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(require '[clojure.string :as str])
(defn cucumber-step-east [cuc-map]
(for [cuc-row cuc-map]
(let [shifted-cuc (str/replace cuc-row #">\." ".>")]
(if (and (= \> (last cuc-row)) (= \. (first cuc-row)))
(-> shifted-cuc
(str/replace #">$" ".")
(str/replace #"^\." ">"))
(defn cucumber-step-south [cuc-map]
(let [extra-cuc-map
(conj (vec (cons (last cuc-map) cuc-map)) (first cuc-map))
(for [y (reverse (range 1 (count extra-cuc-map)))]
(for [x (range 0 (count (first cuc-map)))]
(and (= \. (get-in extra-cuc-map [y x])) (= \v (get-in extra-cuc-map [(dec y) x])))
(and (= \v (get-in extra-cuc-map [y x])) (= \. (get-in extra-cuc-map [(inc y) x])))
(get-in extra-cuc-map [y x])))))]
(into [] (reverse (rest new-extra-cuc-map)))))
(defn cucumber-seq [cuc-map-init]
(iterate (comp cucumber-step-south cucumber-step-east) cuc-map-init))
(def input (->> (slurp "./in")
(loop [cuc-hist '() cuc-list (cucumber-seq input)]
(let [next-cuc (first cuc-list)]
(if (or (nil? next-cuc) (= (first cuc-hist) next-cuc))
(println "Cucs are stuck! Steps:" (count cuc-hist))
(recur (conj cuc-hist next-cuc) (rest cuc-list)))))