCIPR, TIMx) >> 16U) | TIMx); } /** * @brief Get LPTIMx clock source * @rmtoll CCIPR LPTIM1SEL LL_RCC_GetLPTIMClockSource\n * CCIPR LPTIM2SEL LL_RCC_GetLPTIMClockSource * CCIPR LPTIM3SEL LL_RCC_GetLPTIMClockSource * @param LPTIMx This parameter can be one of the following values: * @arg @ref LL_RCC_LPTIM1_CLKSOURCE * @arg @ref LL_RCC_LPTIM2_CLKSOURCE * @retval Returned value can be one of the following values: * @arg @ref LL_RCC_LPTIM1_CLKSOURCE_PCLK1 * @arg @ref LL_RCC_LPTIM1_CLKSOURCE_LSI * @arg @ref LL_RCC_LPTIM1_CLKSOURCE_HSI * @arg @ref LL_RCC_LPTIM1_CLKSOURCE_LSE * @arg @ref LL_RCC_LPTIM2_CLKSOURCE_PCLK1 * @arg @ref LL_RCC_LPTIM2_CLKSOURCE_LSI * @arg @ref LL_RCC_LPTIM2_CLKSOURCE_HSI * @arg @ref LL_RCC_LPTIM2_CLKSOURCE_LSE * @arg @ref LL_RCC_LPTIM3_CLKSOURCE_PCLK1 (*) * @arg @ref LL_RCC_LPTIM3_CLKSOURCE_LSI (*) * @arg @ref LL_RCC_LPTIM3_CLKSOURCE_HSI (*) * @arg @ref LL_RCC_LPTIM3_CLKSOURCE_LSE (*) * * (*) value not defined in all devices. */ __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t LL_RCC_GetLPTIMClockSource(uint32_t LPTIMx) { return (uint32_t)((READ_BIT(RCC->CCIPR, LPTIMx) >> 16U) | LPTIMx); } /** * @brief Get RNGx clock source * @rmtoll CCIPR CLK48SEL LL_RCC_GetRNGClockSource * @param RNGx This parameter can be one of the following values: * @arg @ref LL_RCC_RNG_CLKSOURCE * @retval Returned value can be one of the following values: * @arg @ref LL_RCC_RNG_CLKSOURCE_NONE * @arg @ref LL_RCC_RNG_CLKSOURCE_HSI48 * @arg @ref LL_RCC_RNG_CLKSOURCE_PLLQ * @arg @ref LL_RCC_RNG_CLKSOURCE_MSI * */ __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t LL_RCC_GetRNGClockSource(uint32_t RNGx) { return (uint32_t)(READ_BIT(RCC->CCIPR, RNGx)); } #if defined (USB_DRD_FS) /** * @brief Get USBx clock source * @rmtoll CCIPR CLK48SEL LL_RCC_GetUSBClockSource * @param USBx This parameter can be one of the following values: * @arg @ref LL_RCC_USB_CLKSOURCE * @retval Returned value can be one of the following values: * @arg @ref LL_RCC_USB_CLKSOURCE_NONE * @arg @ref LL_RCC_USB_CLKSOURCE_HSI48 * @arg @ref LL_RCC_USB_CLKSOURCE_PLLQ * @arg @ref LL_RCC_USB_CLKSOURCE_MSI * */ __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t LL_RCC_GetUSBClockSource(uint32_t USBx) { return (uint32_t)(READ_BIT(RCC->CCIPR, USBx)); } #endif /* USB_DRD_FS */ /** * @brief Get ADCx clock source * @rmtoll CCIPR ADCSEL LL_RCC_GetADCClockSource * @param ADCx This parameter can be one of the following values: * @arg @ref LL_RCC_ADC_CLKSOURCE * @retval Returned value can be one of the following values: * @arg @ref LL_RCC_ADC_CLKSOURCE_NONE * @arg @ref LL_RCC_ADC_CLKSOURCE_PLLP * @arg @ref LL_RCC_ADC_CLKSOURCE_HSI * @arg @ref LL_RCC_ADC_CLKSOURCE_SYSCLK */ __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t LL_RCC_GetADCClockSource(uint32_t ADCx) { return (uint32_t)(READ_BIT(RCC->CCIPR, ADCx)); } /** * @} */ /** @defgroup RCC_LL_EF_RTC RTC * @{ */ /** * @brief Set RTC Clock Source * @note Once the RTC clock source has been selected, it cannot be changed anymore unless * the Backup domain is reset, or unless a failure is detected on LSE (LSECSSD is * set). The BDRST bit can be used to reset them. * @rmtoll BDCR RTCSEL LL_RCC_SetRTCClockSource * @param Source This parameter can be one of the following values: * @arg @ref LL_RCC_RTC_CLKSOURCE_NONE * @arg @ref LL_RCC_RTC_CLKSOURCE_LSE * @arg @ref LL_RCC_RTC_CLKSOURCE_LSI * @arg @ref LL_RCC_RTC_CLKSOURCE_HSE_DIV32 * @retval None */ __STATIC_INLINE void LL_RCC_SetRTCClockSource(uint32_t Source) { MODIFY_REG(RCC->BDCR, RCC_BDCR_RTCSEL, Source); } /** * @brief Get RTC Clock Source * @rmtoll BDCR RTCSEL LL_RCC_GetRTCClockSource * @retval Returned value can be one of the following values: * @arg @ref LL_RCC_RTC_CLKSOURCE_NONE * @arg @ref LL_RCC_RTC_CLKSOURCE_LSE * @arg @ref LL_RCC_RTC_CLKSOURCE_LSI * @arg @ref LL_RCC_RTC_CLKSOURCE_HSE_DIV32 */ __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t LL_RCC_GetRTCClockSource(void) { return (uint32_t)(READ_BIT(RCC->BDCR, RCC_BDCR_RTCSEL)); } /** * @brief Enable RTC * @rmtoll BDCR RTCEN LL_RCC_EnableRTC * @retval None */ __STATIC_INLINE void LL_RCC_EnableRTC(void) { SET_BIT(RCC->BDCR, RCC_BDCR_RTCEN); } /** * @brief Disable RTC * @rmtoll BDCR RTCEN LL_RCC_DisableRTC * @retval None */ __STATIC_INLINE void