/** ****************************************************************************** * @file stm32u0xx_hal_dac_ex.c * @author MCD Application Team * @brief Extended DAC HAL module driver. * This file provides firmware functions to manage the extended * functionalities of the DAC peripheral. * * ****************************************************************************** * @attention * * Copyright (c) 2023 STMicroelectronics. * All rights reserved. * * This software is licensed under terms that can be found in the LICENSE file * in the root directory of this software component. * If no LICENSE file comes with this software, it is provided AS-IS. * ****************************************************************************** @verbatim ============================================================================== ##### How to use this driver ##### ============================================================================== [..] *** Signal generation operation *** =================================== [..] (+) Use HAL_DACEx_TriangleWaveGenerate() to generate Triangle signal. (+) Use HAL_DACEx_NoiseWaveGenerate() to generate Noise signal. (+) HAL_DACEx_SelfCalibrate to calibrate one DAC channel. (+) HAL_DACEx_SetUserTrimming to set user trimming value. (+) HAL_DACEx_GetTrimOffset to retrieve trimming value (factory setting after reset, user setting if HAL_DACEx_SetUserTrimming have been used at least one time after reset). @endverbatim ****************************************************************************** */ /* Includes ------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #include "stm32u0xx_hal.h" /** @addtogroup STM32U0xx_HAL_Driver * @{ */ #ifdef HAL_DAC_MODULE_ENABLED #if defined(DAC1) /** @defgroup DACEx DACEx * @brief DAC Extended HAL module driver * @{ */ /* Private typedef -----------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Private define ------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Delay for DAC minimum trimming time. */ /* Note: minimum time needed between two calibration steps */ /* The delay below is specified under conditions: */ /* - DAC channel output buffer enabled */ /* Literal set to maximum value (refer to device datasheet, */ /* electrical characteristics, parameter "tTRIM"). */ /* Unit: us */ #define DAC_DELAY_TRIM_US (50UL) /*!< Delay for DAC minimum trimming time */ /* Private macro -------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Private variables ---------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Private function prototypes -----------------------------------------------*/ /* Exported functions --------------------------------------------------------*/ /** @defgroup DACEx_Exported_Functions DACEx Exported Functions * @{ */ /** @defgroup DACEx_Exported_Functions_Group2 IO operation functions * @brief Extended IO operation functions * @verbatim ============================================================================== ##### Extended features functions ##### ============================================================================== [..] This section provides functions allowing to: (+) Start conversion. (+) Stop conversion. (+) Start conversion and enable DMA transfer. (+) Stop conversion and disable DMA transfer. (+) Get result of conversion. (+) Get result of dual mode conversion. @endverbatim * @{ */ /** * @brief Enable or disable the selected DAC channel wave generation. * @param hdac pointer to a DAC_HandleTypeDef structure that contains * the configuration information for