diff options
authorClyne Sullivan <clyne@bitgloo.com>2025-01-28 21:22:07 -0500
committerClyne Sullivan <clyne@bitgloo.com>2025-01-28 21:22:07 -0500
commiteee0de87ec02373828593e020df9247b50afacc8 (patch)
parentc925f5620584e62e5af553bb96978d2c474196e0 (diff)
add many more wordsHEADmain
5 files changed, 173 insertions, 31 deletions
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 91d2a9d..4e2223b 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -8,12 +8,11 @@ Register usage is the only platform-specific requirement; otherwise, `foci` is w
## Available words
-dup drop swap rot -rot over tuck @ ! c@ c! + +! - * / mod and or xor = < [ ] ,
-cell cell+ cells base here allot latest negate invert 1- 1+ aligned align : ;
-literal if then else ' ['] execute decimal hex . emit begin until again while
-repeat >r r> 2>r 2r> r@ do loop i immediate
+Many words from [core ANS Forth](https://forth-standard.org/standard/core) are supported. See `compat.txt` for a list.
+Some features are not expected to be implemented:
+* Pictured numeric output, e.g. `<# # #>`
+* Double-width arithmetic
## Build instructions
diff --git a/compat.txt b/compat.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8429d5b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compat.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,133 @@
+yes 6.1.0010 !
+ 6.1.0030 #
+ 6.1.0040 #>
+ 6.1.0050 #S
+yes 6.1.0070 '
+ 6.1.0080 (
+yes 6.1.0090 *
+ 6.1.0100 */
+ 6.1.0110 */MOD
+yes 6.1.0120 +
+yes 6.1.0130 +!
+ 6.1.0140 +LOOP
+yes 6.1.0150 ,
+yes 6.1.0160 -
+yes 6.1.0180 .
+ 6.1.0190 ."
+yes 6.1.0230 /
+ 6.1.0240 /MOD
+yes 6.1.0250 0<
+yes 6.1.0270 0=
+yes 6.1.0290 1+
+yes 6.1.0300 1-
+yes 6.1.0310 2!
+yes 6.1.0320 2*
+ 6.1.0330 2/
+yes 6.1.0350 2@
+yes 6.1.0370 2DROP
+yes 6.1.0380 2DUP
+ 6.1.0400 2OVER
+ 6.1.0430 2SWAP
+yes 6.1.0450 :
+yes 6.1.0460 ;
+yes 6.1.0480 <
+ 6.1.0490 <#
+yes 6.1.0530 =
+yes 6.1.0540 >
+ 6.1.0550 >BODY
+ 6.1.0560 >IN
+ 6.1.0570 >NUMBER
+yes 6.1.0580 >R
+ 6.1.0630 ?DUP
+yes 6.1.0650 @
+ 6.1.0670 ABORT
+ 6.1.0680 ABORT"
+ 6.1.0690 ABS
+ 6.1.0695 ACCEPT
+yes 6.1.0705 ALIGN
+yes 6.1.0706 ALIGNED
+yes 6.1.0710 ALLOT
+yes 6.1.0720 AND
+yes 6.1.0750 BASE
+yes 6.1.0760 BEGIN
+yes 6.1.0770 BL
+yes 6.1.0850 C!
+yes 6.1.0860 C,
+yes 6.1.0870 C@
+yes 6.1.0880 CELL+
+yes 6.1.0890 CELLS
+ 6.1.0895 CHAR
+yes 6.1.0897 CHAR+
+yes 6.1.0898 CHARS
+ 6.1.0950 CONSTANT
+ 6.1.0980 COUNT
+yes 6.1.0990 CR
+ 6.1.1000 CREATE
+yes 6.1.1170 DECIMAL
+yes 6.1.1200 DEPTH
+yes 6.1.1240 DO
+ 6.1.1250 DOES>
+yes 6.1.1260 DROP
+yes 6.1.1290 DUP
+yes 6.1.1310 ELSE
+yes 6.1.1320 EMIT
+ 6.1.1345 ENVIRONMENT?
+ 6.1.1360 EVALUATE
+yes 6.1.1370 EXECUTE
+ 6.1.1380 EXIT
+ 6.1.1540 FILL
+ 6.1.1550 FIND
+ 6.1.1561 FM/MOD
+yes 6.1.1650 HERE
+ 6.1.1670 HOLD
+yes 6.1.1680 I
+yes 6.1.1700 IF
+yes 6.1.1710 IMMEDIATE
+yes 6.1.1720 INVERT
+ 6.1.1730 J
+ 6.1.1750 KEY
+ 6.1.1760 LEAVE
+yes 6.1.1780 LITERAL
+yes 6.1.1800 LOOP
+ 6.1.1805 LSHIFT
+ 6.1.1810 M*
+ 6.1.1870 MAX
+ 6.1.1880 MIN
+yes 6.1.1890 MOD
+ 6.1.1900 MOVE
+yes 6.1.1910 NEGATE
+yes 6.1.1980 OR
+yes 6.1.1990 OVER
+ 6.1.2033 POSTPONE
+ 6.1.2050 QUIT
+yes 6.1.2060 R>
+yes 6.1.2070 R@
+yes 6.1.2120 RECURSE
+yes 6.1.2140 REPEAT
+yes 6.1.2160 ROT
+ 6.1.2162 RSHIFT
+ 6.1.2165 S"
+ 6.1.2170 S>D
+ 6.1.2210 SIGN
+ 6.1.2214 SM/REM
+ 6.1.2216 SOURCE
+yes 6.1.2220 SPACE
+ 6.1.2230 SPACES
+yes 6.1.2250 STATE
+yes 6.1.2260 SWAP
+yes 6.1.2270 THEN
+ 6.1.2310 TYPE
+ 6.1.2320 U.