LL_RCC_DisableRTC(void) { CLEAR_BIT(RCC->BDCR, RCC_BDCR_RTCEN); } /** * @brief Check if RTC has been enabled or not * @rmtoll BDCR RTCEN LL_RCC_IsEnabledRTC * @retval State of bit (1 or 0). */ __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t LL_RCC_IsEnabledRTC(void) { return (READ_BIT(RCC->BDCR, RCC_BDCR_RTCEN) == (RCC_BDCR_RTCEN)); } /** * @brief Force the Backup domain reset * @rmtoll BDCR BDRST LL_RCC_ForceBackupDomainReset * @retval None */ __STATIC_INLINE void LL_RCC_ForceBackupDomainReset(void) { SET_BIT(RCC->BDCR, RCC_BDCR_BDRST); } /** * @brief Release the Backup domain reset * @rmtoll BDCR BDRST LL_RCC_ReleaseBackupDomainReset * @retval None */ __STATIC_INLINE void LL_RCC_ReleaseBackupDomainReset(void) { CLEAR_BIT(RCC->BDCR, RCC_BDCR_BDRST); } /** * @} */ /** @defgroup RCC_LL_EF_PLL PLL * @{ */ /** * @brief Enable PLL * @rmtoll CR PLLON LL_RCC_PLL_Enable * @retval None */ __STATIC_INLINE void LL_RCC_PLL_Enable(void) { SET_BIT(RCC->CR, RCC_CR_PLLON); } /** * @brief Disable PLL * @note Cannot be disabled if the PLL clock is used as the system clock * @rmtoll CR PLLON LL_RCC_PLL_Disable * @retval None */ __STATIC_INLINE void LL_RCC_PLL_Disable(void) { CLEAR_BIT(RCC->CR, RCC_CR_PLLON); } /** * @brief Check if PLL Ready * @rmtoll CR PLLRDY LL_RCC_PLL_IsReady * @retval State of bit (1 or 0). */ __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t LL_RCC_PLL_IsReady(void) { return (READ_BIT(RCC->CR, RCC_CR_PLLRDY) == (RCC_CR_PLLRDY)); } /** @defgroup RCC_LL_EF_HSI48 HSI48 * @{ */ #if defined(RCC_CRRCR_HSI48ON) /** * @brief Enable HSI48 * @rmtoll CRRCR HSI48ON LL_RCC_HSI48_Enable * @retval None */ __STATIC_INLINE void LL_RCC_HSI48_Enable(void) { SET_BIT(RCC->CRRCR, RCC_CRRCR_HSI48ON); } /** * @brief Disable HSI48 * @note Cannot be disabled if the HSI48 clock is used as the system clock * @rmtoll CRRCR HSI48ON LL_RCC_HSI48_Disable * @retval None */ __STATIC_INLINE void LL_RCC_HSI48_Disable(void) { CLEAR_BIT(RCC->CRRCR, RCC_CRRCR_HSI48ON); } #endif /* RCC_CRRCR_HSI48ON */ #if defined(RCC_CRRCR_HSI48ON) /** * @brief Check if HSI48 Ready * @rmtoll CRRCR HSI48RDY LL_RCC_HSI48_IsReady * @retval State of bit (1 or 0). */ __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t LL_RCC_HSI48_IsReady(void) { return (READ_BIT(RCC->CRRCR, RCC_CRRCR_HSI48RDY) == (RCC_CRRCR_HSI48RDY)); } #endif /* RCC_CRRCR_HSI48ON */ #if defined(RCC_CRRCR_HSI48ON) /** * @brief Get HSI Calibration value * @note When HSITRIM is written, HSICAL is updated with the sum of * HSITRIM and the factory trim value * @rmtoll CRRCR HSICAL LL_RCC_HSI_GetCalibration * @retval Between Min_Data = 0x00 and Max_Data = 0xFF */ __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t LL_RCC_HSI48_GetCalibration(void) { return (uint32_t)(READ_BIT(RCC->CRRCR, RCC_CRRCR_HSI48CAL) >> RCC_CRRCR_HSI48CAL_Pos); } /** * @brief Set HSI Calibration trimming * @note user-programmable trimming value that is added to the HSICAL * @note Default value is 16, which, when added to the HSICAL value, * should trim the HSI to 16 MHz +/- 1 % * @rmtoll CRRCR HSITRIM LL_RCC_HSI_SetCalibTrimming * @param Value Between Min_Data = 0 and Max_Data = 31 * @retval None */ __STATIC_INLINE void LL_RCC_HSI48_SetCalibration(uint32_t Value) { MODIFY_REG(RCC->CRRCR, RCC_CRRCR_HSI48CAL, Value << RCC_CRRCR_HSI48CAL_Pos); } #endif /* RCC_CRRCR_HSI48ON */ /** * @brief Configure PLLR used for SYSCLK Domain * @note PLL Source and PLLM Divider can be written only when PLL * is disabled. * @note PLLN/PLLR can be written only when PLL is disabled. * @rmtoll PLLCFGR PLLSRC LL_RCC_PLL_ConfigDomain_SYS\n * PLLCFGR PLLM LL_RCC_PLL_ConfigDomain_SYS\n * PLLCFGR PLLN LL_RCC_PLL_ConfigDomain_SYS\n * PLLCFGR PLLR LL_RCC_PLL_ConfigDomain_SYS * @param Source This parameter can be one of the following values: * @arg @ref LL_RCC_PLLSOURCE_NONE * @arg @ref LL_RCC_PLLSOURCE_MSI * @arg @ref LL_RCC_PLLSOURCE_HSI * @arg @ref LL_RCC_PLLSOURCE_HSE * @param PLLM This parameter can be one of the following values: * @arg @ref LL_RCC_PLLM_DIV_1 * @arg @ref LL_RCC_PLLM_DIV_2 * @arg @ref LL_RCC_PLLM_DIV_3 * @arg @ref LL_RCC_PLLM_DIV_4 * @arg @ref LL_RCC_PLLM_DIV_5 * @arg @ref LL_RCC_PLLM_DIV_6 * @arg @ref LL_RCC_PLLM_DIV_7 * @arg @ref LL_RCC_PLLM_DIV_8 * * @param PLLN Between 