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ChibiOS - Copyright (C) 2006..2018 Giovanni Di Sirio.
This file is part of ChibiOS.
ChibiOS is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
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* @file oslib/include/chjobs.h
* @brief Jobs Queues structures and macros.
* @details This module implements queues of generic jobs to be delegated
* asynchronously to a pool of dedicated threads.
* Operations defined for Jobs Queues
* - <b>Get</b>: An job object is taken from the pool of the
* available jobs.
* - <b>Post</b>: A job is posted to the queue, it will be
* returned to the pool after execution.
* .
* @addtogroup oslib_jobs_queues
* @{
#ifndef CHJOBS_H
#define CHJOBS_H
#if (CH_CFG_USE_JOBS == TRUE) || defined(__DOXYGEN__)
/* Module constants. */
* @brief Dispatcher return code in case of a @p JOB_NUL has been received.
#define MSG_JOB_NULL ((msg_t)-2)
/* Module pre-compile time settings. */
/* Derived constants and error checks. */
/* Module data structures and types. */
* @brief Type of a jobs queue.
typedef struct ch_jobs_queue {
* @brief Pool of the free jobs.
guarded_memory_pool_t free;
* @brief Mailbox of the sent jobs.
mailbox_t mbx;
} jobs_queue_t;
* @brief Type of a job function.
typedef void (*job_function_t)(void *arg);
* @brief Type of a job descriptor.
typedef struct ch_job_descriptor {
* @brief Job function.
job_function_t jobfunc;
* @brief Argument to be passed to the job function.
void *jobarg;
} job_descriptor_t;
/* Module macros. */
/* External declarations. */
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
#ifdef __cplusplus
/* Module inline functions. */
* @brief Initializes a jobs queue object.
* @param[out] jqp pointer to a @p jobs_queue_t structure
* @param[in] jobsn number of jobs available
* @param[in] jobsbuf pointer to the buffer of jobs, it must be able
* to hold @p jobsn @p job_descriptor_t structures
* @param[in] msgbuf pointer to the buffer of messages, it must be able
* to hold @p jobsn @p msg_t messages
* @init
static inline void chJobObjectInit(jobs_queue_t *jqp,
size_t jobsn,
job_descriptor_t *jobsbuf,
msg_t *msgbuf) {
chDbgCheck((jobsn > 0U) && (jobsbuf != NULL) && (msgbuf != NULL));
chGuardedPoolObjectInit(&jqp->free, sizeof (job_descriptor_t));
chGuardedPoolLoadArray(&jqp->free, (void *)jobsbuf, jobsn);
chMBObjectInit(&jqp->mbx, msgbuf, jobsn);
* @brief Allocates a free job object.
* @param[in] jqp pointer to a @p jobs_queue_t structure
* @return The pointer to the allocated job object.
* @api
static inline job_descriptor_t *chJobGet(jobs_queue_t *jqp) {
return (job_descriptor_t *)chGuardedPoolAllocTimeout(&jqp->free, TIME_INFINITE);
* @brief Allocates a free job object.
* @param[in] jqp pointer to a @p jobs_queue_t structure
* @return The pointer to the allocated job object.
* @retval NULL if a job object is not immediately available.
* @iclass
static inline job_descriptor_t *chJobGetI(jobs_queue_t *jqp) {
return (job_descriptor_t *)chGuardedPoolAllocI(&jqp->free);
* @brief Allocates a free job object.
* @param[in] jqp pointer to a @p jobs_queue_t structure
* @param[in] timeout the number of ticks before the operation timeouts,
* the following special values are allowed:
* - @a TIME_IMMEDIATE immediate timeout.
* - @a TIME_INFINITE no timeout.
* .
* @return The pointer to the allocated job object.
* @retval NULL if a job object is not available within the specified
* timeout.
* @sclass
static inline job_descriptor_t *chJobGetTimeoutS(jobs_queue_t *jqp,
sysinterval_t timeout) {
return (job_descriptor_t *)chGuardedPoolAllocTimeoutS(&jqp->free, timeout);
* @brief Allocates a free job object.
* @param[in] jqp pointer to a @p jobs_queue_t structure
* @param[in] timeout the number of ticks before the operation timeouts,
* the following special values are allowed:
* - @a TIME_IMMEDIATE immediate timeout.
* - @a TIME_INFINITE no timeout.
* .
* @return The pointer to the allocated job object.
* @retval NULL if a job object is not available within the specified
* timeout.
* @api
static inline job_descriptor_t *chJobGetTimeout(jobs_queue_t *jqp,
sysinterval_t timeout) {
return (job_descriptor_t *)chGuardedPoolAllocTimeout(&jqp->free, timeout);
* @brief Posts a job object.
* @note By design the object can be always immediately posted.
* @param[in] jqp pointer to a @p jobs_queue_t structure
* @param[in] jp pointer to the job object to be posted
* @iclass
static inline void chJobPostI(jobs_queue_t *jqp, job_descriptor_t *jp) {
msg_t msg;
msg = chMBPostI(&jqp->mbx, (msg_t)jp);
chDbgAssert(msg == MSG_OK, "post failed");
* @brief Posts a job object.
