/** ****************************************************************************** * @file stm32u0xx_hal_flash.h * @author MCD Application Team * @brief Header file of FLASH HAL module. ****************************************************************************** * @attention * * Copyright (c) 2022 STMicroelectronics. * All rights reserved. * * This software is licensed under terms that can be found in the LICENSE file in * the root directory of this software component. * If no LICENSE file comes with this software, it is provided AS-IS. ****************************************************************************** */ /* Define to prevent recursive inclusion -------------------------------------*/ #ifndef STM32U0xx_HAL_FLASH_H #define STM32U0xx_HAL_FLASH_H #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif /* Includes ------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #include "stm32u0xx_hal_def.h" /** @addtogroup STM32U0xx_HAL_Driver * @{ */ /** @addtogroup FLASH * @{ */ /* Exported types ------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** @defgroup FLASH_Exported_Types FLASH Exported Types * @{ */ /** * @brief FLASH Erase structure definition */ typedef struct { uint32_t TypeErase; /*!< Mass erase or page erase. This parameter can be a value of @ref FLASH_Type_Erase */ uint32_t Banks; /*!< Select bank to erase. This parameter must be a value of @ref FLASH_Banks (FLASH_BANK_BOTH should be used only for mass erase) */ uint32_t Page; /*!< Initial Flash page to erase when page erase is enabled This parameter must be a value between 0 and (FLASH_PAGE_NB - 1) */ uint32_t NbPages; /*!< Number of pages to be erased. This parameter must be a value between 1 and (FLASH_PAGE_NB - value of initial page)*/ } FLASH_EraseInitTypeDef; /** * @brief FLASH Option Bytes Program structure definition */ typedef struct { uint32_t OptionType; /*!< Option byte to be configured. This parameter can be a combination of the values of @ref FLASH_OB_Type */ uint32_t WRPArea; /*!< Write protection area to be programmed (used for OPTIONBYTE_WRP). Only one WRP area could be programmed at the same time. This parameter can be value of @ref FLASH_OB_WRP_Area */ uint32_t WRPStartOffset; /*!< Write protection start offset (used for OPTIONBYTE_WRP). This parameter must be a value between 0 and [FLASH_PAGE_NB - 1]*/ uint32_t WRPEndOffset; /*!< Write protection end offset (used for OPTIONBYTE_WRP). This parameter must be a value between WRPStartOffset and [FLASH_PAGE_NB - 1] */ uint32_t RDPLevel; /*!< Set the read protection level (used for OPTIONBYTE_RDP). This parameter can be a value of @ref FLASH_OB_Read_Protection */ uint32_t USERType; /*!< User option byte(s) to be configured (used for OPTIONBYTE_USER). This parameter can be a combination of @ref FLASH_OB_USER_Type */ uint32_t USERConfig; /*!< Value of the user option byte (used for OPTIONBYTE_USER). This parameter can be a combination of @ref FLASH_OB_USER_BOR_ENABLE, @ref FLASH_OB_USER_BOR_LEVEL, @ref FLASH_OB_USER_RESET_CONFIG, @ref FLASH_OB_USER_NRST_STOP, @ref FLASH_OB_USER_NRST_STANDBY, @ref FLASH_OB_USER_NRST_SHUTDOWN, @ref FLASH_OB_USER_IWDG_SW, @ref FLASH_OB_USER_IWDG_STOP, @ref FLASH_OB_USER_IWDG_STANDBY, @ref FLASH_OB_USER_WWDG_SW, @ref FLASH_OB_USER_SRAM_PARITY, @ref FLASH_OB_USER_NBOOT_SEL, @ref FLASH_OB_USER_NBOOT1, @ref FLASH_OB_USER_NBOOT0, @ref FLASH_OB_USER_INPUT_RESET_HOLDER */ uint32_t RDPKeyType; /*!< Configuration of the RDP OEM keys (used for OPTIONBYTE_RDPKEY). This parameter can be a value of @ref FLASH_OB_RDP_Key_Type */ uint32_t RDPKey1; /*!< Value of the RDP OEM key 1 (used for OPTIONBYTE_RDPKEY) */ uint32_t RDPKey2; /*!< Value of the RDP OEM key 1 (used for OPTIONBYTE_RDPKEY) */ uint32_t RDPKey3; /*!< Value of the RDP OEM key 1 (used for OPTIONBYTE_RDPKEY) */ uint32_t RDPKey4; /*!