4 and 127 * @param PLLR This parameter can be one of the following values: * @arg @ref LL_RCC_PLLR_DIV_2 * @arg @ref LL_RCC_PLLR_DIV_4 * @arg @ref LL_RCC_PLLR_DIV_6 * @arg @ref LL_RCC_PLLR_DIV_8 * @retval None */ __STATIC_INLINE void LL_RCC_PLL_ConfigDomain_SYS(uint32_t Source, uint32_t PLLM, uint32_t PLLN, uint32_t PLLR) { MODIFY_REG(RCC->PLLCFGR, RCC_PLLCFGR_PLLSRC | RCC_PLLCFGR_PLLM | RCC_PLLCFGR_PLLN | RCC_PLLCFGR_PLLR, Source | PLLM | PLLN << RCC_PLLCFGR_PLLN_Pos | PLLR); } /** * @brief Configure PLL used for Q domain clock * @note PLL Source and PLLM Divider can be written only when PLL. * @note PLLN/PLLQ can be written only when PLL is disabled. * @note This can be selected for USB, RNG * @rmtoll PLLCFGR PLLSRC LL_RCC_PLL_ConfigDomain_PLLQ\n * PLLCFGR PLLM LL_RCC_PLL_ConfigDomain_PLLQ\n * PLLCFGR PLLN LL_RCC_PLL_ConfigDomain_PLLQ\n * PLLCFGR PLLQ LL_RCC_PLL_ConfigDomain_PLLQ * @param Source This parameter can be one of the following values: * @arg @ref LL_RCC_PLLSOURCE_NONE * @arg @ref LL_RCC_PLLSOURCE_MSI * @arg @ref LL_RCC_PLLSOURCE_HSI * @arg @ref LL_RCC_PLLSOURCE_HSE * @param PLLM This parameter can be one of the following values: * @arg @ref LL_RCC_PLLM_DIV_1 * @arg @ref LL_RCC_PLLM_DIV_2 * @arg @ref LL_RCC_PLLM_DIV_3 * @arg @ref LL_RCC_PLLM_DIV_4 * @arg @ref LL_RCC_PLLM_DIV_5 * @arg @ref LL_RCC_PLLM_DIV_6 * @arg @ref LL_RCC_PLLM_DIV_7 * @arg @ref LL_RCC_PLLM_DIV_8 * * @param PLLN Between 4 and 127 * @param PLLQ This parameter can be one of the following values: * @arg @ref LL_RCC_PLLQ_DIV_2 * @arg @ref LL_RCC_PLLQ_DIV_4 * @arg @ref LL_RCC_PLLQ_DIV_6 * @arg @ref LL_RCC_PLLQ_DIV_8 * @retval None */ __STATIC_INLINE void LL_RCC_PLL_ConfigDomain_PLLQ(uint32_t Source, uint32_t PLLM, uint32_t PLLN, uint32_t PLLQ) { MODIFY_REG(RCC->PLLCFGR, RCC_PLLCFGR_PLLSRC | RCC_PLLCFGR_PLLM | RCC_PLLCFGR_PLLN | RCC_PLLCFGR_PLLQ, Source | PLLM | (PLLN << RCC_PLLCFGR_PLLN_Pos) | PLLQ); } /** * @brief Configure PLL used for P domain clock * @note PLL Source and PLLM Divider can be written only when PLL. * @note PLLN/PLLQ can be written only when PLL is disabled. * @note This can be selected for ADC, TIM1 , TIM15 * @rmtoll PLLCFGR PLLSRC LL_RCC_PLL_ConfigDomain_PLLP\n * PLLCFGR PLLM LL_RCC_PLL_ConfigDomain_PLLP\n * PLLCFGR PLLN LL_RCC_PLL_ConfigDomain_PLLP\n * PLLCFGR PLLP LL_RCC_PLL_ConfigDomain_PLLP * @param Source This parameter can be one of the following values: * @arg @ref LL_RCC_PLLSOURCE_NONE * @arg @ref LL_RCC_PLLSOURCE_MSI * @arg @ref LL_RCC_PLLSOURCE_HSI * @arg @ref LL_RCC_PLLSOURCE_HSE * @param PLLM This parameter can be one of the following values: * @arg @ref LL_RCC_PLLM_DIV_1 * @arg @ref LL_RCC_PLLM_DIV_2 * @arg @ref LL_RCC_PLLM_DIV_3 * @arg @ref LL_RCC_PLLM_DIV_4 * @arg @ref LL_RCC_PLLM_DIV_5 * @arg @ref LL_RCC_PLLM_DIV_6 * @arg @ref LL_RCC_PLLM_DIV_7 * @arg @ref LL_RCC_PLLM_DIV_8 * * @param PLLN Between 4 and 127 * @param PLLP This parameter can be one of the following values: * @arg @ref LL_RCC_PLLP_DIV_2 * @arg @ref LL_RCC_PLLP_DIV_3 * @arg @ref LL_RCC_PLLP_DIV_4 * @arg @ref LL_RCC_PLLP_DIV_5 * @arg @ref LL_RCC_PLLP_DIV_6 * @arg @ref LL_RCC_PLLP_DIV_7 * @arg @ref LL_RCC_PLLP_DIV_8 * @arg @ref LL_RCC_PLLP_DIV_9 * @arg @ref LL_RCC_PLLP_DIV_10 * @arg @ref LL_RCC_PLLP_DIV_11 * @arg @ref LL_RCC_PLLP_DIV_12 * @arg @ref LL_RCC_PLLP_DIV_13 * @arg @ref LL_RCC_PLLP_DIV_14 * @arg @ref LL_RCC_PLLP_DIV_15 * @arg @ref LL_RCC_PLLP_DIV_16 * @arg @ref LL_RCC_PLLP_DIV_17 * @arg @ref LL_RCC_PLLP_DIV_18 * @arg @ref LL_RCC_PLLP_DIV_19 * @arg @ref LL_RCC_PLLP_DIV_20 * @arg @ref LL_RCC_PLLP_DIV_21 * @arg @ref LL_RCC_PLLP_DIV_22 * @arg @ref LL_RCC_PLLP_DIV_23 * @arg @ref LL_RCC_PLLP_DIV_24 * @arg @ref LL_RCC_PLLP_DIV_25 * @arg @ref LL_RCC_PLLP_DIV_26 * @arg @ref LL_RCC_PLLP_DIV_27 * @arg @ref LL_RCC_PLLP_DIV_28 * @arg @ref LL_RCC_PLLP_DIV_29 * @arg @ref LL_RCC_PLLP_DIV_30 * @arg @ref LL_RCC_PLLP_DIV_31 * @arg @ref LL_RCC_PLLP_DIV_32 * @retval None */ __STATIC_INLINE void LL_RCC_PLL_ConfigDomain_PLLP(uint32_t Source, uint32_t PLLM, uint32_t PLLN, uint32_t PLLP) { MODIFY_REG(RCC->PLLCFGR, RCC_PLLCFGR_PLLSRC | RCC_PLLCFGR_PLLM | RCC_PLLCFGR_PLLN | RCC_PLLCFGR_PLLP, Source | PLLM | (PLLN << RCC_PLLCFGR_PLLN_Pos) | PLLP); } /** * @brief Get Main PLL multiplication factor for VCO * @rmtoll