* @note By design the object can be always immediately posted.
* @param[in] jqp pointer to a @p jobs_queue_t structure
* @param[in] jp pointer to the job object to be posted
* @sclass
static inline void chJobPostS(jobs_queue_t *jqp, job_descriptor_t *jp) {
msg_t msg;
msg = chMBPostTimeoutS(&jqp->mbx, (msg_t)jp, TIME_IMMEDIATE);
chDbgAssert(msg == MSG_OK, "post failed");
* @brief Posts a job object.
* @note By design the object can be always immediately posted.
* @param[in] jqp pointer to a @p jobs_queue_t structure
* @param[in] jp pointer to the job object to be posted
* @api
static inline void chJobPost(jobs_queue_t *jqp, job_descriptor_t *jp) {
msg_t msg;
msg = chMBPostTimeout(&jqp->mbx, (msg_t)jp, TIME_IMMEDIATE);
chDbgAssert(msg == MSG_OK, "post failed");
* @brief Posts an high priority job object.
* @note By design the object can be always immediately posted.
* @param[in] jqp pointer to a @p jobs_queue_t structure
* @param[in] jp pointer to the job object to be posted
* @iclass
static inline void chJobPostAheadI(jobs_queue_t *jqp, job_descriptor_t *jp) {
msg_t msg;
msg = chMBPostAheadI(&jqp->mbx, (msg_t)jp);
chDbgAssert(msg == MSG_OK, "post failed");
* @brief Posts an high priority job object.
* @note By design the object can be always immediately posted.
* @param[in] jqp pointer to a @p jobs_queue_t structure
* @param[in] jp pointer to the job object to be posted
* @sclass
static inline void chJobPostAheadS(jobs_queue_t *jqp, job_descriptor_t *jp) {
msg_t msg;
msg = chMBPostAheadTimeoutS(&jqp->mbx, (msg_t)jp, TIME_IMMEDIATE);
chDbgAssert(msg == MSG_OK, "post failed");
* @brief Posts an high priority job object.
* @note By design the object can be always immediately posted.
* @param[in] jqp pointer to a @p jobs_queue_t structure
* @param[in] jp pointer to the job object to be posted
* @api
static inline void chJobPostAhead(jobs_queue_t *jqp, job_descriptor_t *jp) {
msg_t msg;
msg = chMBPostAheadTimeout(&jqp->mbx, (msg_t)jp, TIME_IMMEDIATE);
chDbgAssert(msg == MSG_OK, "post failed");
* @brief Waits for a job then executes it.
* @param[in] jqp pointer to a @p jobs_queue_t structure
* @return The function outcome.
* @retval MSG_OK if a job has been executed.
* @retval MSG_RESET if the internal mailbox has been reset.
* @retval MSG_JOB_NULL if a @p JOB_NULL has been received.
static inline msg_t chJobDispatch(jobs_queue_t *jqp) {
msg_t msg, jmsg;
/* Waiting for a job.*/
msg = chMBFetchTimeout(&jqp->mbx, &jmsg, TIME_INFINITE);
if (msg == MSG_OK) {
job_descriptor_t *jp = (job_descriptor_t *)jmsg;
chDbgAssert(jp != NULL, "is NULL");
if (jp->jobfunc != NULL) {
/* Invoking the job function.*/
/* Returning the job descriptor object.*/
chGuardedPoolFree(&jqp->free, (void *)jp);
else {
return msg;
* @brief Waits for a job then executes it.
* @param[in] jqp pointer to a @p jobs_queue_t structure
* @param[in] timeout the number of ticks before the operation timeouts,
* the following special values are allowed:
* - @a TIME_IMMEDIATE immediate timeout.
* - @a TIME_INFINITE no timeout.
* .
* @return The function outcome.
* @retval MSG_OK if a job has been executed.
* @retval MSG_TIMEOUT if a timeout occurred.
* @retval MSG_RESET if the internal mailbox has been reset.
* @retval MSG_JOB_NULL if a @p JOB_NULL has been received.
static inline msg_t chJobDispatchTimeout(jobs_queue_t *jqp,
sysinterval_t timeout) {
msg_t msg, jmsg;
/* Waiting for a job or a timeout.*/
msg = chMBFetchTimeout(&jqp->mbx, &jmsg, timeout);
if (msg == MSG_OK) {
job_descriptor_t *jp = (job_descriptor_t *)jmsg;
chDbgAssert(jp != NULL, "is NULL");
if (jp->jobfunc != NULL) {
/* Invoking the job function.*/
/* Returning the job descriptor object.*/
chGuardedPoolFree(&jqp->free, (void *)jp);
else {
return msg;
#endif /* CH_CFG_USE_JOBS == TRUE */
#endif /* CHJOBS_H */
/** @} */