+ 6.1.2340 U<
+ 6.1.2360 UM*
+ 6.1.2370 UM/MOD
+ 6.1.2380 UNLOOP
+yes 6.1.2390 UNTIL
+ 6.1.2410 VARIABLE
+yes 6.1.2430 WHILE
+ 6.1.2450 WORD
+yes 6.1.2490 XOR
+yes 6.1.2500 [
+yes 6.1.2510 [']
+ 6.1.2520 [CHAR]
+yes 6.1.2540 ]
diff --git a/foci.c b/foci.c
index e752946..6d6c507 100644
--- a/foci.c
+++ b/foci.c
@@ -35,7 +35,6 @@ NAKED void push(void) { *--sp = (intptr_t)*++pp; NEXT; }
NAKED void fexit(void) { pp = *rp++; NEXT; }
void fend(void) {}
-static const void * const fend_b[2] = { 0, fend };
NAKED void compname(void)
@@ -102,7 +101,9 @@ N(mrot, "-rot", &w_rot) { tmp = sp[2]; sp[2] = sp[0]; sp[0] = sp[1];
sp[1] = tmp; NEXT; }
N(over, "over", &w_mrot) { --sp; sp[0] = sp[2]; NEXT; }
W(tuck, "tuck", &w_over) swap, over, END
-N(peek, "@", &w_tuck) { *sp = *(intptr_t *)*sp; NEXT; }
+W(drop2, "2drop", &w_tuck) drop, drop, END
+W(dup2, "2dup", &w_drop2) over, over, END
+N(peek, "@", &w_dup2) { *sp = *(intptr_t *)*sp; NEXT; }
N(poke, "!", &w_peek) { *(intptr_t *)sp[0] = sp[1]; sp += 2; NEXT; }
N(cpeek, "c@", &w_poke) { *sp = *(char *)*sp; NEXT; }
N(cpoke, "c!", &w_cpeek) { *(char *)sp[0] = (char)sp[1]; sp += 2; NEXT; }
@@ -117,24 +118,32 @@ N(or, "or", &w_and) { sp[1] |= sp[0]; ++sp; NEXT; }
N(xor, "xor", &w_or) { sp[1] ^= sp[0]; ++sp; NEXT; }
N(eq, "=", &w_xor) { sp[1] = sp[0] == sp[1] ? -1 : 0; ++sp; NEXT; }
N(lt, "<", &w_eq) { sp[1] = sp[0] > sp[1] ? -1 : 0; ++sp; NEXT; }
-N(compname, "_c", &w_lt) ;
+W(gt, ">", &w_lt) swap, lt, END
+W(zeq, "0=", &w_gt) LIT(0), eq, END
+W(zlt, "0<", &w_zeq) LIT(0), lt, END
+N(compname, "_c", &w_zlt) ;
C(intr, "[", &w_compname) { STATE = 0; NEXT; }
N(comp, "]", &w_intr) { STATE = -1; NEXT; }
N(comma, ",", &w_comp) { *here++ = *sp++; NEXT; }
W(cell, "cell", &w_comma) LIT(sizeof(*sp)), END
W(cellp, "cell+", &w_cell) FTH(cell), add, END
W(cells, "cells", &w_cellp) FTH(cell), mul, END
-N(dict, "_d", &w_cells) { *--sp = (intptr_t)dictmem; NEXT; }
-W(base, "base", &w_dict) LIT(&BASE), END
+W(charp, "char+", &w_cells) LIT(1), add, END
+W(chars, "chars", &w_charp) END
+W(base, "base", &w_chars) LIT(&BASE), END
W(here, "here", &w_base) LIT(&here), peek, END
W(allot, "allot", &w_here) LIT(&here), FTH(addto), END
-W(latest, "latest", &w_allot) LIT(&LATEST), peek, END
+W(ccomma, "c,", &w_allot) FTH(here), cpoke, LIT(1), FTH(allot), END
+W(latest, "latest", &w_ccomma) LIT(&LATEST), peek, END
W(negate, "negate", &w_latest) LIT(-1), mul, END
W(invert, "invert", &w_negate) LIT(-1), xor, END
-W(dec, "1-", &w_invert) LIT(1), sub, END
-W(inc, "1+", &w_dec) LIT(1), add, END
-W(aligned, "aligned", &w_inc) LIT(sizeof(*sp) - 1), add, LIT(~(sizeof(*sp) - 1)),
- and, END
+W(dec, "1-", &w_invert) LIT(1), sub, END
+W(inc, "1+", &w_dec) LIT(1), add, END
+W(twot, "2*", &w_inc) LIT(2), mul, END
+W(peek2, "2@", &w_twot) dup, FTH(cellp), peek, swap, peek, END
+W(poke2, "2!", &w_peek2) swap, over, poke, FTH(cellp), poke, END