PLLCFGR PLLN LL_RCC_PLL_GetN * @retval Between 4 and 127 */ __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t LL_RCC_PLL_GetN(void) { return (uint32_t)(READ_BIT(RCC->PLLCFGR, RCC_PLLCFGR_PLLN) >> RCC_PLLCFGR_PLLN_Pos); } /** * @brief Get Main PLL division factor for PLLP * @rmtoll PLLCFGR PLLPDIV LL_RCC_PLL_GetP * @retval Returned value can be one of the following values: * @arg @ref LL_RCC_PLLP_DIV_2 * @arg @ref LL_RCC_PLLP_DIV_3 * @arg @ref LL_RCC_PLLP_DIV_4 * @arg @ref LL_RCC_PLLP_DIV_5 * @arg @ref LL_RCC_PLLP_DIV_6 * @arg @ref LL_RCC_PLLP_DIV_7 * @arg @ref LL_RCC_PLLP_DIV_8 * @arg @ref LL_RCC_PLLP_DIV_9 * @arg @ref LL_RCC_PLLP_DIV_10 * @arg @ref LL_RCC_PLLP_DIV_11 * @arg @ref LL_RCC_PLLP_DIV_12 * @arg @ref LL_RCC_PLLP_DIV_13 * @arg @ref LL_RCC_PLLP_DIV_14 * @arg @ref LL_RCC_PLLP_DIV_15 * @arg @ref LL_RCC_PLLP_DIV_16 * @arg @ref LL_RCC_PLLP_DIV_17 * @arg @ref LL_RCC_PLLP_DIV_18 * @arg @ref LL_RCC_PLLP_DIV_19 * @arg @ref LL_RCC_PLLP_DIV_20 * @arg @ref LL_RCC_PLLP_DIV_21 * @arg @ref LL_RCC_PLLP_DIV_22 * @arg @ref LL_RCC_PLLP_DIV_23 * @arg @ref LL_RCC_PLLP_DIV_24 * @arg @ref LL_RCC_PLLP_DIV_25 * @arg @ref LL_RCC_PLLP_DIV_26 * @arg @ref LL_RCC_PLLP_DIV_27 * @arg @ref LL_RCC_PLLP_DIV_28 * @arg @ref LL_RCC_PLLP_DIV_29 * @arg @ref LL_RCC_PLLP_DIV_30 * @arg @ref LL_RCC_PLLP_DIV_31 */ __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t LL_RCC_PLL_GetP(void) { return (uint32_t)(READ_BIT(RCC->PLLCFGR, RCC_PLLCFGR_PLLP)); } /** * @brief Get Main PLL division factor for PLLQ * @note Used for PLL48M1CLK selected for USB, RNG, SDMMC (48 MHz clock) * @rmtoll PLLCFGR PLLQ LL_RCC_PLL_GetQ * @retval Returned value can be one of the following values: * @arg @ref LL_RCC_PLLQ_DIV_2 * @arg @ref LL_RCC_PLLQ_DIV_4 * @arg @ref LL_RCC_PLLQ_DIV_6 * @arg @ref LL_RCC_PLLQ_DIV_8 */ __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t LL_RCC_PLL_GetQ(void) { return (uint32_t)(READ_BIT(RCC->PLLCFGR, RCC_PLLCFGR_PLLQ)); } /** * @brief Get Main PLL division factor for PLLR * @note Used for PLLCLK (system clock) * @rmtoll PLLCFGR PLLR LL_RCC_PLL_GetR * @retval Returned value can be one of the following values: * @arg @ref LL_RCC_PLLR_DIV_2 * @arg @ref LL_RCC_PLLR_DIV_4 * @arg @ref LL_RCC_PLLR_DIV_6 * @arg @ref LL_RCC_PLLR_DIV_8 */ __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t LL_RCC_PLL_GetR(void) { return (uint32_t)(READ_BIT(RCC->PLLCFGR, RCC_PLLCFGR_PLLR)); } /** * @brief Get the oscillator used as PLL clock source. * @rmtoll PLLCFGR PLLSRC LL_RCC_PLL_GetMainSource * @retval Returned value can be one of the following values: * @arg @ref LL_RCC_PLLSOURCE_NONE * @arg @ref LL_RCC_PLLSOURCE_MSI * @arg @ref LL_RCC_PLLSOURCE_HSI * @arg @ref LL_RCC_PLLSOURCE_HSE */ __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t LL_RCC_PLL_GetMainSource(void) { return (uint32_t)(READ_BIT(RCC->PLLCFGR, RCC_PLLCFGR_PLLSRC)); } /** * @brief Get Division factor for the main PLL and other PLL * @rmtoll PLLCFGR PLLM LL_RCC_PLL_GetM * @retval Returned value can be one of the following values: * @arg @ref LL_RCC_PLLM_DIV_1 * @arg @ref LL_RCC_PLLM_DIV_2 * @arg @ref LL_RCC_PLLM_DIV_3 * @arg @ref LL_RCC_PLLM_DIV_4 * @arg @ref LL_RCC_PLLM_DIV_5 * @arg @ref LL_RCC_PLLM_DIV_6 * @arg @ref LL_RCC_PLLM_DIV_7 * @arg @ref LL_RCC_PLLM_DIV_8 * */ __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t LL_RCC_PLL_GetM(void) { return (uint32_t)(READ_BIT(RCC->PLLCFGR, RCC_PLLCFGR_PLLM)); } /** * @brief Enable PLL output mapped on P domain clock * @rmtoll PLLCFGR PLLPEN LL_RCC_PLL_EnableDomain_PLLP * @note User shall check that PLL enable is not done through * other functions (ex: I2S1) * @retval None */ __STATIC_INLINE void LL_RCC_PLL_EnableDomain_PLLP(void) { SET_BIT(RCC->PLLCFGR, RCC_PLLCFGR_PLLPEN); } /** * @brief Disable PLL output mapped on P domain clock * @note Cannot be disabled if the PLL clock is used as the system clock * @note User shall check that PLL is not used by any other peripheral * (ex: I2S1) * @note In order to save power, when the PLLCLK of the PLL is * not used, should be 0 * @rmtoll PLLCFGR PLLPEN LL_RCC_PLL_DisableDomain_PLLP * @retval None */ __STATIC_INLINE void LL_RCC_PLL_DisableDomain_PLLP(void) { CLEAR_BIT(RCC->PLLCFGR, RCC_PLLCFGR_PLLPEN); } /** * @brief Check if PLL output mapped on P domain clock is enabled * @rmtoll PLLCFGR PLLPEN LL_RCC_PLL_IsEnabledDomain_PLLP * @retval State of bit (1 or 0). */ __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t LL_RCC_PLL_IsEnabledDomain_PLLP(void) { return ((READ_BIT(RCC->PLLCFGR, RCC_PLLCFGR_PLLPEN) == (RCC_PLLCFGR_PLLPEN)) ? 