< Value of the RDP OEM key 1 (used for OPTIONBYTE_RDPKEY) */ uint32_t BootLock; /*!< Allow to force a unique boot entry point to Flash or system Flash */ uint32_t HDPEndPage; /*!< This parameter defines Hide protection area end page */ uint32_t HDPState; /*!< Hide protection area enable */ } FLASH_OBProgramInitTypeDef; /** * @brief FLASH handle Structure definition */ typedef struct { HAL_LockTypeDef Lock; /* FLASH locking object */ uint32_t ErrorCode; /* FLASH error code */ uint32_t ProcedureOnGoing; /* Internal variable to indicate which procedure is ongoing or not in IT context */ uint32_t Address; /* Internal variable to save address selected for program in IT context */ uint32_t Banks; /* Internal variable to save current bank selected during erase in IT context */ uint32_t Page; /* Internal variable to define the current page which is erasing in IT context */ uint32_t NbPagesToErase; /* Internal variable to save the remaining pages to erase in IT context */ } FLASH_ProcessTypeDef; /** * @brief FLASH HDP Extension structure definition */ typedef struct { uint32_t Status; /*!< State of the HDP Extension area @ref FLASHEx_HDPEXT_Access */ uint32_t NbPages; /*!< Number of pages to be HDP extended. This parameter can be a value between 1 and max number of pages in the flash */ } FLASH_HDPExtensionTypeDef; /** * @} */ /** * @} */ /* Exported constants --------------------------------------------------------*/ /** @defgroup FLASH_Exported_Constants FLASH Exported Constants * @{ */ /** @defgroup FLASH_Keys FLASH Keys * @{ */ #define FLASH_KEY1 0x45670123U /*!< Flash key1 */ #define FLASH_KEY2 0xCDEF89ABU /*!< Flash key2: used with FLASH_KEY1 \ to unlock the FLASH registers access */ #define FLASH_OPTKEY1 0x08192A3BU /*!< Flash option byte key1 */ #define FLASH_OPTKEY2 0x4C5D6E7FU /*!< Flash option byte key2: used with FLASH_OPTKEY1 \ to allow option bytes operations */ /** * @} */ /** @defgroup FLASH_OB_RDP_Key_Type FLASH Option Bytes Read Protection Key Type * @{ */ #define OB_RDP_KEY_OEM1 0x01U /*!< OEM1 key */ #define OB_RDP_KEY_OEM2 0x02U /*!< OEM2 key */ /** * @} */ /** @defgroup FLASH_Latency FLASH Latency * @{ */ #define FLASH_LATENCY_0 0x00000000UL /*!< FLASH Zero wait state */ #define FLASH_LATENCY_1 FLASH_ACR_LATENCY_0 /*!< FLASH One wait state */ #define FLASH_LATENCY_2 FLASH_ACR_LATENCY_1 /*!< FLASH Two wait states */ /** * @} */ /** @defgroup FLASH_Flags FLASH Flags Definition * @{ */ #define FLASH_FLAG_EOP ((FLASH_FLAG_SR_ID << FLASH_FLAG_REG_POS) | FLASH_SR_EOP_Pos) /*!< FLASH End of operation flag */ #define FLASH_FLAG_OPERR ((FLASH_FLAG_SR_ID << FLASH_FLAG_REG_POS) | FLASH_SR_OPERR_Pos) /*!< FLASH Operation error flag */ #define FLASH_FLAG_PROGERR ((FLASH_FLAG_SR_ID << FLASH_FLAG_REG_POS) | FLASH_SR_PROGERR_Pos) /*!< FLASH Programming error flag */ #define FLASH_FLAG_WRPERR ((FLASH_FLAG_SR_ID << FLASH_FLAG_REG_POS) | FLASH_SR_WRPERR_Pos) /*!< FLASH Write protection error flag */ #define FLASH_FLAG_PGAERR ((FLASH_FLAG_SR_ID << FLASH_FLAG_REG_POS) | FLASH_SR_PGAERR_Pos) /*!< FLASH Programming alignment error flag */ #define FLASH_FLAG_SIZERR ((FLASH_FLAG_SR_ID << FLASH_FLAG_REG_POS) | FLASH_SR_SIZERR_Pos) /*!< FLASH Size error flag */ #define FLASH_FLAG_PGSERR ((FLASH_FLAG_SR_ID << FLASH_FLAG_REG_POS) | FLASH_SR_PGSERR_Pos) /*!< FLASH Programming sequence error flag */ #define FLASH_FLAG_MISERR ((FLASH_FLAG_SR_ID << FLASH_FLAG_REG_POS) | FLASH_SR_MISERR_Pos) /*!< FLASH Fast programming data miss error flag */ #define FLASH_FLAG_FASTERR ((FLASH_FLAG_SR_ID << FLASH_FLAG_REG_POS) | FLASH_SR_FASTERR_Pos) /*!< FLASH Fast programming error flag */ #define FLASH_FLAG_OPTVERR ((FLASH_FLAG_SR_ID << FLASH_FLAG_REG_POS) | FLASH_SR_OPTVERR_Pos) /*!< FLASH Option validity error flag */ #define FLASH_FLAG_BSY1 ((FLASH_FLAG_SR_ID << FLASH_FLAG_REG_POS) | FLASH_SR_BSY1_Pos) /*!