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38 lines
897 B

3 years ago
(def input-map
(->> (slurp "./in")
(mapv vec)
(mapv (partial mapv #(- (int %) 48)))
(defn compare-heights [a b]
(if (or (nil? a) (nil? b) (< a b)) 1 0))
(apply +
(for [y (range 0 (count input-map))
x (range 0 (count (first input-map)))]
(let [height (get-in input-map [y x])]
(= 4
(apply +
(partial compare-heights height)
(get-in input-map [(dec y) x])
(get-in input-map [(inc y) x])
(get-in input-map [y (dec x)])
(get-in input-map [y (inc x)])
(inc height)