1UL : 0UL); } /** * @brief Enable PLL output mapped on 48MHz domain clock * @rmtoll PLLCFGR PLLQEN LL_RCC_PLL_EnableDomain_PLLQ * @retval None */ __STATIC_INLINE void LL_RCC_PLL_EnableDomain_PLLQ(void) { SET_BIT(RCC->PLLCFGR, RCC_PLLCFGR_PLLQEN); } /** * @brief Disable PLL output mapped on 48MHz domain clock * @note Cannot be disabled if the PLL clock is used as the system * clock * @note In order to save power, when the PLLCLK of the PLL is * not used, should be 0 * @rmtoll PLLCFGR PLLQEN LL_RCC_PLL_DisableDomain_PLLQ * @retval None */ __STATIC_INLINE void LL_RCC_PLL_DisableDomain_PLLQ(void) { CLEAR_BIT(RCC->PLLCFGR, RCC_PLLCFGR_PLLQEN); } /** * @brief Check if PLL output mapped on Q domain clock is enabled * @rmtoll PLLCFGR PLLQEN LL_RCC_PLL_IsEnabledDomain_PLLQ * @retval State of bit (1 or 0). */ __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t LL_RCC_PLL_IsEnabledDomain_PLLQ(void) { return ((READ_BIT(RCC->PLLCFGR, RCC_PLLCFGR_PLLQEN) == (RCC_PLLCFGR_PLLQEN)) ? 1UL : 0UL); } /** * @brief Enable PLL output mapped on SYSCLK domain * @rmtoll PLLCFGR PLLREN LL_RCC_PLL_EnableDomain_SYS * @retval None */ __STATIC_INLINE void LL_RCC_PLL_EnableDomain_SYS(void) { SET_BIT(RCC->PLLCFGR, RCC_PLLCFGR_PLLREN); } /** * @brief Disable PLL output mapped on SYSCLK domain * @note Cannot be disabled if the PLL clock is used as the system * clock * @note In order to save power, when the PLLCLK of the PLL is * not used, Main PLL should be 0 * @rmtoll PLLCFGR PLLREN LL_RCC_PLL_DisableDomain_SYS * @retval None */ __STATIC_INLINE void LL_RCC_PLL_DisableDomain_SYS(void) { CLEAR_BIT(RCC->PLLCFGR, RCC_PLLCFGR_PLLREN); } /** * @brief Check if PLL output mapped on tR(SYS) domain clock is enabled * @rmtoll PLLCFGR PLLREN LL_RCC_PLL_IsEnabledDomain_SYS * @retval State of bit (1 or 0). */ __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t LL_RCC_PLL_IsEnabledDomain_SYS(void) { return ((READ_BIT(RCC->PLLCFGR, RCC_PLLCFGR_PLLREN) == (RCC_PLLCFGR_PLLREN)) ? 1UL : 0UL); } /** * @} */ /** @defgroup RCC_LL_EF_FLAG_Management FLAG Management * @{ */ /** * @brief Clear LSI ready interrupt flag * @rmtoll CICR LSIRDYC LL_RCC_ClearFlag_LSIRDY * @retval None */ __STATIC_INLINE void LL_RCC_ClearFlag_LSIRDY(void) { SET_BIT(RCC->CICR, RCC_CICR_LSIRDYC); } /** * @brief Clear LSE ready interrupt flag * @rmtoll CICR LSERDYC LL_RCC_ClearFlag_LSERDY * @retval None */ __STATIC_INLINE void LL_RCC_ClearFlag_LSERDY(void) { SET_BIT(RCC->CICR, RCC_CICR_LSERDYC); } /** * @brief Clear MSI ready interrupt flag * @rmtoll CICR MSIRDYC LL_RCC_ClearFlag_MSIRDY * @retval None */ __STATIC_INLINE void LL_RCC_ClearFlag_MSIRDY(void) { SET_BIT(RCC->CICR, RCC_CICR_MSIRDYC); } /** * @brief Clear HSI ready interrupt flag * @rmtoll CICR HSIRDYC LL_RCC_ClearFlag_HSIRDY * @retval None */ __STATIC_INLINE void LL_RCC_ClearFlag_HSIRDY(void) { SET_BIT(RCC->CICR, RCC_CICR_HSIRDYC); } /** * @brief Clear HSE ready interrupt flag * @rmtoll CICR HSERDYC LL_RCC_ClearFlag_HSERDY * @retval None */ __STATIC_INLINE void LL_RCC_ClearFlag_HSERDY(void) { SET_BIT(RCC->CICR, RCC_CICR_HSERDYC); } /** * @brief Clear PLL ready interrupt flag * @rmtoll CICR PLLRDYC LL_RCC_ClearFlag_PLLRDY * @retval None */ __STATIC_INLINE void LL_RCC_ClearFlag_PLLRDY(void) { SET_BIT(RCC->CICR, RCC_CICR_PLLRDYC); } /** * @brief Clear Clock security system interrupt flag * @rmtoll CICR CSSC LL_RCC_ClearFlag_HSECSS * @retval None */ __STATIC_INLINE void LL_RCC_ClearFlag_CSS(void) { SET_BIT(RCC->CICR, RCC_CICR_CSSC); } /** * @brief Clear LSE Clock security system interrupt flag * @rmtoll CICR LSECSSC LL_RCC_ClearFlag_LSECSS * @retval None */ __STATIC_INLINE void LL_RCC_ClearFlag_LSECSS(void) { SET_BIT(RCC->CICR, RCC_CICR_LSECSSC); } #if defined(RCC_CRRCR_HSI48ON) /** * @brief Clear LSE Clock security system interrupt flag * @rmtoll CICR HSI48RDYC LL_RCC_ClearFlag_HSI48RDY * @retval None */ __STATIC_INLINE void LL_RCC_ClearFlag_HSI48RDY(void) { SET_BIT(RCC->CICR, RCC_CICR_HSI48RDYC); } #endif /* RCC_CRRCR_HSI48ON */ /** * @brief Check if LSI ready interrupt occurred or not * @rmtoll CIFR LSIRDYF LL_RCC_IsActiveFlag_LSIRDY * @retval State of bit (1 or 0). */ __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t LL_RCC_IsActiveFlag_LSIRDY(void) { return ((READ_BIT(RCC->CIFR, RCC_CIFR_LSIRDYF) == (RCC_CIFR_LSIRDYF)) ? 