+W(aligned, "aligned", &w_poke2) LIT(sizeof(*sp) - 1), add, LIT(~(sizeof(*sp) - 1)),
+ and, END
W(align, "align", &w_aligned) FTH(here), FTH(aligned), LIT(&here), poke, END
W(colon, ":", &w_align) FTH(here), LIT(0), comma, FTH(latest), comma,
compname, FTH(allot), FTH(align), dup,
@@ -149,11 +158,16 @@ I(felse, "else", &w_then) LIT(b), comma, FTH(here), LIT(0), comma, swap, F
W(tick, "\'", &w_felse) compname, drop, lookup, peek, END
I(ctick, "[\']", &w_tick) FTH(tick), FTH(literal), END
N(execute, "execute", &w_ctick) { pp = (intptr_t **)*sp++ - 1; NEXT; }
-W(decimal, "decimal", &w_execute) LIT(10), LIT(&BASE), poke, END
+N(recurse, "recurse", &w_execute) { pp = (intptr_t **)**rp - 1; NEXT; }
+W(decimal, "decimal", &w_recurse) LIT(10), LIT(&BASE), poke, END
W(hex, "hex", &w_decimal) LIT(16), LIT(&BASE), poke, END
N(dot, ".", &w_hex) ;
N(emit, "emit", &w_dot) { foci_putchar(*sp++); NEXT; }
-I(begin, "begin", &w_emit) FTH(here), LIT(sizeof(intptr_t)), sub, END
+W(bl, "bl", &w_emit) LIT(' '), END
+W(space, "space", &w_bl) LIT(' '), emit, END
+W(cr, "cr", &w_space) LIT('\n'), emit, END
+N(depth, "depth", &w_cr) { *--sp = foci_depth(); NEXT; }
+I(begin, "begin", &w_depth) FTH(here), LIT(sizeof(intptr_t)), sub, END
I(until, "until", &w_begin) LIT(bz), comma, comma, END
I(again, "again", &w_until) LIT(b), comma, comma, END
I(fwhile, "while", &w_again) FTH(fif), END
@@ -179,18 +193,20 @@ I(loop, "loop", &w_fdo) LIT(popr), comma,
LIT(popr2), comma,
LIT(drop), comma, LIT(drop), comma, END
W(immediate, "immediate", &w_loop) FTH(latest), LIT(2 * sizeof(intptr_t)), add,
- LIT(ATTR_IMMEDIATE), over, cpeek, or, swap, cpoke, END
+ dup, cpeek, LIT(ATTR_IMMEDIATE), or, swap, cpoke, END
// Be sure to update LATEST_INIT in foci.h!
static void enter_forth(void *ptr)
+ static intptr_t *run[3] = {(intptr_t *)enter, 0, (intptr_t *)fend};
+ run[1] = (intptr_t *)ptr;
sp = saved_sp;
rp = saved_rp;
- pp = ptr;
+ pp = run;
- *--rp = (intptr_t **)fend_b;
- ((void (*)())*pp)();
+ enter();
saved_sp = sp;
saved_rp = rp;
@@ -318,16 +334,11 @@ void init(intptr_t *dictmemm)
saved_rp = END_OF(rstack);
-int depth(void)
+int foci_depth(void)
return END_OF(dstack) - saved_sp;
-int rdepth(void)
- return END_OF(rstack) - saved_rp;
int compiling(void)
return STATE;
diff --git a/foci.h b/foci.h
index b2b8e1c..6c89395 100644
--- a/foci.h
+++ b/foci.h
@@ -94,8 +94,7 @@ extern void foci_putchar(int);
extern int foci_getchar(void);
void init(intptr_t *dictmem);
-int depth(void);
-int rdepth(void);
+int foci_depth(void);
int compiling(void);
void interpret(void);
void define(const struct word_t *w);
diff --git a/x86/main.c b/x86/main.c
index fe4692a..4cd4092 100644
--- a/x86/main.c
+++ b/x86/main.c
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ int main()
for (;;) {
- printf(compiling() ? "compiled <%d>\n" : "ok <%d>\n", depth());
+ printf(compiling() ? "compiled <%d>\n" : "ok <%d>\n", foci_depth());
return 0;