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44 lines
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(require '[clojure.string :as str])
(def caves (->> (slurp "./in")
(map #(str/split % #"-"))
(map (partial map str))
(#(concat % (map reverse %)))
(def search-caves
(memoize (fn [id]
(filter #(= (first %) id) caves))))
(defn get-caves-forward [klst]
(let [end (first klst)]
(if (str/starts-with? end "end")
(map #(cons (second %) klst)
(fn [cv]
(not (str/starts-with? (second cv) "start"))
(< (int (first (second cv))) 96)
(let [rv (count (filter #(= % (second cv)) klst))
lw (filter #(= (str/lower-case %) %) klst)]
(or (= 0 rv) (< (- (count lw) (count (distinct lw))) 1)))
(search-caves end)
(loop [lst (get-caves-forward ["start"]) ms []]
(println (count ms))
(let [nxt (->> lst
(map get-caves-forward)
(apply concat))
mtchs (concat ms (filter #(= (first %) "end") nxt))
nxtlst (filter #(not= (first %) "end") nxt)]
(if (empty? nxtlst)
(println (count mtchs))
(recur nxtlst mtchs))))