clyne/a-weightingEfficient A-weighting (dBA) implementation for microcontrollersClyne Sullivan12 days
clyne/ada-chipCHIP-8 emulator written in AdaClyne Sullivan12 days
clyne/ads1278-fsLinux kernel SPI driver for the ADS1278 ADCClyne Sullivan12 days
clyne/advent-of-codeAdvent of Code solutions in various languagesClyne Sullivan12 days
clyne/arabtypea small and simple implementation that transform isolated arabic utf8 character ...Clyne Sullivan5 days
clyne/bitgloo-webOld bitgloo web server written in ClojureClyne Sullivan12 days
clyne/calculatorOpen-source graphing calculator firmwareClyne Sullivan12 days
clyne/consteval-huffmanCompile-time Huffman coding compression in modern C++Clyne Sullivan12 days
clyne/constexpr-to-stringCompile-time number-to-string conversion in modern C++Clyne Sullivan12 days
clyne/entitiesA C++ simple entity component systemClyne Sullivan5 days
clyne/entityxEntityX - A fast, type-safe C++ Entity-Component systemClyne Sullivan5 days
clyne/fociCross-platform register-level Forth implementationClyne Sullivan12 days
clyne/forspllLLVM implementation of "Forsp"Clyne Sullivan12 days
clyne/funregFunctional memory-mapped register access in modern C++Clyne Sullivan12 days
clyne/gameA video game engineClyne Sullivan12 days
clyne/gamedevA 2D video game projectClyne Sullivan4 days
clyne/gamedev2gamedev but betterClyne Sullivan4 days
clyne/happy-fractalMandelbrot fractal viewer with multiple compute implementationsClyne Sullivan12 days
clyne/ini-configCompile-time INI config parser in modern C++Clyne Sullivan12 days
clyne/interpreterScripting language implementation for microcontrollersClyne Sullivan12 days
clyne/lemmoldLemmy client for older computers to Telnet toClyne Sullivan12 days
clyne/lib430coreVirtual machine for MSP430 microcontroller architectureClyne Sullivan12 days
clyne/linux-486Modified Linux kernel for i486 computersClyne Sullivan12 days
clyne/lisp-compilerCompiled LISP implementationClyne Sullivan12 days
clyne/logitech-g710-linux-driverModified Logitech G710 Linux driver for extended functionalityClyne Sullivan5 days
clyne/mbuoyEmbedded UI frameworkClyne Sullivan12 days
clyne/msp430-temp-lcdA project for the MSP430 that displays TMP006 readings on an LCDClyne Sullivan5 days
clyne/noisecardAn ambient noise monitor in credit card formClyne Sullivan12 days
clyne/osdevTinkering with operating system developmentClyne Sullivan12 days
clyne/raytracerRaytracing engine in modern C++Clyne Sullivan12 days
clyne/sforthA Forth implementation in modern C++Clyne Sullivan12 days
clyne/smartwatchCode for an in-development smart watch deviceClyne Sullivan5 days
clyne/sprit-forthA Forth implementation meant to be faster than Alee ForthClyne Sullivan12 days
clyne/stm-gameFirmware for an ultra-low-power handheld gameClyne Sullivan12 days
clyne/stmdspOld firmware for DSP PAWClyne Sullivan12 days
clyne/stmdspguiGUI for stmdsp / DSP PAWClyne Sullivan12 days
clyne/stmosA general-purpose operating system for STM32 microcontrollersClyne Sullivan12 days
clyne/u0-decibelsUltra-low-power accurate decibel (dBA) monitoring on STM32U0Clyne Sullivan12 days
clyne/zephyrRobot code for team 5106Z, for the VEX Starstruck competitionClyne Sullivan4 days
clyne/zephyr-os-alphaConVEX project for team 5106ZClyne Sullivan4 days
clyne/zig-stm32l476Tinkering with Zig on an STM32 microcontrollerClyne Sullivan12 days