< FLASH Operation Busy flag for Bank 1 */ #define FLASH_FLAG_BSY FLASH_FLAG_BSY1 /*!< FLASH Operation Busy flag - legacy name for single bank */ #define FLASH_FLAG_CFGBSY ((FLASH_FLAG_SR_ID << FLASH_FLAG_REG_POS) | FLASH_SR_CFGBSY_Pos) /*!< FLASH Configuration Busy flag */ #define FLASH_FLAG_ECCC1 ((FLASH_FLAG_ECCR1_ID << FLASH_FLAG_REG_POS) | FLASH_ECCR_ECCC_Pos) /*!< FLASH ECC correction on bank 1 */ #define FLASH_FLAG_ECCD1 ((FLASH_FLAG_ECCR1_ID << FLASH_FLAG_REG_POS) | FLASH_ECCR_ECCD_Pos) /*!< FLASH ECC detection on bank 1 */ #define FLASH_FLAG_ECCC FLASH_FLAG_ECCC1 /*!< FLASH ECC correction - legacy name for single bank */ #define FLASH_FLAG_ECCD FLASH_FLAG_ECCD1 /*!< FLASH ECC detection - legacy name for single bank */ /** * @} */ /** @defgroup FLASH_Interrupt_definition FLASH Interrupts Definition * @brief FLASH Interrupt definition * @{ */ #define FLASH_IT_EOP ((FLASH_FLAG_CR_ID << FLASH_FLAG_REG_POS) | FLASH_CR_EOPIE_Pos) /*!< End of FLASH Operation Interrupt source */ #define FLASH_IT_OPERR ((FLASH_FLAG_CR_ID << FLASH_FLAG_REG_POS) | FLASH_CR_ERRIE_Pos) /*!< Error Interrupt source */ #define FLASH_IT_ECCC1 ((FLASH_FLAG_ECCR1_ID << FLASH_FLAG_REG_POS) | FLASH_ECCR_ECCCIE_Pos) /*!< ECC Correction on Bank 1 Interrupt source */ #define FLASH_IT_ECCC FLASH_IT_ECCC1 /*!< ECC Correction - legacy name for single bank */ /** * @} */ /** @defgroup FLASH_Error FLASH Error * @{ */ #define HAL_FLASH_ERROR_NONE 0x00000000U #define HAL_FLASH_ERROR_OP FLASH_SR_OPERR #define HAL_FLASH_ERROR_PROG FLASH_SR_PROGERR #define HAL_FLASH_ERROR_WRP FLASH_SR_WRPERR #define HAL_FLASH_ERROR_PGA FLASH_SR_PGAERR #define HAL_FLASH_ERROR_SIZ FLASH_SR_SIZERR #define HAL_FLASH_ERROR_PGS FLASH_SR_PGSERR #define HAL_FLASH_ERROR_MIS FLASH_SR_MISERR #define HAL_FLASH_ERROR_FAST FLASH_SR_FASTERR #define HAL_FLASH_ERROR_HDPOPT FLASH_SR_HDPOPTWERR #define HAL_FLASH_ERROR_OEMOPT FLASH_SR_OEMOPTWERR #define HAL_FLASH_ERROR_OPTV FLASH_SR_OPTVERR #define HAL_FLASH_ERROR_ECCD FLASH_ECCR_ECCD /** * @} */ /** @defgroup FLASH_Type_Erase FLASH Erase Type * @{ */ #define FLASH_TYPEERASE_PAGES FLASH_CR_PER /*!< Pages erase only */ #define FLASH_TYPEERASE_MASS FLASH_CR_MER1 /*!< Flash mass erase activation */ /** * @} */ /** @defgroup FLASH_Banks FLASH Banks * @{ */ #define FLASH_BANK_1 1U /*!< Bank 1 */ /** * @} */ /** @defgroup FLASH_Type_Program FLASH Program Type * @{ */ #define FLASH_TYPEPROGRAM_DOUBLEWORD FLASH_CR_PG /*!< Program a double-word (64-bit) at a specified address */ #define FLASH_TYPEPROGRAM_FAST FLASH_CR_FSTPG /*!< Fast program a 32 row double-word (64-bit) at a specified address */ /** * @} */ /** @defgroup FLASH_OB_Type FLASH Option Bytes Type * @{ */ #define OPTIONBYTE_WRP 0x00000001U /*!< WRP option byte configuration */ #define OPTIONBYTE_RDP 0x00000002U /*!< RDP option byte configuration */ #define OPTIONBYTE_USER 0x00000004U /*!< USER option byte configuration */ #define OPTIONBYTE_HDP 0x00000008U /*!< HDP option byte configuration */ #define OPTIONBYTE_RDPKEY 0x00000010U /*!< RDP OEM KEYs option byte configuration */ #define OPTIONBYTE_ALL (OPTIONBYTE_WRP | OPTIONBYTE_RDP | OPTIONBYTE_USER | \ OPTIONBYTE_HDP | OPTIONBYTE_RDPKEY) /*!< All option byte configuration */ /** * @} */ /** @defgroup FLASH_OB_WRP_Area FLASH WRP Area * @{ */ #define OB_WRPAREA_ZONE_A 0x00000001U /*!< Flash Zone A */ #define OB_WRPAREA_ZONE_B 0x00000002U /*!< Flash Zone B */ /** * @} */ /** @defgroup FLASH_OB_Read_Protection FLASH Option Bytes Read Protection * @{ */ #define OB_RDP_LEVEL_0 0x000000AAU #define OB_RDP_LEVEL_1 0x000000BBU #define OB_RDP_LEVEL_2 0x000000CCU /*!< Warning: When enabling read protection level 2 \ it is no more possible to go back to level 1 or 0 */ /** * @} */ /** @defgroup FLASH_OB_USER_Type FLASH Option Bytes User Type * @{ */ #define OB_USER_BOR_EN FLASH_OPTR_BOR_EN /*!