1UL : 0UL); } /** * @brief Check if LSE ready interrupt occurred or not * @rmtoll CIFR LSERDYF LL_RCC_IsActiveFlag_LSERDY * @retval State of bit (1 or 0). */ __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t LL_RCC_IsActiveFlag_LSERDY(void) { return ((READ_BIT(RCC->CIFR, RCC_CIFR_LSERDYF) == (RCC_CIFR_LSERDYF)) ? 1UL : 0UL); } /** * @brief Check if MSI ready interrupt occurred or not * @rmtoll CIFR MSIRDYF LL_RCC_IsActiveFlag_MSIRDY * @retval State of bit (1 or 0). */ __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t LL_RCC_IsActiveFlag_MSIRDY(void) { return ((READ_BIT(RCC->CIFR, RCC_CIFR_MSIRDYF) == (RCC_CIFR_MSIRDYF)) ? 1UL : 0UL); } /** * @brief Check if HSI ready interrupt occurred or not * @rmtoll CIFR HSIRDYF LL_RCC_IsActiveFlag_HSIRDY * @retval State of bit (1 or 0). */ __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t LL_RCC_IsActiveFlag_HSIRDY(void) { return ((READ_BIT(RCC->CIFR, RCC_CIFR_HSIRDYF) == (RCC_CIFR_HSIRDYF)) ? 1UL : 0UL); } /** * @brief Check if HSE ready interrupt occurred or not * @rmtoll CIFR HSERDYF LL_RCC_IsActiveFlag_HSERDY * @retval State of bit (1 or 0). */ __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t LL_RCC_IsActiveFlag_HSERDY(void) { return ((READ_BIT(RCC->CIFR, RCC_CIFR_HSERDYF) == (RCC_CIFR_HSERDYF)) ? 1UL : 0UL); } /** * @brief Check if PLL ready interrupt occurred or not * @rmtoll CIFR PLLRDYF LL_RCC_IsActiveFlag_PLLRDY * @retval State of bit (1 or 0). */ __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t LL_RCC_IsActiveFlag_PLLRDY(void) { return ((READ_BIT(RCC->CIFR, RCC_CIFR_PLLRDYF) == (RCC_CIFR_PLLRDYF)) ? 1UL : 0UL); } #if defined(RCC_CRRCR_HSI48ON) /** * @brief Check if HSI48 ready interrupt occurred or not * @rmtoll CIR HSI48RDYF LL_RCC_IsActiveFlag_HSI48RDY * @retval State of bit (1 or 0). */ __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t LL_RCC_IsActiveFlag_HSI48RDY(void) { return ((READ_BIT(RCC->CIFR, RCC_CIFR_HSI48RDYF) == (RCC_CIFR_HSI48RDYF)) ? 1UL : 0UL); } #endif /* RCC_CRRCR_HSI48ON */ /** * @brief Check if Clock security system interrupt occurred or not * @rmtoll CIFR CSSF LL_RCC_IsActiveFlag_HSECSS * @retval State of bit (1 or 0). */ __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t LL_RCC_IsActiveFlag_LSECSS(void) { return ((READ_BIT(RCC->CIFR, RCC_CIFR_LSECSSF) == (RCC_CIFR_LSECSSF)) ? 1UL : 0UL); } /** * @brief Check if LSE Clock security system interrupt occurred or not * @rmtoll CIFR LSECSSF LL_RCC_IsActiveFlag_LSECSS * @retval State of bit (1 or 0). */ __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t LL_RCC_IsActiveFlag_CSS(void) { return ((READ_BIT(RCC->CIFR, RCC_CIFR_CSSF) == (RCC_CIFR_CSSF)) ? 1UL : 0UL); } /** * @brief Check if RCC flag Watchdog reset is set or not. * @rmtoll CSR IWDGRSTF LL_RCC_IsActiveFlag_IWDGRST * @retval State of bit (1 or 0). */ __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t LL_RCC_IsActiveFlag_IWDGRST(void) { return ((READ_BIT(RCC->CSR, RCC_CSR_IWDGRSTF) == (RCC_CSR_IWDGRSTF)) ? 1UL : 0UL); } /** * @brief Check if RCC flag Low Power reset is set or not. * @rmtoll CSR LPWRRSTF LL_RCC_IsActiveFlag_LPWRRST * @retval State of bit (1 or 0). */ __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t LL_RCC_IsActiveFlag_LPWRRST(void) { return ((READ_BIT(RCC->CSR, RCC_CSR_LPWRRSTF) == (RCC_CSR_LPWRRSTF)) ? 1UL : 0UL); } /** * @brief Check if RCC flag is set or not. * @rmtoll CSR OBLRSTF LL_RCC_IsActiveFlag_OBLRST * @retval State of bit (1 or 0). */ __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t LL_RCC_IsActiveFlag_OBLRST(void) { return ((READ_BIT(RCC->CSR, RCC_CSR_OBLRSTF) == (RCC_CSR_OBLRSTF)) ? 1UL : 0UL); } /** * @brief Check if RCC flag Pin reset is set or not. * @rmtoll CSR PINRSTF LL_RCC_IsActiveFlag_PINRST * @retval State of bit (1 or 0). */ __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t LL_RCC_IsActiveFlag_PINRST(void) { return ((READ_BIT(RCC->CSR, RCC_CSR_PINRSTF) == (RCC_CSR_PINRSTF)) ? 