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(def input (->> (slurp "./in")
(mapv (partial mapv (comp read-string str)))
(#(for [y (range 0 (count %)) x (range 0 (count (first %)))]
{[y x] (get-in % [y x])}))
(into {})))
(defn min-distance [dist Q]
#(if (and (not= (dist %2) :inf)
(or (= :inf (first %1))
(< (dist %2) (first %1))))
[(dist %2) %2]
[:inf []] Q))
(defn find-neighbors [Q u]
(filter #(contains? Q %) [(update u 0 inc)
(update u 0 dec)
(update u 1 inc)
(update u 1 dec)]))
(let [dim (apply max (map first (keys input)))]
(loop [Q (set (keys input))
dist (-> (zipmap Q (repeat :inf)) (update [0 0] #(do % 0)))]
(if (empty? Q)
(println (dist [dim dim]))
(let [[u vu] (min-distance dist Q)]
(disj Q vu)
(loop [d dist f (find-neighbors Q vu)]
(if (empty? f)
(let [v (first f) alt (+ u (input v))]
(if (or (= :inf (dist v)) (< alt (dist v)))
(assoc d v alt)
(rest f)