< BOR reset enable */ #define OB_USER_BOR_LEV (FLASH_OPTR_BORF_LEV | FLASH_OPTR_BORR_LEV) /*!< BOR reset Level */ #define OB_USER_NRST_STOP FLASH_OPTR_nRST_STOP /*!< Reset generated when entering the stop mode */ #define OB_USER_NRST_STDBY FLASH_OPTR_nRST_STDBY /*!< Reset generated when entering the standby mode */ #define OB_USER_NRST_SHDW FLASH_OPTR_nRST_SHDW /*!< Reset generated when entering the shutdown mode */ #define OB_USER_IWDG_SW FLASH_OPTR_IWDG_SW /*!< Independent watchdog selection */ #define OB_USER_IWDG_STOP FLASH_OPTR_IWDG_STOP /*!< Independent watchdog counter freeze in stop mode */ #define OB_USER_IWDG_STDBY FLASH_OPTR_IWDG_STDBY /*!< Independent watchdog counter freeze in standby mode */ #define OB_USER_WWDG_SW FLASH_OPTR_WWDG_SW /*!< Window watchdog selection */ #define OB_USER_RAM_PARITY_CHECK FLASH_OPTR_RAM_PARITY_CHECK /*!< Sram parity check control */ #define OB_USER_NBOOT_SEL FLASH_OPTR_nBOOT_SEL /*!< Boot Selection */ #define OB_USER_NBOOT1 FLASH_OPTR_nBOOT1 /*!< nBoot1 configuration */ #define OB_USER_NBOOT0 FLASH_OPTR_nBOOT0 /*!< nBoot0 configuration */ #define OB_USER_NRST_MODE FLASH_OPTR_NRST_MODE /*!< Reset pin configuration */ #define OB_USER_INPUT_RESET_HOLDER FLASH_OPTR_IRHEN /*!< Internal reset holder enable */ #define OB_USER_ALL (OB_USER_BOR_EN | OB_USER_BOR_LEV | OB_USER_NRST_STOP | \ OB_USER_NRST_STDBY | OB_USER_NRST_SHDW | OB_USER_IWDG_SW | \ OB_USER_IWDG_STOP | OB_USER_IWDG_STDBY | OB_USER_WWDG_SW | \ OB_USER_RAM_PARITY_CHECK | OB_USER_NBOOT_SEL | OB_USER_NBOOT1 | \ OB_USER_NBOOT0 | OB_USER_NRST_MODE | OB_USER_INPUT_RESET_HOLDER) /*!< all option bits */ /** * @} */ /** @defgroup FLASH_OB_USER_BOR_ENABLE FLASH Option Bytes User BOR enable * @{ */ #define OB_BOR_DISABLE 0x00000000U /*!< BOR Reset set to default */ #define OB_BOR_ENABLE FLASH_OPTR_BOR_EN /*!< Use option byte to define BOR thresholds */ /** * @} */ /** @defgroup FLASH_OB_USER_BOR_LEVEL FLASH Option Bytes User BOR Level * @{ */ #define OB_BOR_LEVEL_FALLING_0 0x00000000U /*!< BOR falling level 1 with threshold around 2.0V */ #define OB_BOR_LEVEL_FALLING_1 FLASH_OPTR_BORF_LEV_0 /*!< BOR falling level 2 with threshold around 2.2V */ #define OB_BOR_LEVEL_FALLING_2 FLASH_OPTR_BORF_LEV_1 /*!< BOR falling level 3 with threshold around 2.5V */ #define OB_BOR_LEVEL_FALLING_3 (FLASH_OPTR_BORF_LEV_0 | FLASH_OPTR_BORF_LEV_1) /*!< BOR falling level 4 with threshold around 2.8V */ #define OB_BOR_LEVEL_RISING_0 0x00000000U /*!< BOR rising level 1 with threshold around 2.1V */ #define OB_BOR_LEVEL_RISING_1 FLASH_OPTR_BORR_LEV_0 /*!< BOR rising level 2 with threshold around 2.3V */ #define OB_BOR_LEVEL_RISING_2 FLASH_OPTR_BORR_LEV_1 /*!< BOR rising level 3 with threshold around 2.6V */ #define OB_BOR_LEVEL_RISING_3 (FLASH_OPTR_BORR_LEV_0 | FLASH_OPTR_BORR_LEV_1) /*!< BOR rising level 4 with threshold around 2.9V */ /** * @} */ /** @defgroup FLASH_OB_USER_NRST_STOP FLASH Option Bytes User Reset On Stop * @{ */ #define OB_STOP_RST 0x00000000U /*!< Reset generated when entering the stop mode */ #define OB_STOP_NORST FLASH_OPTR_nRST_STOP /*!< No reset generated when entering the stop mode */ /** * @} */ /** @defgroup FLASH_OB_USER_NRST_STANDBY FLASH Option Bytes User Reset On Standby * @{ */ #define OB_STANDBY_RST 0x00000000U /*!< Reset generated when entering the standby mode */ #define OB_STANDBY_NORST FLASH_OPTR_nRST_STDBY /*!< No reset generated when entering the standby mode */ /** * @} */ /** @defgroup FLASH_OB_USER_NRST_SHUTDOWN FLASH Option Bytes User Reset On Shutdown * @{ */ #define OB_SHUTDOWN_RST 0x00000000U /*!< Reset generated when entering the shutdown mode */ #define OB_SHUTDOWN_NORST FLASH_OPTR_nRST_SHDW /*!< No reset generated when entering the shutdown mode */ /** * @} */ /** @defgroup FLASH_OB_USER_IWDG_SW FLASH Option Bytes User IWDG Type * @{ */ #define OB_IWDG_HW 0x00000000U /*!