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ChibiOS - Copyright (C) 2006..2018 Giovanni Di Sirio
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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* @defgroup ADC ADC Driver
* @brief Generic ADC Driver.
* @details This module implements a generic ADC (Analog to Digital Converter)
* driver supporting a variety of buffer and conversion modes.
* @pre In order to use the ADC driver the @p HAL_USE_ADC option
* must be enabled in @p halconf.h.
* @section adc_1 Driver State Machine
* The driver implements a state machine internally, not all the driver
* functionalities can be used in any moment, any transition not explicitly
* shown in the following diagram has to be considered an error and shall
* be captured by an assertion (if enabled).
* @dot
digraph example {
size="5, 7";
node [shape=circle, fontname=Helvetica, fontsize=8, fixedsize="true", width="0.9", height="0.9"];
edge [fontname=Helvetica, fontsize=8];
stop [label="ADC_STOP\nLow Power"];
uninit [label="ADC_UNINIT", style="bold"];
ready [label="ADC_READY\nClock Enabled"];
active [label="ADC_ACTIVE\nConverting"];
error [label="ADC_ERROR\nError"];
complete [label="ADC_COMPLETE\nComplete"];
uninit -> stop [label="\n adcInit()", constraint=false];
stop -> ready [label="\nadcStart()"];
ready -> ready [label="\nadcStart()\nadcStopConversion()"];
ready -> stop [label="\nadcStop()"];
stop -> stop [label="\nadcStop()"];
ready -> active [label="\nadcStartConversion() (async)\nadcConvert() (sync)"];
active -> ready [label="\nadcStopConversion()\nsync return"];
active -> active [label="\nasync callback (half buffer, circular)\nasync callback (full buffer)\n>acg_endcb<"];
active -> complete [label="\n\nasync callback (full buffer)\n>end_cb<"];
active -> error [label="\n\nasync callback (error)\n>error_cb<"];
complete -> active [label="\nadcStartConversionI()\nthen\ncallback return"];
complete -> ready [label="\ncallback return"];
error -> active [label="\nadcStartConversionI()\nthen\ncallback return"];
error -> ready [label="\ncallback return"];
* @enddot
* @else
* @dot
digraph example {
node [shape=circle, fontname=Helvetica, fontsize=8, fixedsize="true", width="0.9", height="0.9"];
edge [fontname=Helvetica, fontsize=8];
stop [label="ADC_STOP\nLow Power"];
uninit [label="ADC_UNINIT", style="bold"];
ready [label="ADC_READY\nClock Enabled"];
active [label="ADC_ACTIVE\nConverting"];
error [label="ADC_ERROR\nError"];
complete [label="ADC_COMPLETE\nComplete"];
uninit -> stop [label="\n adcInit()", constraint=false];
stop -> ready [label="\nadcStart()"];
ready -> ready [label="\nadcStart()\nadcStopConversion()"];
ready -> stop [label="\nadcStop()"];
stop -> stop [label="\nadcStop()"];
ready -> active [label="\nadcStartConversion() (async)\nadcConvert() (sync)"];
active -> ready [label="\nadcStopConversion()\nsync return"];
active -> active [label="\nasync callback (half buffer, circular)\nasync callback (full buffer)\n>acg_endcb<"];
active -> complete [label="\n\nasync callback (full buffer)\n>end_cb<"];
active -> error [label="\n\nasync callback (error)\n>error_cb<"];
complete -> active [label="\nadcStartConversionI()\nthen\ncallback return"];
complete -> ready [label="\ncallback return"];
error -> active [label="\nadcStartConversionI()\nthen\ncallback return"];
error -> ready [label="\ncallback return"];
* @enddot
* @endif
* @section adc_2 ADC Operations
* The ADC driver is quite complex, an explanation of the terminology and of
* the operational details follows.
* @subsection adc_2_1 ADC Conversion Groups
* The @p ADCConversionGroup is the objects that specifies a physical
* conversion operation. This structure contains some standard fields and
* several implementation-dependent fields.<br>
* The standard fields define the CG mode, the number of channels belonging
* to the CG and the optional callbacks.<br>
* The implementation-dependent fields specify the physical ADC operation
* mode, the analog channels belonging to the group and any other
* implementation-specific setting. Usually the extra fields just mirror
* the physical ADC registers, please refer to the vendor's MCU Reference
* Manual for details about the available settings. Details are also available
* into the documentation of the ADC low level drivers and in the various
* sample applications.
* @subsection adc_2_2 ADC Conversion Modes
* The driver supports several conversion modes:
* - <b>One Shot</b>, the driver performs a single group conversion then stops.
* - <b>Linear Buffer</b>, the driver performs a series of group conversions
* then stops. This mode is like a one shot conversion repeated N times,
* the buffer pointer increases after each conversion. The buffer is
* organized as an S(CG)*N samples matrix, when S(CG) is the conversion
* group size (number of channels) and N is the buffer depth (number of
* repeated conversions).
* - <b>Circular Buffer</b>, much like the linear mode but the operation does
* not stop when the buffer is filled, it is automatically restarted
* with the buffer pointer wrapping back to the buffer base.
* .
* @subsection adc_2_3 ADC Callbacks
* The driver is able to invoke callbacks during the conversion process. A
* callback is invoked when the operation has been completed or, in circular
* mode, when the buffer has been filled and the operation is restarted. In
* circular mode a callback is also invoked when the buffer is half filled.<br>
* The "half filled" and "filled" callbacks in circular mode allow to
* implement "streaming processing" of the sampled data, while the driver is
* busy filling one half of the buffer the application can process the
* other half, this allows for continuous interleaved operations.
* The driver is not thread safe for performance reasons, if you need to access
* the ADC bus from multiple threads then use the @p adcAcquireBus() and
* @p adcReleaseBus() APIs in order to gain exclusive access.