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* @file stmdsp_code.hpp
* @brief Source code and build scripts for stmdsp device algorithms.
* Copyright (C) 2021 Clyne Sullivan
* Distributed under the GNU GPL v3 or later. You should have received a copy of
* the GNU General Public License along with this program.
* If not, see <>.
#ifdef STMDSP_WIN32
#define NEWLINE "\r\n"
#define COPY "copy"
#define NEWLINE "\n"
#define COPY "cp"
namespace stmdsp {
// $0 = temp file name
// TODO try -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections -Wl,--gc-sections
static std::string makefile_text_h7 =
#ifdef STMDSP_WIN32
"echo off" NEWLINE
"arm-none-eabi-g++ -x c++ -Os -std=c++20 -fno-exceptions -fno-rtti "
"-mcpu=cortex-m7 -mthumb -mfloat-abi=hard -mfpu=fpv5-d16 -mtune=cortex-m7 "
"-nostartfiles "
"-Wl,-Ttext-segment=0x00000000 -Wl,-zmax-page-size=512 -Wl,-eprocess_data_entry "
"$0 -o $0.o" NEWLINE
COPY " $0.o $0.orig.o" NEWLINE
"arm-none-eabi-strip -s -S --strip-unneeded $0.o" NEWLINE
"arm-none-eabi-objcopy --remove-section .ARM.attributes "
"--remove-section .comment "
"--remove-section .noinit "
"$0.o" NEWLINE
"arm-none-eabi-size $0.o" NEWLINE;
static std::string makefile_text_l4 =
#ifdef STMDSP_WIN32
"echo off" NEWLINE
"arm-none-eabi-g++ -x c++ -Os -std=c++20 -fno-exceptions -fno-rtti "
"-mcpu=cortex-m4 -mthumb -mfloat-abi=hard -mfpu=fpv4-sp-d16 -mtune=cortex-m4 "
"-nostartfiles -I$1/cmsis "
"-Wl,-Ttext-segment=0x10000000 -Wl,-zmax-page-size=512 -Wl,-eprocess_data_entry "
"$0 -o $0.o" NEWLINE
COPY " $0.o $0.orig.o" NEWLINE
"arm-none-eabi-strip -s -S --strip-unneeded $0.o" NEWLINE
"arm-none-eabi-objcopy --remove-section .ARM.attributes "
"--remove-section .comment "
"--remove-section .noinit "
"$0.o" NEWLINE
"arm-none-eabi-size $0.o" NEWLINE;
// $0 = buffer size
static std::string file_header_h7 = R"cpp(
#include <cstdint>
#include <span>
using Sample = uint16_t;
using Samples = std::span<Sample, $0>;
Sample *process_data(Samples samples);
extern "C" void process_data_entry()
Sample *samples;
asm("mov %0, r0" : "=r" (samples));
process_data(Samples(samples, $0));
static double PI = 3.14159265358979323846L;
auto sin(double x) {
asm("vmov.f64 r1, r2, d0;"
"eor r0, r0;"
"svc 1;"
"vmov.f64 d0, r1, r2;"
"bx lr");
return 0;
auto cos(double x) {
asm("vmov.f64 r1, r2, d0;"
"mov r0, #1;"
"svc 1;"
"vmov.f64 d0, r1, r2;"
"bx lr");
return 0;
auto tan(double x) {
asm("vmov.f64 r1, r2, d0;"
"mov r0, #2;"
"svc 1;"
"vmov.f64 d0, r1, r2;"
"bx lr");
return 0;
auto sqrt(double x) {
asm("vsqrt.f64 d0, d0; bx lr");
return 0;
auto readalt() {
Sample s;
asm("svc 3; mov %0, r0" : "=&r"(s));
return s;
// End stmdspgui header code
static std::string file_header_l4 = R"cpp(
#include <cstdint>
using Sample = uint16_t;
using Samples = Sample[$0];
constexpr unsigned int SIZE = $0;
Sample *process_data(Samples samples);
extern "C" void process_data_entry()
Sample *samples;
asm("mov %0, r0" : "=r" (samples));
static inline float PI = 3.14159265358979L;
static inline auto sin(float x) {
asm("vmov.f32 r1, s0;"
"eor r0, r0;"
"svc 1;"
"vmov.f32 s0, r1;"
"bx lr");
return 0;
static inline auto cos(float x) {
asm("vmov.f32 r1, s0;"
"mov r0, #1;"
"svc 1;"
"vmov.f32 s0, r1;"
"bx lr");
return 0;
static inline auto tan(float x) {
asm("vmov.f32 r1, s0;"
"mov r0, #2;"
"svc 1;"
"vmov.f32 s0, r1;"
"bx lr");
return 0;
static inline auto sqrt(float) {
asm("vsqrt.f32 s0, s0; bx lr");
return 0;
static inline auto param1() {
Sample s;
asm("eor r0, r0; svc 3; mov %0, r0" : "=r" (s) :: "r0");
return s;
static inline auto param2() {
Sample s;
asm("mov r0, #1; svc 3; mov %0, r0" : "=r" (s) :: "r0");
return s;
//static inline void puts(const char *s) {
// // 's' will already be in r0.
// asm("push {r4-r6}; svc 4; pop {r4-r6}");
// End stmdspgui header code
static std::string file_content =
R"cpp(Sample* process_data(Samples samples)
return samples;
} // namespace stmdsp