< Hardware independent watchdog */ #define OB_IWDG_SW FLASH_OPTR_IWDG_SW /*!< Software independent watchdog */ /** * @} */ /** @defgroup FLASH_OB_USER_IWDG_STOP FLASH Option Bytes User IWDG Mode On Stop * @{ */ #define OB_IWDG_STOP_FREEZE 0x00000000U /*!< Independent watchdog counter is frozen in Stop mode */ #define OB_IWDG_STOP_RUN FLASH_OPTR_IWDG_STOP /*!< Independent watchdog counter is running in Stop mode */ /** * @} */ /** @defgroup FLASH_OB_USER_IWDG_STANDBY FLASH Option Bytes User IWDG Mode On Standby * @{ */ #define OB_IWDG_STDBY_FREEZE 0x00000000U /*!< Independent watchdog counter is frozen in Standby mode */ #define OB_IWDG_STDBY_RUN FLASH_OPTR_IWDG_STDBY /*!< Independent watchdog counter is running in Standby mode */ /** * @} */ /** @defgroup FLASH_OB_USER_WWDG_SW FLASH Option Bytes User WWDG Type * @{ */ #define OB_WWDG_HW 0x00000000U /*!< Hardware window watchdog */ #define OB_WWDG_SW FLASH_OPTR_WWDG_SW /*!< Software window watchdog */ /** * @} */ /** @defgroup FLASH_OB_USER_SRAM_PARITY FLASH Option Bytes User SRAM parity * @{ */ #define OB_SRAM_PARITY_ENABLE 0x00000000U /*!< Sram parity enable */ #define OB_SRAM_PARITY_DISABLE FLASH_OPTR_RAM_PARITY_CHECK /*!< Sram parity disable */ /** * @} */ /** @defgroup FLASH_OB_USER_NBOOT_SEL FLASH Option Bytes User Boot0 Selection * @{ */ #define OB_BOOT0_FROM_PIN 0x00000000U /*!< BOOT0 signal is defined by PA14/BOOT0 pin value */ #define OB_BOOT0_FROM_OB FLASH_OPTR_nBOOT_SEL /*!< BOOT0 signal is defined by nBOOT0 option bit */ /** * @} */ /** @defgroup FLASH_OB_USER_NBOOT1 FLASH Option Bytes User BOOT1 Type * @{ */ #define OB_BOOT1_SRAM 0x00000000U /*!< Embedded SRAM is selected as boot space (if nBOOT0=0 or BOOT0_pin=1) */ #define OB_BOOT1_SYSTEM FLASH_OPTR_nBOOT1 /*!< System memory is selected as boot space (if nBOOT0=0 or BOOT0_pin=1) */ /** * @} */ /** @defgroup FLASH_OB_USER_NBOOT0 FLASH Option Bytes User nBOOT0 option bit * @{ */ #define OB_NBOOT0_RESET 0x00000000U /*!< nBOOT0 = 0 */ #define OB_NBOOT0_SET FLASH_OPTR_nBOOT0 /*!< nBOOT0 = 1 */ /** * @} */ /** @defgroup FLASH_OB_USER_RESET_CONFIG FLASH Option Bytes User reset config bit * @{ */ #define OB_RESET_MODE_INPUT_ONLY FLASH_OPTR_NRST_MODE_0 /*!< Reset pin is in Reset input mode only */ #define OB_RESET_MODE_GPIO FLASH_OPTR_NRST_MODE_1 /*!< Reset pin is in GPIO mode mode only */ #define OB_RESET_MODE_INPUT_OUTPUT FLASH_OPTR_NRST_MODE /*!< Reset pin is in reset input and output mode */ /** * @} */ /** @defgroup FLASH_OB_USER_INPUT_RESET_HOLDER FLASH Option Bytes User input reset holder bit * @{ */ #define OB_IRH_ENABLE 0x00000000U /*!< Internal Reset handler enable */ #define OB_IRH_DISABLE FLASH_OPTR_IRHEN /*!< Internal Reset handler disable */ /** * @} */ /** @defgroup FLASH_OB_SEC_BOOT_LOCK FLASH Option Bytes Secure boot lock * @{ */ #define OB_BOOT_LOCK_DISABLE 0x00000000U /*!< Boot Lock is free */ #define OB_BOOT_LOCK_ENABLE FLASH_SECR_BOOT_LOCK /*!< Boot Lock is forced to Flash or System Flash */ /** * @} */ /** * @} */ /* Exported macros -----------------------------------------------------------*/ /** @defgroup FLASH_Exported_Macros FLASH Exported Macros * @brief macros to control FLASH features * @{ */ /** * @brief Set the FLASH Latency. * @param __LATENCY__ FLASH Latency * This parameter can be one of the following values : * @arg @ref FLASH_LATENCY_0 FLASH Zero wait state * @arg @ref FLASH_LATENCY_1 FLASH One wait state * @arg @ref FLASH_LATENCY_2 FLASH Two wait states * @retval None */ #define __HAL_FLASH_SET_LATENCY(__LATENCY__) MODIFY_REG(FLASH->ACR, FLASH_ACR_LATENCY, (__LATENCY__)) /** * @brief Get the FLASH Latency. * @retval FLASH Latency * Returned value can be one of the following values : * @arg @ref FLASH_LATENCY_0 FLASH Zero wait state * @arg @ref FLASH_LATENCY_1 FLASH One wait state * @arg @ref FLASH_LATENCY_2 FLASH Two wait states */ #define __HAL_FLASH_GET_LATENCY() READ_BIT(FLASH->ACR, FLASH_ACR_LATENCY) /** * @brief Enable the FLASH prefetch buffer. * @retval None */ #define __HAL_FLASH_PREFETCH_BUFFER_ENABLE() SET_BIT(FLASH->ACR, FLASH_ACR_PRFTEN) /** * @brief Disable the FLASH prefetch buffer. * @retval None */ #define __HAL_FLASH_PREFETCH_BUFFER_DISABLE() CLEAR_BIT(FLASH->ACR, FLASH_ACR_PRFTEN) /** * @brief Enable the FLASH instruction cache. * @retval none */ #define __HAL_FLASH_INSTRUCTION_CACHE_ENABLE() SET_BIT(FLASH->ACR, FLASH_ACR_ICEN) /** * @brief Disable the FLASH instruction cache. * @retval none */ #define __HAL_FLASH_INSTRUCTION_CACHE_DISABLE() CLEAR_BIT(FLASH->ACR, FLASH_ACR_ICEN) /** * @brief Reset the FLASH instruction Cache. * @note This function must be used only when the Instruction Cache is disabled. * @retval None */ #define __HAL_FLASH_INSTRUCTION_CACHE_RESET() do { SET_BIT(FLASH->ACR, FLASH_ACR_ICRST); \ CLEAR_BIT(FLASH->ACR, FLASH_ACR_ICRST); \ } while (0U) /** * @} */ /** @defgroup FLASH_Interrupt FLASH Interrupts Macros * @brief macros to handle FLASH interrupts * @{ */ /** * @brief Enable the specified FLASH interrupt. * @param __INTERRUPT__ FLASH interrupt * This parameter can be one of the following values : * @arg @ref FLASH_IT_EOP End of FLASH Operation Interrupt * @arg @ref FLASH_IT_OPERR Error Interrupt * @arg @ref FLASH_IT_ECCC1 ECC Correction Interrupt on bank 1 * @arg @ref FLASH_IT_ECCC ECC Correction Interrupt - legacy name for single bank * @retval none */ #define __HAL_FLASH_ENABLE_IT(__INTERRUPT__) \ do { \ if(((__INTERRUPT__) & (FLASH_FLAG_CR_ID << FLASH_FLAG_REG_POS)) != 0U) \ { \ SET_BIT(FLASH->CR, (1UL << ((__INTERRUPT__) & 0x1FU))); \ } \ else if (((__INTERRUPT__) & (FLASH_FLAG_ECCR1_ID << FLASH_FLAG_REG_POS)) != 0U) \ { \ SET_BIT(FLASH->ECCR, (1UL << ((__INTERRUPT__) & 0x1FU))); \ } \ } while (0U) /** * @brief Disable the specified FLASH interrupt. * @param __INTERRUPT__ FLASH interrupt * This parameter can be one of the following values : * @arg @ref FLASH_IT_EOP End of FLASH Operation Interrupt * @arg @ref FLASH_IT_OPERR Error Interrupt * @arg @ref FLASH_IT_ECCC1 ECC Correction Interrupt on bank 1 * @arg @ref FLASH_IT_ECCC ECC Correction Interrupt - legacy name for single bank * @retval none */ #define __HAL_FLASH_DISABLE_IT(__INTERRUPT__) \ do { \ if(((__INTERRUPT__) & (FLASH_FLAG_CR_ID << FLASH_FLAG_REG_POS)) != 0U) \ { \ CLEAR_BIT(FLASH->CR, (1UL << ((__INTERRUPT__) & 0x1FU))); \ } \ else if (((__INTERRUPT__) & (FLASH_FLAG_ECCR1_ID << FLASH_FLAG_REG_POS)) != 0U) \ { \ CLEAR_BIT(FLASH->ECCR, (1UL << ((__INTERRUPT__) & 0x1FU))); \ } \ } while (0U) /** * @brief Check whether the specified FLASH flag is set or not. * @param __FLAG__ specifies the FLASH flag to check. * This parameter can be one of the following values : * @arg @ref FLASH_FLAG_EOP FLASH End of Operation flag * @arg @ref FLASH_FLAG_OPERR FLASH Operation error flag * @arg @ref FLASH_FLAG_PROGERR FLASH Programming error flag * @arg @ref FLASH_FLAG_WRPERR FLASH Write protection error flag * @arg @ref FLASH_FLAG_PGAERR FLASH Programming alignment error flag * @arg @ref FLASH_FLAG_SIZERR FLASH Size error flag * @arg @ref FLASH_FLAG_PGSERR FLASH Programming sequence error flag * @arg @ref FLASH_FLAG_MISERR FLASH Fast programming data miss error flag * @arg @ref FLASH_FLAG_FASTERR FLASH Fast programming error flag * @arg @ref FLASH_FLAG_OPTVERR FLASH Option validity error flag * @arg @ref FLASH_FLAG_BSY1 FLASH bank 1 write/erase operations in progress flag * @arg @ref FLASH_FLAG_BSY FLASH write/erase operations in progress flag - legacy name for single bank * @arg @ref FLASH_FLAG_CFGBSY FLASH configuration is busy : program or erase setting are used. * @arg @ref FLASH_FLAG_ECCC1 FLASH one ECC error has been detected and corrected * @arg @ref FLASH_FLAG_ECCD1 FLASH two ECC errors have been detected on bank 1 * @arg @ref