1UL : 0UL); } /** * @brief Check if RCC flag Software reset is set or not. * @rmtoll CSR SFTRSTF LL_RCC_IsActiveFlag_SFTRST * @retval State of bit (1 or 0). */ __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t LL_RCC_IsActiveFlag_SFTRST(void) { return ((READ_BIT(RCC->CSR, RCC_CSR_SFTRSTF) == (RCC_CSR_SFTRSTF)) ? 1UL : 0UL); } /** * @brief Check if RCC flag Window Watchdog reset is set or not. * @rmtoll CSR WWDGRSTF LL_RCC_IsActiveFlag_WWDGRST * @retval State of bit (1 or 0). */ __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t LL_RCC_IsActiveFlag_WWDGRST(void) { return ((READ_BIT(RCC->CSR, RCC_CSR_WWDGRSTF) == (RCC_CSR_WWDGRSTF)) ? 1UL : 0UL); } /** * @brief Check if RCC flag PWR reset is set or not. * @rmtoll CSR PWRRSTF LL_RCC_IsActiveFlag_PWRRST * @retval State of bit (1 or 0). */ __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t LL_RCC_IsActiveFlag_PWRRST(void) { return ((READ_BIT(RCC->CSR, RCC_CSR_PWRRSTF) == (RCC_CSR_PWRRSTF)) ? 1UL : 0UL); } /** * @brief Set RMVF bit to clear the reset flags. * @rmtoll CSR RMVF LL_RCC_ClearResetFlags * @retval None */ __STATIC_INLINE void LL_RCC_ClearResetFlags(void) { SET_BIT(RCC->CSR, RCC_CSR_RMVF); } /** * @} */ /** @defgroup RCC_LL_EF_IT_Management IT Management * @{ */ /** * @brief Enable LSI ready interrupt * @rmtoll CIER LSIRDYIE LL_RCC_EnableIT_LSIRDY * @retval None */ __STATIC_INLINE void LL_RCC_EnableIT_LSIRDY(void) { SET_BIT(RCC->CIER, RCC_CIER_LSIRDYIE); } /** * @brief Enable LSE ready interrupt * @rmtoll CIER LSERDYIE LL_RCC_EnableIT_LSERDY * @retval None */ __STATIC_INLINE void LL_RCC_EnableIT_LSERDY(void) { SET_BIT(RCC->CIER, RCC_CIER_LSERDYIE); } /** * @brief Enable MSI ready interrupt * @rmtoll CIER MSIRDYIE LL_RCC_EnableIT_MSIRDY * @retval None */ __STATIC_INLINE void LL_RCC_EnableIT_MSIRDY(void) { SET_BIT(RCC->CIER, RCC_CIER_MSIRDYIE); } /** * @brief Enable HSI ready interrupt * @rmtoll CIER HSIRDYIE LL_RCC_EnableIT_HSIRDY * @retval None */ __STATIC_INLINE void LL_RCC_EnableIT_HSIRDY(void) { SET_BIT(RCC->CIER, RCC_CIER_HSIRDYIE); } /** * @brief Enable HSE ready interrupt * @rmtoll CIER HSERDYIE LL_RCC_EnableIT_HSERDY * @retval None */ __STATIC_INLINE void LL_RCC_EnableIT_HSERDY(void) { SET_BIT(RCC->CIER, RCC_CIER_HSERDYIE); } /** * @brief Enable PLL ready interrupt * @rmtoll CIER PLLRDYIE LL_RCC_EnableIT_PLLRDY * @retval None */ __STATIC_INLINE void LL_RCC_EnableIT_PLLRDY(void) { SET_BIT(RCC->CIER, RCC_CIER_PLLRDYIE); } #if defined(RCC_CRRCR_HSI48ON) /** * @brief Enable HSI48 ready interrupt * @rmtoll CIER HSI48RDYIE LL_RCC_EnableIT_HSI48RDY * @retval None */ __STATIC_INLINE void LL_RCC_EnableIT_HSI48RDY(void) { SET_BIT(RCC->CIER, RCC_CIER_HSI48RDYIE); } #endif /* RCC_CRRCR_HSI48ON */ /** * @brief Enable LSE clock security system interrupt * @rmtoll CIER LSECSSIE LL_RCC_EnableIT_LSECSS * @retval None */ __STATIC_INLINE void LL_RCC_EnableIT_LSECSS(void) { SET_BIT(RCC->CIER, RCC_CIER_LSECSSIE); } /** * @brief Disable LSI ready interrupt * @rmtoll CIER LSIRDYIE LL_RCC_DisableIT_LSIRDY * @retval None */ __STATIC_INLINE void LL_RCC_DisableIT_LSIRDY(void) { CLEAR_BIT(RCC->CIER, RCC_CIER_LSIRDYIE); } /** * @brief Disable LSE ready interrupt * @rmtoll CIER LSERDYIE LL_RCC_DisableIT_LSERDY * @retval None */ __STATIC_INLINE void LL_RCC_DisableIT_LSERDY(void) { CLEAR_BIT(RCC->CIER, RCC_CIER_LSERDYIE); } /** * @brief Disable MSI ready interrupt * @rmtoll CIER MSIRDYIE LL_RCC_DisableIT_MSIRDY * @retval None */ __STATIC_INLINE void LL_RCC_DisableIT_MSIRDY(void) { CLEAR_BIT(RCC->CIER, RCC_CIER_MSIRDYIE); } /** * @brief Disable HSI ready interrupt * @rmtoll CIER HSIRDYIE LL_RCC_DisableIT_HSIRDY * @retval None */ __STATIC_INLINE void LL_RCC_DisableIT_HSIRDY(void) { CLEAR_BIT(RCC->CIER, RCC_CIER_HSIRDYIE); } /** * @brief Disable HSE ready interrupt * @rmtoll CIER HSERDYIE LL_RCC_DisableIT_HSERDY * @retval None */ __STATIC_INLINE void LL_RCC_DisableIT_HSERDY(void) { CLEAR_BIT(RCC->CIER, RCC_CIER_HSERDYIE); } /** * @brief Disable PLL ready interrupt * @rmtoll CIER PLLRDYIE LL_RCC_DisableIT_PLLRDY * @retval None */ __STATIC_INLINE void LL_RCC_DisableIT_PLLRDY(void) { CLEAR_BIT(RCC->CIER, RCC_CIER_PLLRDYIE); } #if defined(RCC_CRRCR_HSI48ON) /** * @brief Disable HSI48 ready