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REM Advent of Code 2022: Day 5, part 2
REM Written in Applesoft BASIC
REM ST$ is our array of nine strings to track the stacked boxes.
10 DIM ST$(9)
20 FOR I = 0 TO 8:ST$(I) = "": NEXT I
REM Clear screen, set error GOTO for end-of-file, and open the input file.
REM J is a byte counter for reading fields (explained below).
REM K tracks the current stack for building the initial configuration.
REM L is the current index in AC.
REM AC is the "action": move AC(0) from AC(1) to AC(2).
REM V is used to build the values stored in AC.
90 J = 1
91 K = 0
92 L = 0
93 DIM AC(3):AC(0) = 0:AC(1) = 0:AC(2) = 0
94 V = 0
REM Here, we read in the initial stack configuration.
REM Reminder, GET Z$ scraps bytes that are an artifact to input file xfer.
REM J tracks where the next stack value is. Stack values are three bytes
REM apart, either "] [" or "]\n[". We loop through ST$ as we read stack
REM values, and add to the current stack if we have a letter and not a space.
REM Once a digit is encountered, we know that we have finished reading the
REM initial data.
100 GET C$: GET Z$
110 CV = ASC (C$)
120 IF CV > 47 AND CV < 58 GOTO 300
130 IF J > 0 THEN J = J - 1: GOTO 100
140 IF CV < > 32 THEN ST$(K) = C$ + ST$(K)
150 J = 3
160 K = K + 1
170 IF K > 8 THEN K = 0
180 GOTO 100
REM Print the initial stack configuration.
300 FOR I = 0 TO 8
310 GOSUB 700
320 NEXT I
REM Consume input bytes until we are past the blank line and at the
REM instructions. Newlines on the IIgs are carriage returns, '\r'.
330 CL = 0
340 GET C$: GET Z$
350 IF CL = 13 AND ASC (C$) = 13 GOTO 400
360 CL = ASC (C$)
370 GOTO 340
REM Begin reading and parsing instructions.
REM We just need the three numbers in each instruction, so we consume
REM everything (all non-digits) between.
400 GET C$: GET Z$
410 CV = ASC (C$)
420 IF CV < 48 OR CV > 57 GOTO 400
REM We've hit a number. Begin parsing that number into V, which was
REM previously set to zero.
430 V = V * 10 + CV - 48
440 GET C$: GET Z$
445 CV = ASC (C$)
450 IF CV > 47 AND CV < 58 GOTO 430
REM Put the value into its spot in the action array AC.
REM If we have not finished reading in an action, go back to 400.
460 AC(L) = V
465 V = 0
470 L = L + 1
480 IF L < 3 GOTO 400
REM Make "to" and "from" indices zero-based.
490 AC(1) = AC(1) - 1
495 AC(2) = AC(2) - 1
REM Z$ stores the chunk being moved, and is added to its destination.
500 Z$ = RIGHT$ (ST$(AC(1)),AC(0))
510 ST$(AC(2)) = ST$(AC(2)) + Z$
REM If we are emptying the "from" stack, set it to empty manually (LEFT$
REM would fail otherwise). If not emptying, clip out the removed crates.
520 Z = LEN (ST$(AC(1)))
530 IF AC(0) = Z THEN ST$(AC(1)) = "": GOTO 600
540 ST$(AC(1)) = LEFT$ (ST$(AC(1)),Z - AC(0))
REM Time to update the visualization. Only update the two changed columns.
REM Then, go back to 400 for the next instruction.
REM When reading there fails at the end of the input file, the program will
REM jump to 900 to exit.
600 I = AC(1): GOSUB 700
610 I = AC(2): GOSUB 700
630 L = 0
640 GOTO 400
REM Stack rendering routine, expects index I into stack data ST$.
REM Initial X and Y coordinates are set. GOTO 780 for return if stack is empty.
700 X = I * 4 + 1
705 Y = 25
706 LE = LEN (ST$(I))
708 IF LE = 0 GOTO 780
REM Clear text above the current stack, in case the old stack was higher.
REM VTAB and HTAB position the cursor. The semicolon in the PRINT statement
REM omits the ending newline.
710 FOR Z = 1 TO 24 - LE
712 VTAB Z
714 HTAB X
716 PRINT " ";
718 NEXT Z
REM Build the stack from bottom to top.
REM 760 exits if the stack is too tall.
720 FOR Z = 1 TO LE
730 VTAB Y - 1
735 HTAB X
740 PRINT "["; MID$ (ST$(I),Z,1);"]";
750 Y = Y - 1
770 NEXT Z
REM We land here after end-of-file. Close the file and exit.
900 PRINT CHR$ (4),"CLOSE"
910 END