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66 lines
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(require '[clojure.string :as str])
(require '[clojure.set :as set])
(defn find-match
Searches for digit that `has segs-left` segments remaining
after the segments of `dig-to-cmp` are removed from the
digits in `cnts` with `grp-to-cmp` segments.
[segs-left dig-to-cmp cnts grp-to-cmp]
#(-> (second %)
(str/replace (re-pattern (str/join ["[" dig-to-cmp "]"])) "")
(= segs-left)
(filterv #(= (first %) grp-to-cmp) cnts)
(defn determine-digits [line]
(let [counts (mapv #(do [(count %) %]) (take 10 line))
mcounts (into {} counts)]
(as-> {} $
(assoc $ 1 (mcounts 2)
4 (mcounts 4)
7 (mcounts 3)
8 (mcounts 7)
(assoc $ 3 (find-match 2 ($ 7) counts 5))
(assoc $ 2 (find-match 3 ($ 4) counts 5))
(assoc $ 5 (find-match 2 ($ 2) counts 5))
(assoc $ 0 (find-match 2 ($ 5) counts 6))
(assoc $ 9 (find-match 2 ($ 4) counts 6))
(assoc $ 6 (find-match 4 ($ 7) counts 6))
(loop [sum 0]
(let [rl (read-line)]
(if (empty? rl)
(println sum)
(let [line (as-> rl $
(str/split $ #" ")
(mapv (comp str/join sort) $)
number (subvec line 11 15)
decoder (set/map-invert (determine-digits line))]
(recur (->> number
(map (comp str decoder))
(#(Integer/parseInt %))
(+ sum)