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(require '[clojure.core.reducers :as r])
(require '[clojure.string :as str])
(def input (->> (slurp "./in")
(fn [line]
[(if (str/starts-with? line "on") true false)
(->> (str/split line #"[^-\d]+")
(map #(Integer/parseInt %))
(partition 2)
(mapv vec))]))
(defn build-coord-list [coords idx]
(->> coords
(map #(update (get (second %) idx) 1 inc))
(defn filter-coord-list [coords idx v]
#(let [[p0 p1] (get (second %) idx)]
(and (<= p0 v) (<= v p1)))
(def xs (build-coord-list input 0))
(def ys (build-coord-list input 1))
(def zs (build-coord-list input 2))
(defonce on-count (atom 0))
(loop [x xs]
(when-not (empty? (rest x))
(println "x=" (first x))
(let [inputx (filter-coord-list input 0 (first x))]
(swap! on-count +
(fn [onc2 iy]
(let [inputy (filter-coord-list inputx 1 (get ys iy))]
(+ onc2
(fn [onc iz]
(let [inputz (first (filter-coord-list inputy 2 (get zs iz)))]
(cond-> onc
(first inputz)
(+ (* (- (second x) (first x))
(- (get ys (inc iy)) (get ys iy))
(- (get zs (inc iz)) (get zs iz)))))))
(range 0 (dec (count zs)))))))
(into [] (range 0 (dec (count ys))))))
(recur (rest x)))))
(println @on-count)