code documentation and refactoring
This commit is contained in:
@ -2,19 +2,42 @@
(:require [clj-http.client :as client])
(:require [ :as json]))
(def POST-LIST "/post/list")
(def COMMENTS "/comment/list")
"The default instance to access."
"Number of posts to show per 'page'. Set by the API."
"Number of comments to show per 'page'. Kept low for smaller screens."
"Maximum number of comments to retrieve for a post."
(defn make-api-url [inst endpoint]
(str "https://" inst "/api/v3" endpoint))
"API endpoint for post list."
"API endpoint for comment list (of a given post)."
(defn api-call [api-url query-params]
(defn make-api-url
"Builds URL for API request given the instance and endpoint."
[inst endpoint]
(str "https://" inst "/api/v3" endpoint))
(defn api-call
"Completes an API request, returning the processed JSON."
[api-url query-params]
(-> api-url
(client/get {:accept :json :query-params query-params})
(get :body)
(defn post-list [instance community page]
(defn post-list
"Fetches a post list from the given instance and endpoint."
[instance community page]
(let [query-params (cond-> {:sort "Hot" :page (str page)}
(not (empty? community))
(assoc :community_name community))]
@ -22,12 +45,17 @@
(api-call query-params)
(get "posts"))))
(defn comments-list [instance post]
(defn comments-list
"Fetches the comment list for a given post."
[instance post]
(-> (make-api-url instance COMMENTS)
(api-call {:limit "50" :post_id (str (get-in post ["post" "id"]))})
(api-call {:limit (str COMMENT-LIMIT)
:post_id (str (get-in post ["post" "id"]))})
(get "comments")))
(defn show-post-item [index post]
(defn show-post-item
"Renders a listing of the given post. Index is for user selection."
[index post]
(let [items [["creator" "name"]
["community" "name"]
["post" "name"]
@ -36,26 +64,35 @@
data (cons (inc index) (mapv (partial get-in post) items))]
(apply (partial printf "%d. %s on %s\n %s\n at %s (%d comments)\n\n") data)))
(defn show-comment-item [commnt]
(defn show-comment-item
"Renders the given comment (from a post)."
(println (get-in commnt ["creator" "name"]) "says:")
(println (get-in commnt ["comment" "content"]))
(defn show-posts [posts]
(doseq [index (range 0 5)]
(defn show-posts
"Displays a page's worth of post listings."
(doseq [index (range 0 POST-PAGESIZE)]
(show-post-item index (nth posts index))))
(defn show-comments [comments]
(doseq [commnt (take 1 comments)]
(defn show-comments
"Displays a page's worth of comments."
(doseq [commnt (take COMMENT-PAGESIZE comments)]
(show-comment-item commnt)))
(defn show-posts-prompt []
(print "#NPQ> ")
(defn show-posts-prompt
"Collects user input at post listing menu."
(print "#NPCIQ> ")
(first (read-line)))
(defn show-comments-prompt []
(defn show-comments-prompt
"Collects user input at comment listing menu."
(print "BNP> ")
(first (read-line)))
@ -66,37 +103,90 @@
(defn show-instance-prompt []
(print "Enter instance name []: ")
(printf "Enter instance name [%s]: " DEFAULT-INSTANCE)
(let [inst (read-line)] (if (empty? inst) "" inst)))
(let [inst (read-line)] (if (empty? inst) DEFAULT-INSTANCE inst)))
(defn view-post [instance post]
(defn view-post
"Main loop for viewing a post and its comments."
[instance post]
(loop [offset 0 comments (comments-list instance post)]
(show-comments (if (pos? offset) (drop (* 1 offset) comments) comments))
(show-comments (drop (* COMMENT-PAGESIZE offset) comments))
(case (show-comments-prompt)
\B (println)
\N (recur (inc offset) comments)
\P (recur (dec offset) comments)
(do (println "Unknown command.") (recur offset comments)))))
(defn view-page [instance init-community]
(loop [top true community init-community page 1 posts (post-list instance community page)]
(defn view-nth-post
"Views the index-th post from the current post list."
[state posts index]
(:instance state)
(nth posts (cond-> (+ 5 index) (:top state) (- 5))))
(defn get-post-list
"Fetches a new list of posts given the current (view-page) state."
(post-list (:instance state) (:community state) (:page state)))
(defn next-page
"Updates state for viewing the next page of posts."
(if (:top state)
(assoc state :top false)
(-> state (assoc :top true) (update :page inc))))
(defn prev-page
"Updates state for viewing the previous page of posts."
(if-not (:top state)
(assoc state :top true)
(-> state (assoc :top false) (update :page dec))))
(defn change-community
"Updates state for viewing a different community."
(-> state
(assoc :top true)
(assoc :page 1)
(assoc :community (show-community-prompt))))
(defn change-instance
"Updates state for viewing a different instance."
(-> state
(assoc :instance (show-instance-prompt))
(defn view-page
"Main loop for viewing posts listings."
[init-instance init-community]
(loop [state {:top true
:instance init-instance
:community init-community
:page 1}
posts (get-post-list state)]
(show-posts (if top posts (drop 5 posts)))
(show-posts (if (:top state) posts (drop POST-PAGESIZE posts)))
(case (show-posts-prompt)
\N (if top (recur false community page posts)
(recur true community (inc page) (post-list instance community (inc page))))
\P (if top (recur false community (dec page) (post-list instance community (dec page)))
(recur true community page posts))
\N (let [new-state (next-page state)]
(recur new-state (if (:top new-state) (get-post-list new-state) posts)))
\P (let [new-state (prev-page state)]
(recur new-state (if (:top new-state) posts (get-post-list new-state))))
\Q (println)
\1 (do (view-post instance (nth posts (cond-> 5 top (- 5)))) (recur top community page posts))
\2 (do (view-post instance (nth posts (cond-> 6 top (- 5)))) (recur top community page posts))
\3 (do (view-post instance (nth posts (cond-> 7 top (- 5)))) (recur top community page posts))
\4 (do (view-post instance (nth posts (cond-> 8 top (- 5)))) (recur top community page posts))
\5 (do (view-post instance (nth posts (cond-> 9 top (- 5)))) (recur top community page posts))
\C (let [comm (show-community-prompt)] (recur true comm 1 (post-list instance comm page)))
(do (println "Unknown command.") (recur top community page posts)))))
\1 (recur (view-nth-post state posts 0) posts)
\2 (recur (view-nth-post state posts 1) posts)
\3 (recur (view-nth-post state posts 2) posts)
\4 (recur (view-nth-post state posts 3) posts)
\5 (recur (view-nth-post state posts 4) posts)
\C (let [new-state (change-community state)]
(recur new-state (get-post-list new-state)))
\I (let [new-state (change-instance state)]
(recur new-state (get-post-list new-state)))
(do (println "Unknown command.") (recur state posts)))))
(defn -main [& args]
(println "Welcome to lemmold, your old-school Lemmy browser!")
Reference in New Issue
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