interrupt * @rmtoll CIER HSI48RDYIE LL_RCC_DisableIT_HSI48RDY * @retval None */ __STATIC_INLINE void LL_RCC_DisableIT_HSI48RDY(void) { CLEAR_BIT(RCC->CIER, RCC_CIER_HSI48RDYIE); } #endif /* RCC_CRRCR_HSI48ON */ /** * @brief Disable LSE clock security system interrupt * @rmtoll CIER LSECSSIE LL_RCC_DisableIT_LSECSS * @retval None */ __STATIC_INLINE void LL_RCC_DisableIT_LSECSS(void) { CLEAR_BIT(RCC->CIER, RCC_CIER_LSECSSIE); } /** * @brief Checks if LSI ready interrupt source is enabled or disabled. * @rmtoll CIER LSIRDYIE LL_RCC_IsEnabledIT_LSIRDY * @retval State of bit (1 or 0). */ __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t LL_RCC_IsEnabledIT_LSIRDY(void) { return ((READ_BIT(RCC->CIER, RCC_CIER_LSIRDYIE) == (RCC_CIER_LSIRDYIE)) ? 1UL : 0UL); } /** * @brief Checks if LSE ready interrupt source is enabled or disabled. * @rmtoll CIER LSERDYIE LL_RCC_IsEnabledIT_LSERDY * @retval State of bit (1 or 0). */ __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t LL_RCC_IsEnabledIT_LSERDY(void) { return ((READ_BIT(RCC->CIER, RCC_CIER_LSERDYIE) == (RCC_CIER_LSERDYIE)) ? 1UL : 0UL); } /** * @brief Checks if MSI ready interrupt source is enabled or disabled. * @rmtoll CIER MSIRDYIE LL_RCC_IsEnabledIT_MSIRDY * @retval State of bit (1 or 0). */ __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t LL_RCC_IsEnabledIT_MSIRDY(void) { return ((READ_BIT(RCC->CIER, RCC_CIER_MSIRDYIE) == (RCC_CIER_MSIRDYIE)) ? 1UL : 0UL); } /** * @brief Checks if HSI ready interrupt source is enabled or disabled. * @rmtoll CIER HSIRDYIE LL_RCC_IsEnabledIT_HSIRDY * @retval State of bit (1 or 0). */ __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t LL_RCC_IsEnabledIT_HSIRDY(void) { return ((READ_BIT(RCC->CIER, RCC_CIER_HSIRDYIE) == (RCC_CIER_HSIRDYIE)) ? 1UL : 0UL); } /** * @brief Checks if HSE ready interrupt source is enabled or disabled. * @rmtoll CIER HSERDYIE LL_RCC_IsEnabledIT_HSERDY * @retval State of bit (1 or 0). */ __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t LL_RCC_IsEnabledIT_HSERDY(void) { return ((READ_BIT(RCC->CIER, RCC_CIER_HSERDYIE) == (RCC_CIER_HSERDYIE)) ? 1UL : 0UL); } /** * @brief Checks if PLL ready interrupt source is enabled or disabled. * @rmtoll CIER PLLRDYIE LL_RCC_IsEnabledIT_PLLRDY * @retval State of bit (1 or 0). */ __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t LL_RCC_IsEnabledIT_PLLRDY(void) { return ((READ_BIT(RCC->CIER, RCC_CIER_PLLRDYIE) == (RCC_CIER_PLLRDYIE)) ? 1UL : 0UL); } #if defined(RCC_CRRCR_HSI48ON) /** * @brief Checks if HSI48 ready interrupt source is enabled or disabled. * @rmtoll CIER HSI48RDYIE LL_RCC_IsEnabledIT_HSI48RDY * @retval State of bit (1 or 0). */ __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t LL_RCC_IsEnabledIT_HSI48RDY(void) { return ((READ_BIT(RCC->CIER, RCC_CIER_HSI48RDYIE) == (RCC_CIER_HSI48RDYIE)) ? 1UL : 0UL); } #endif /* RCC_CRRCR_HSI48ON */ /** * @brief Checks if LSECSS interrupt source is enabled or disabled. * @rmtoll CIER LSECSSIE LL_RCC_IsEnabledIT_LSECSS * @retval State of bit (1 or 0). */ __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t LL_RCC_IsEnabledIT_LSECSS(void) { return ((READ_BIT(RCC->CIER, RCC_CIER_LSECSSIE) == (RCC_CIER_LSECSSIE)) ? 1UL : 0UL); } /** * @} */ #if defined(USE_FULL_LL_DRIVER) /** @defgroup RCC_LL_EF_Init De-initialization function * @{ */ ErrorStatus LL_RCC_DeInit(void); /** * @} */ /** @defgroup RCC_LL_EF_Get_Freq Get system and peripherals clocks frequency functions * @{ */ void LL_RCC_GetSystemClocksFreq(LL_RCC_ClocksTypeDef *RCC_Clocks); uint32_t LL_RCC_GetUSARTClockFreq(uint32_t USARTxSource); uint32_t LL_RCC_GetI2CClockFreq(uint32_t I2CxSource); uint32_t LL_RCC_GetLPUARTClockFreq(uint32_t LPUARTxSource); uint32_t LL_RCC_GetTIMClockFreq(uint32_t TIMxSource); uint32_t LL_RCC_GetLPTIMClockFreq(uint32_t LPTIMxSource); uint32_t LL_RCC_GetRNGClockFreq(uint32_t RNGxSource); #if defined (USB_DRD_FS) uint32_t LL_RCC_GetUSBClockFreq(uint32_t USBxSource); #endif /* USB_DRD_FS */ uint32_t LL_RCC_GetRTCClockFreq(void); uint32_t LL_RCC_GetADCClockFreq(uint32_t ADCxSource); /** * @} */ #endif /* USE_FULL_LL_DRIVER */ /** * @} */ /** * @} */ #endif /* RCC */ /** * @} */ #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #endif /* __STM32U0xx_LL_RCC_H */