FLASH_FLAG_ECCC FLASH one ECC error has been detected and corrected - legacy name for single bank * @arg @ref FLASH_FLAG_ECCD FLASH two ECC errors have been detected - legacy name for single bank * @retval The state of FLASH_FLAG (SET or RESET). */ #define __HAL_FLASH_GET_FLAG(__FLAG__) ((((__FLAG__) & (FLASH_FLAG_SR_ID << FLASH_FLAG_REG_POS)) != 0U) ? \ (READ_BIT(FLASH->SR, (1UL << ((__FLAG__) & 0x1FU))) != 0x00U) : \ (READ_BIT(FLASH->ECCR, (1UL << ((__FLAG__) & 0x1FU))) != 0x00U)) /** * @brief Clear the FLASH pending flags. * @param __FLAG__ specifies the FLASH flags to clear. * This parameter can be one of the following values : * @arg @ref FLASH_FLAG_EOP FLASH End of Operation flag * @arg @ref FLASH_FLAG_OPERR FLASH Operation error flag * @arg @ref FLASH_FLAG_PROGERR FLASH Programming error flag * @arg @ref FLASH_FLAG_WRPERR FLASH Write protection error flag * @arg @ref FLASH_FLAG_PGAERR FLASH Programming alignment error flag * @arg @ref FLASH_FLAG_SIZERR FLASH Size error flag * @arg @ref FLASH_FLAG_PGSERR FLASH Programming sequence error flag * @arg @ref FLASH_FLAG_MISERR FLASH Fast programming data miss error flag * @arg @ref FLASH_FLAG_FASTERR FLASH Fast programming error flag * @arg @ref FLASH_FLAG_OPTVERR FLASH Option validity error flag * @arg @ref FLASH_FLAG_ECCC1 FLASH one ECC error has been detected and corrected * @arg @ref FLASH_FLAG_ECCD1 FLASH two ECC errors have been detected on bank 1 * @arg @ref FLASH_FLAG_ECCC FLASH one ECC error has been detected and corrected - legacy name for single bank * @arg @ref FLASH_FLAG_ECCD FLASH two ECC errors have been detected - legacy name for single bank * @retval None */ #define __HAL_FLASH_CLEAR_FLAG(__FLAG__) \ do { \ if(((__FLAG__) & (FLASH_FLAG_SR_ID << FLASH_FLAG_REG_POS)) != 0U) \ { \ FLASH->SR = (1UL << ((__FLAG__) & 0x1FU)); \ } \ else if (((__FLAG__) & (FLASH_FLAG_ECCR1_ID << FLASH_FLAG_REG_POS)) != 0U) \ { \ FLASH->ECCR = (1UL << ((__FLAG__) & 0x1FU)); \ } \ } while(0U) /** * @} */ /* Include FLASH HAL Extended module */ #include "stm32u0xx_hal_flash_ex.h" /* Exported variables --------------------------------------------------------*/ /** @defgroup FLASH_Exported_Variables FLASH Exported Variables * @{ */ extern FLASH_ProcessTypeDef pFlash; /** * @} */ /* Exported functions --------------------------------------------------------*/ /** @addtogroup FLASH_Exported_Functions * @{ */ /* Program operation functions ***********************************************/ /** @addtogroup FLASH_Exported_Functions_Group1 * @{ */ HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_FLASH_Program(uint32_t TypeProgram, uint32_t Address, uint64_t Data); HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_FLASH_Program_IT(uint32_t TypeProgram, uint32_t Address, uint64_t Data); /* FLASH IRQ handler method */ void HAL_FLASH_IRQHandler(void); /* Callbacks in non blocking modes */ void HAL_FLASH_EndOfOperationCallback(uint32_t ReturnValue); void HAL_FLASH_OperationErrorCallback(uint32_t ReturnValue); /** * @} */ /* Peripheral Control functions **********************************************/ /** @addtogroup FLASH_Exported_Functions_Group2 * @{ */ HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_FLASH_Unlock(void); HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_FLASH_Lock(void); /* Option bytes control */ HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_FLASH_OB_Unlock(void); HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_FLASH_OB_Lock(void); HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_FLASH_OB_Launch(void); /** * @} */ /* Peripheral State functions ************************************************/ /** @addtogroup FLASH_Exported_Functions_Group3 * @{ */ uint32_t HAL_FLASH_GetError(void); /** * @} */ /** * @} */ /* Private types --------------------------------------------------------*/ /** @defgroup FLASH_Private_types FLASH Private Types * @{ */ HAL_StatusTypeDef FLASH_WaitForLastOperation(uint32_t Timeout); /** * @} */ /* Private constants --------------------------------------------------------*/ /** @defgroup FLASH_Private_Constants FLASH Private Constants * @{ */ #define FLASH_SIZE_DATA_REGISTER FLASHSIZE_BASE #define FLASH_BANK_SIZE (FLASH_SIZE) /*!