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(require '[clojure.string :as str])
(def input (->> (slurp "./in")
(split-with not-empty)))
(def points (->> (first input)
(map #(str/split % #","))
(map (partial map read-string))
(def folds (->> (rest (second input))
(map #(str/split % #"="))
(map #(do [(last (first %)) (read-string (second %))]))))
(defn print-grid [pts]
(doseq [p pts] (println (str/join [(first p) "," (second p)])))
(loop [fds folds pts points]
(if (empty? fds)
(print-grid pts)
(rest fds)
(let [ins (first fds) chg (second ins)]
(if (= \x (first ins))
#(conj %1
(if (< (first %2) chg)
(seq [(- (first %2) (* 2 (- (first %2) chg))) (second %2)])))
#(conj %1
(if (< (second %2) chg)
(seq [(first %2) (- (second %2) (* 2 (- (second %2) chg)))])