clean up views; set instance and community

Clyne 1 year ago
parent 5523960bef
commit b9c39fdc58
Signed by: clyne
GPG Key ID: 1B74EE6C49C96795

.gitignore vendored

@ -13,4 +13,4 @@ pom.xml.asc

@ -2,7 +2,6 @@
(:require [clj-http.client :as client])
(:require [ :as json]))
(def INSTANCE "")
(def POST-LIST "/post/list")
(def COMMENTS "/comment/list")
@ -15,24 +14,27 @@
(get :body)
(defn post-list [page]
(-> (make-api-url INSTANCE POST-LIST)
(api-call {:sort "Hot" :page (str page)})
(get "posts")))
(defn post-list [instance community page]
(let [query-params (cond-> {:sort "Hot" :page (str page)}
(not (empty? community))
(assoc :community_name community))]
(-> (make-api-url instance POST-LIST)
(api-call query-params)
(get "posts"))))
(defn comments-list [post]
(-> (make-api-url INSTANCE COMMENTS)
(defn comments-list [instance post]
(-> (make-api-url instance COMMENTS)
(api-call {:limit "50" :post_id (str (get-in post ["post" "id"]))})
(get "comments")))
(defn show-post-item [post]
(defn show-post-item [index post]
(let [items [["creator" "name"]
["community" "name"]
["post" "name"]
["post" "published"]
["counts" "comments"]]
data (mapv (partial get-in post) items)]
(apply (partial printf "%s on %s\n%s\nat %s (%d comments)\n\n") data)))
data (cons (inc index) (mapv (partial get-in post) items))]
(apply (partial printf "%d. %s on %s\n %s\n at %s (%d comments)\n\n") data)))
(defn show-comment-item [commnt]
(println (get-in commnt ["creator" "name"]) "says:")
@ -41,11 +43,11 @@
(defn show-posts [posts]
(doseq [post (take 5 posts)]
(show-post-item post)))
(doseq [index (range 0 5)]
(show-post-item index (nth posts index))))
(defn show-comments [comments]
(doseq [commnt (take 5 comments)]
(doseq [commnt (take 1 comments)]
(show-comment-item commnt)))
(defn show-posts-prompt []
@ -58,32 +60,50 @@
(first (read-line)))
(defn view-post [post]
(loop [offset 0 comments (comments-list post)]
(show-comments (if (pos? offset) (drop (* 5 offset) comments) comments))
(defn show-community-prompt []
(print "Enter community name [all]: ")
(defn show-instance-prompt []
(print "Enter instance name []: ")
(let [inst (read-line)] (if (empty? inst) "" inst)))
(defn view-post [instance post]
(loop [offset 0 comments (comments-list instance post)]
(show-comments (if (pos? offset) (drop (* 1 offset) comments) comments))
(case (show-comments-prompt)
\B (println)
\N (recur (inc offset) comments)
\P (recur (dec offset) comments)
(do (println "Unknown command.") (recur offset comments)))))
(defn view-page []
(loop [top true page 1 posts (post-list page)]
(defn view-page [instance init-community]
(loop [top true community init-community page 1 posts (post-list instance community page)]
(show-posts (if top posts (drop 5 posts)))
(case (show-posts-prompt)
\N (if top (recur false page posts)
(recur true (inc page) (post-list (inc page))))
\P (if top (recur false (dec page) (post-list (dec page)))
(recur true page posts))
\Q (do)
\1 (do (view-post (nth posts (cond-> 5 top (- 5)))) (recur top page posts))
\2 (do (view-post (nth posts (cond-> 6 top (- 5)))) (recur top page posts))
\3 (do (view-post (nth posts (cond-> 7 top (- 5)))) (recur top page posts))
\4 (do (view-post (nth posts (cond-> 8 top (- 5)))) (recur top page posts))
\5 (do (view-post (nth posts (cond-> 9 top (- 5)))) (recur top page posts))
(do (println "Unknown command.") (recur top page posts)))))
\N (if top (recur false community page posts)
(recur true community (inc page) (post-list instance community (inc page))))
\P (if top (recur false community (dec page) (post-list instance community (dec page)))
(recur true community page posts))
\Q (println)
\1 (do (view-post instance (nth posts (cond-> 5 top (- 5)))) (recur top community page posts))
\2 (do (view-post instance (nth posts (cond-> 6 top (- 5)))) (recur top community page posts))
\3 (do (view-post instance (nth posts (cond-> 7 top (- 5)))) (recur top community page posts))
\4 (do (view-post instance (nth posts (cond-> 8 top (- 5)))) (recur top community page posts))
\5 (do (view-post instance (nth posts (cond-> 9 top (- 5)))) (recur top community page posts))
\C (let [comm (show-community-prompt)] (recur true comm 1 (post-list instance comm page)))
(do (println "Unknown command.") (recur top community page posts)))))
(defn -main [& args]
(println "Goodbye."))
(println "Welcome to lemmold, your old-school Lemmy browser!")
(let [instance (show-instance-prompt)
community (show-community-prompt)]
(view-page instance community))
(println "Goodbye.")
