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3 years ago
(def to-closing {\{ \} \( \) \[ \] \< \>})
(def to-score {\) 3 \] 57 \} 1197 \> 25137})
(defn check-line [input]
3 years ago
(loop [in input open '()]
3 years ago
(empty? in)
(and (contains? #{\} \) \] \>} (first in))
(not= (to-closing (first open)) (first in)))
(first in)
(rest in)
3 years ago
(if (contains? #{\{ \( \[ \<} (first in))
(conj open (first in))
(rest open)
3 years ago
(->> (slurp "./in")
3 years ago
(map (comp to-score check-line vec))
3 years ago
(filter some?)
(apply +)