< FLASH Bank Size */ #define FLASH_PAGE_SIZE 0x00000800U /*!< FLASH Page Size, 2 KBytes */ #define FLASH_PAGE_NB (FLASH_BANK_SIZE/FLASH_PAGE_SIZE) /* Number of pages per bank */ #define FLASH_TIMEOUT_VALUE 1000U /*!< FLASH Execution Timeout, 1 s */ #define FLASH_TYPENONE 0x00000000U /*!< No programming Procedure On Going */ #define FLASH_SR_ERRORS (FLASH_SR_OPERR | FLASH_SR_PROGERR | FLASH_SR_WRPERR | \ FLASH_SR_PGAERR | FLASH_SR_SIZERR | FLASH_SR_PGSERR | \ FLASH_SR_MISERR | FLASH_SR_FASTERR | FLASH_SR_OPTVERR ) /*!< All SR error flags */ #define FLASH_SR_CLEAR (FLASH_SR_ERRORS | FLASH_SR_EOP) /* Internal defines for HAL macro usage */ #define FLASH_FLAG_REG_POS 16U #define FLASH_FLAG_SR_ID 1U #define FLASH_FLAG_CR_ID 2U #define FLASH_FLAG_ECCR1_ID 4U /** * @} */ /* Private macros ------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** @defgroup FLASH_Private_Macros FLASH Private Macros * @{ */ #define IS_FLASH_MAIN_MEM_ADDRESS(__ADDRESS__) (((__ADDRESS__) >= (FLASH_BASE))\ && ((__ADDRESS__) < (FLASH_BASE + FLASH_SIZE))) #define IS_FLASH_MAIN_FIRSTHALF_MEM_ADDRESS(__ADDRESS__) (((__ADDRESS__) >= (FLASH_BASE))\ && ((__ADDRESS__) < (FLASH_BASE + FLASH_BANK_SIZE))) #define IS_FLASH_PROGRAM_MAIN_MEM_ADDRESS(__ADDRESS__) ((__ADDRESS__) >= (FLASH_BASE))\ && ((__ADDRESS__) <= (FLASH_BASE + FLASH_SIZE )) #define IS_FLASH_PROGRAM_OTP_ADDRESS(__ADDRESS__) (((__ADDRESS__) >= 0x1FFF7000U)\ && ((__ADDRESS__) < 0x1FFF7400U )) #define IS_FLASH_PROGRAM_ADDRESS(__ADDRESS__) ((IS_FLASH_PROGRAM_MAIN_MEM_ADDRESS(__ADDRESS__))\ || (IS_FLASH_PROGRAM_OTP_ADDRESS(__ADDRESS__))) #define IS_FLASH_FAST_PROGRAM_ADDRESS(__ADDRESS__) (((__ADDRESS__) >= (FLASH_BASE))\ && ((__ADDRESS__) <= (FLASH_BASE + FLASH_SIZE - 256UL))) #define IS_FLASH_PAGE(__PAGE__) ((__PAGE__) < FLASH_PAGE_NB) #define IS_FLASH_BANK(__BANK__) ((__BANK__) == FLASH_BANK_1) #define IS_FLASH_TYPEERASE(__VALUE__) (((__VALUE__) == FLASH_TYPEERASE_PAGES) || \ ((__VALUE__) == FLASH_TYPEERASE_MASS)) #define IS_FLASH_TYPEPROGRAM(__VALUE__) (((__VALUE__) == FLASH_TYPEPROGRAM_DOUBLEWORD) || \ ((__VALUE__) == FLASH_TYPEPROGRAM_FAST)) #define IS_OPTIONBYTE(__VALUE__) ((((__VALUE__) & OPTIONBYTE_ALL) != 0x00U) && \ (((__VALUE__) & ~OPTIONBYTE_ALL) == 0x00U)) #define IS_OB_WRPAREA(__VALUE__) (((__VALUE__) == OB_WRPAREA_ZONE_A)\ || ((__VALUE__) == OB_WRPAREA_ZONE_B)) #define IS_OB_RDP_LEVEL(__LEVEL__) (((__LEVEL__) == OB_RDP_LEVEL_0) ||\ ((__LEVEL__) == OB_RDP_LEVEL_1) ||\ ((__LEVEL__) == OB_RDP_LEVEL_2)) #define IS_OB_USER_TYPE(__TYPE__) ((((__TYPE__) & OB_USER_ALL) != 0x00U) && \ (((__TYPE__) & ~OB_USER_ALL) == 0x00U)) #define IS_OB_USER_CONFIG(__TYPE__,__CONFIG__) ((~(__TYPE__) & (__CONFIG__)) == 0x00U) #define IS_OB_BOOT_LOCK(__VALUE__) (((__VALUE__) == OB_BOOT_LOCK_DISABLE)\ || ((__VALUE__) == OB_BOOT_LOCK_ENABLE)) #define IS_OB_HDP_SIZE(__VALUE__) ((__VALUE__) < (FLASH_PAGE_NB + 1U)) #define IS_FLASH_LATENCY(__LATENCY__) (((__LATENCY__) == FLASH_LATENCY_0) || \ ((__LATENCY__) == FLASH_LATENCY_1) || \ ((__LATENCY__) == FLASH_LATENCY_2)) #define IS_OB_RDP_KEY_TYPE(__KEYTYPE__) (((__KEYTYPE__) == OB_RDP_KEY_OEM1) || \ ((__KEYTYPE__) == OB_RDP_KEY_OEM2)) #define IS_OB_HDPEXT_CONFIG(__HDPEXTCONFIG__) (((__HDPEXTCONFIG__) == FLASH_HDPEXT_ACCESS_GRANTED) || \ ((__HDPEXTCONFIG__) == FLASH_HDPEXT_ACCESS_DENIED) || \ ((__HDPEXTCONFIG__) == FLASH_HDPEXT_ACCESS_LOCKED)) /** * @} */ /** * @} */ /** * @} */ #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #endif /* STM32U0xx_HAL_FLASH_H */