the specified DAC. * @param Channel The selected DAC channel. * This parameter can be one of the following values: * @arg DAC_CHANNEL_1: DAC Channel1 selected * @param Amplitude Select max triangle amplitude. * This parameter can be one of the following values: * @arg DAC_TRIANGLEAMPLITUDE_1: Select max triangle amplitude of 1 * @arg DAC_TRIANGLEAMPLITUDE_3: Select max triangle amplitude of 3 * @arg DAC_TRIANGLEAMPLITUDE_7: Select max triangle amplitude of 7 * @arg DAC_TRIANGLEAMPLITUDE_15: Select max triangle amplitude of 15 * @arg DAC_TRIANGLEAMPLITUDE_31: Select max triangle amplitude of 31 * @arg DAC_TRIANGLEAMPLITUDE_63: Select max triangle amplitude of 63 * @arg DAC_TRIANGLEAMPLITUDE_127: Select max triangle amplitude of 127 * @arg DAC_TRIANGLEAMPLITUDE_255: Select max triangle amplitude of 255 * @arg DAC_TRIANGLEAMPLITUDE_511: Select max triangle amplitude of 511 * @arg DAC_TRIANGLEAMPLITUDE_1023: Select max triangle amplitude of 1023 * @arg DAC_TRIANGLEAMPLITUDE_2047: Select max triangle amplitude of 2047 * @arg DAC_TRIANGLEAMPLITUDE_4095: Select max triangle amplitude of 4095 * @retval HAL status */ HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_DACEx_TriangleWaveGenerate(DAC_HandleTypeDef *hdac, uint32_t Channel, uint32_t Amplitude) { /* Check the DAC peripheral handle */ if (hdac == NULL) { return HAL_ERROR; } /* Check the parameters */ assert_param(IS_DAC_CHANNEL(Channel)); assert_param(IS_DAC_LFSR_UNMASK_TRIANGLE_AMPLITUDE(Amplitude)); /* Process locked */ __HAL_LOCK(hdac); /* Change DAC state */ hdac->State = HAL_DAC_STATE_BUSY; /* Enable the triangle wave generation for the selected DAC channel */ MODIFY_REG(hdac->Instance->CR, ((DAC_CR_WAVE1) | (DAC_CR_MAMP1)) << (Channel & 0x10UL), (DAC_CR_WAVE1_1 | Amplitude) << (Channel & 0x10UL)); /* Change DAC state */ hdac->State = HAL_DAC_STATE_READY; /* Process unlocked */ __HAL_UNLOCK(hdac); /* Return function status */ return HAL_OK; } /** * @brief Enable or disable the selected DAC channel wave generation. * @param hdac pointer to a DAC_HandleTypeDef structure that contains * the configuration information for the specified DAC. * @param Channel The selected DAC channel. * This parameter can be one of the following values: * @arg DAC_CHANNEL_1: DAC Channel1 selected * @param Amplitude Unmask DAC channel LFSR for noise wave generation. * This parameter can be one of the following values: * @arg DAC_LFSRUNMASK_BIT0: Unmask DAC channel LFSR bit0 for noise wave generation * @arg DAC_LFSRUNMASK_BITS1_0: Unmask DAC channel LFSR bit[1:0] for noise wave generation * @arg DAC_LFSRUNMASK_BITS2_0: Unmask DAC channel LFSR bit[2:0] for noise wave generation * @arg DAC_LFSRUNMASK_BITS3_0: Unmask DAC channel LFSR bit[3:0] for noise wave generation * @arg DAC_LFSRUNMASK_BITS4_0: Unmask DAC channel LFSR bit[4:0] for noise wave generation * @arg DAC_LFSRUNMASK_BITS5_0: Unmask DAC channel LFSR bit[5:0] for noise wave generation * @arg DAC_LFSRUNMASK_BITS6_0: Unmask DAC channel LFSR bit[6:0] for noise wave generation * @arg DAC_LFSRUNMASK_BITS7_0: Unmask DAC channel LFSR bit[7:0] for noise wave generation * @arg DAC_LFSRUNMASK_BITS8_0: Unmask DAC channel LFSR bit[8:0] for noise wave generation * @arg DAC_LFSRUNMASK_BITS9_0: Unmask DAC channel LFSR bit[9:0] for noise wave generation * @arg DAC_LFSRUNMASK_BITS10_0: Unmask DAC channel LFSR bit[10:0] for noise wave generation * @arg DAC_LFSRUNMASK_BITS11_0: Unmask DAC channel LFSR bit[11:0] for noise wave generation * @retval HAL status */ HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_DACEx_NoiseWaveGenerate(DAC_HandleTypeDef *hdac, uint32_t Channel, uint32_t Amplitude) { /* Check the DAC peripheral handle */ if (hdac == NULL) { return HAL_ERROR; } /* Check the parameters */ assert_param(IS_DAC_CHANNEL(Channel)); assert_param(IS_DAC_LFSR_UNMASK_TRIANGLE_AMPLITUDE(Amplitude)); /* Process locked */ __HAL_LOCK(hdac); /* Change DAC state */ hdac->State = HAL_DAC_STATE_BUSY; /* Enable the noise wave generation for the selected DAC channel */ MODIFY_REG(hdac->Instance->CR, ((DAC_CR_WAVE1) | (DAC_CR_MAMP1)) << (Channel & 0x10UL), (DAC_CR_WAVE1_0 | Amplitude) << (Channel & 0x10UL)); /* Change DAC state */ hdac->State = HAL_DAC_STATE_READY; /* Process unlocked */ __HAL_UNLOCK(hdac); /* Return function status */ return HAL_OK; } /** * @brief Run the self calibration of one DAC channel. * @param hdac pointer to a DAC_HandleTypeDef structure that contains * the configuration information for the specified DAC. * @param sConfig DAC channel configuration structure. * @param Channel The selected DAC channel. * This parameter can be one of the following values: * @arg DAC_CHANNEL_1: DAC Channel1 selected * @retval Updates DAC_TrimmingValue. , DAC_UserTrimming set to DAC_UserTrimming * @retval HAL status * @note Calibration runs about 7 ms. */ HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_DACEx_SelfCalibrate(DAC_HandleTypeDef *hdac, DAC_ChannelConfTypeDef *sConfig, uint32_t Channel) { HAL_StatusTypeDef status = HAL_OK; __IO uint32_t tmp; uint32_t trimmingvalue; uint32_t delta; __IO uint32_t wait_loop_index; /* store/restore channel configuration structure purpose */ uint32_t oldmodeconfiguration; /* Check the parameters */ assert_param(IS_DAC_CHANNEL(Channel)); /* Check the DAC handle allocation */ /* Check if DAC running */ if ((hdac == NULL) || (sConfig == NULL)) { status = HAL_ERROR; } else if (hdac->State == HAL_DAC_STATE_BUSY) { status = HAL_ERROR; } else { /* Process locked */ __HAL_LOCK(hdac); /* Store configuration */ oldmodeconfiguration = (hdac->Instance->MCR & (DAC_MCR_MODE1 << (Channel & 0x10UL))); /* Disable the selected DAC channel */ CLEAR_BIT((hdac->Instance->CR), (DAC_CR_EN1 << (Channel & 0x10UL))); /* Set mode in MCR for calibration */ MODIFY_REG(hdac->Instance->MCR, (DAC_MCR_MODE1 << (Channel & 0x10UL)), 0U); /* Set DAC Channel1 DHR register to the middle value */ tmp = (uint32_t)hdac->Instance; if (Channel == DAC_CHANNEL_1) { tmp += DAC_DHR12R1_ALIGNMENT(DAC_ALIGN_12B_R); } *(__IO uint32_t *) tmp = 0x0800UL; /* Enable the selected DAC channel calibration */ /* i.e. set DAC_CR_CENx bit */ SET_BIT((hdac->Instance->CR), (DAC_CR_CEN1 << (Channel & 0x10UL))); /* Init trimming counter */ /* Medium value */ trimmingvalue = 16UL; delta = 8UL; while (delta != 0UL) { /* Set candidate trimming */ MODIFY_REG(hdac->Instance->CCR, (DAC_CCR_OTRIM1 << (Channel & 0x10UL)), (trimmingvalue << (Channel & 0x10UL))); /* Wait minimum time needed between two calibration steps (OTRIM) */ /* Wait loop initialization and execution */ /* Note: Variable divided by 2 to compensate partially CPU processing cycles, scaling in us split to not exceed */ /* 32 bits register capacity and handle low frequency. */ wait_loop_index = ((DAC_DELAY_TRIM_US / 10UL) * ((SystemCoreClock / (100000UL * 2UL)) + 1UL)); while (wait_loop_index != 0UL) { wait_loop_index--; } if ((hdac->Instance->SR & (DAC_SR_CAL_FLAG1 << (Channel & 0x10UL))) == (DAC_SR_CAL_FLAG1 << (Channel & 0x10UL))) { /* DAC_SR_CAL_FLAGx is HIGH try higher trimming */ trimmingvalue -= delta; } else { /* DAC_SR_CAL_FLAGx is LOW try lower trimming */ trimmingvalue += delta; } delta >>= 1UL; } /* Still need to check if right calibration is current value or one step below */ /* Indeed the first value that causes the DAC_SR_CAL_FLAGx bit to change from 0 to 1 */ /* Set candidate trimming */ MODIFY_REG(hdac->Instance->CCR, (DAC_CCR_OTRIM1 << (Channel & 0x10UL)), (trimmingvalue << (Channel & 0x10UL))); /* Wait minimum time needed between two calibration steps (OTRIM) */ /* Wait loop initialization and execution */ /* Note: Variable divided by 2 to compensate partially CPU processing cycles, scaling in us split to not exceed */ /* 32 bits register capacity and handle low frequency. */ wait_loop_index = ((DAC_DELAY_TRIM_US / 10UL) * ((SystemCoreClock / (100000UL * 2UL)) + 1UL)); while (wait_loop_index != 0UL) { wait_loop_index--; } if ((hdac->Instance->SR & (DAC_SR_CAL_FLAG1 << (Channel & 0x10UL))) == 0UL) { /* Trimming is actually one value more */ trimmingvalue++; /* Set right trimming */ MODIFY_REG(hdac->Instance->CCR, (DAC_CCR_OTRIM1 << (Channel & 0x10UL)), (trimmingvalue << (Channel & 0x10UL))); } /* Disable the selected DAC channel calibration */ /* i.e. clear DAC_CR_CENx bit */ CLEAR_BIT((hdac->Instance->CR), (DAC_CR_CEN1 << (Channel & 0x10UL))); sConfig->DAC_TrimmingValue = trimmingvalue; sConfig->DAC_UserTrimming = DAC_TRIMMING_USER; /* Restore configuration */ MODIFY_REG(hdac->Instance->MCR, (DAC_MCR_MODE1 << (Channel & 0x10UL)), oldmodeconfiguration); /* Process unlocked */ __HAL_UNLOCK(hdac); } return status; } /** * @brief Set the trimming mode and trimming value (user trimming mode applied). * @param hdac pointer to a DAC_HandleTypeDef structure that contains * the configuration information for the specified DAC. * @param sConfig DAC configuration structure updated with new DAC trimming value. * @param Channel The selected DAC channel. * This parameter can be one of the following values: * @arg DAC_CHANNEL_1: DAC Channel1 selected * @param NewTrimmingValue DAC new trimming value * @retval HAL status */ HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_DACEx_SetUserTrimming(DAC_HandleTypeDef *hdac, DAC_ChannelConfTypeDef *sConfig, uint32_t Channel, uint32_t NewTrimmingValue) { HAL_StatusTypeDef status = HAL_OK; /* Check the parameters */ assert_param(IS_DAC_CHANNEL(Channel)); assert_param(IS_DAC_NEWTRIMMINGVALUE(NewTrimmingValue)); /* Check the DAC handle and channel configuration struct allocation */ if ((hdac == NULL) || (sConfig == NULL)) { status = HAL_ERROR; } else { /* Process locked */ __HAL_LOCK(hdac); /* Set new trimming */ MODIFY_REG(hdac->Instance->CCR, (DAC_CCR_OTRIM1 << (Channel & 0x10UL)), (NewTrimmingValue << (Channel & 0x10UL))); /* Update trimming mode */ sConfig->DAC_UserTrimming = DAC_TRIMMING_USER; sConfig->DAC_TrimmingValue = NewTrimmingValue; /* Process unlocked */ __HAL_UNLOCK(hdac); } return status; } /** * @brief Return the DAC trimming value. * @param hdac DAC handle * @param Channel The selected DAC channel. * This parameter can be one of the following values: * @arg DAC_CHANNEL_1: DAC Channel1 selected * @retval Trimming value : range: 0->31 * */ uint32_t HAL_DACEx_GetTrimOffset(const DAC_HandleTypeDef *hdac, uint32_t Channel) { /* Check the parameter */ assert_param(IS_DAC_CHANNEL(Channel)); /* Retrieve trimming */ return ((hdac->Instance->CCR & (DAC_CCR_OTRIM1 << (Channel & 0x10UL))) >> (Channel & 0x10UL)); } /** * @} */ /** * @} */ /** * @} */ #endif /* DAC1 */ #endif /* HAL_DAC_MODULE_ENABLED */ /** * @} */