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*** Files Organization ***
--{root} - ChibiOS directory.
+--readme.txt - This file.
+--documentation.html - Shortcut to the web documentation page.
+--license.txt - GPL license text.
+--demos/ - Demo projects, one directory per platform.
+--docs/ - Documentation.
| +--common/ - Documentation common build resources.
| +--hal/ - Builders for HAL.
| +--nil/ - Builders for NIL.
| +--rt/ - Builders for RT.
+--ext/ - External libraries, not part of ChibiOS.
+--os/ - ChibiOS components.
| +--common/ - Shared OS modules.
| | +--abstractions/ - API emulator wrappers.
| | | +--cmsis_os/ - CMSIS OS emulation layer for RT.
| | | +--nasa_osal/ - NASA Operating System Abstraction Layer.
| | +--ext/ - Vendor files used by the OS.
| | +--ports/ - RTOS ports usable by both RT and NIL.
| | +--startup/ - Startup support.
| +--ex/ - EX component.
| | +--dox/ - EX documentation resources.
| | +--include/ - EX header files.
| | +--devices / - EX complex drivers.
| +--hal/ - HAL component.
| | +--boards/ - HAL board support files.
| | +--dox/ - HAL documentation resources.
| | +--include/ - HAL high level headers.
| | +--lib/ - HAL libraries.
| | | +--complex/ - HAL collection of complex drivers.
| | | | +--mfs/ - HAL managed flash storage driver.
| | | | +--serial_nor/ - HAL managed flash storage driver.
| | | +--fallback/ - HAL fall back software drivers.
| | | +--peripherals/ - HAL peripherals interfaces.
| | | +--streams/ - HAL streams.
| | +--osal/ - HAL OSAL implementations.
| | | +--lib/ - HAL OSAL common modules.
| | +--src/ - HAL high level source.
| | +--ports/ - HAL ports.
| | +--templates/ - HAL driver template files.
| | +--osal/ - HAL OSAL templates.
| +--oslib/ - RTOS modules usable by both RT and NIL.
| | +--include/ - OSLIB high level headers.
| | +--src/ - OSLIB high level source.
| | +--templates/ - OSLIB configuration template files.
| +--nil/ - NIL RTOS component.
| | +--dox/ - NIL documentation resources.
| | +--include/ - NIL high level headers.
| | +--src/ - NIL high level source.
| | +--templates/ - NIL configuration template files.
| +--rt/ - RT RTOS component.
| | +--dox/ - RT documentation resources.
| | +--include/ - RT high level headers.
| | +--src/ - RT high level source.
| | +--templates/ - RT configuration template files.
| +--various/ - Various portable support files.
+--test/ - Kernel test suite source code.
| +--lib/ - Portable test engine.
| +--hal/ - HAL test suites.
| | +--testbuild/ - HAL build test and MISRA check.
| +--nil/ - NIL test suites.
| | +--testbuild/ - NIL build test and MISRA check.
| +--rt/ - RT test suites.
| | +--testbuild/ - RT build test and MISRA check.
| | +--coverage/ - RT code coverage project.
+--testex/ - EX integration test demos.
+--testhal/ - HAL integration test demos.
*** Releases and Change Log ***
*** 20.3.2 ***
- NEW: Support for 3 analog watchdogs in ADCv3 (STM32F3, L4, L4+, G4).
- NEW: Support for 3 analog watchdogs in ADCv5 (STM32G0).
- NEW: Updated FatFS to version 0.14.
- NEW: Added a new setting to STM32 USBv1 allowing for some clock deviation
from 48MHz. Renamed setting USB_HOST_WAKEUP_DURATION to
- FIX: Fixed STM32 QSPI errata workaround (bug #1116).
- FIX: Fixed wrong condition in STM32 BDMAv1 driver (bug #1115).
- FIX: Fixed HSI48 not getting enabled on STM32H7 (bug #1114).
- FIX: Fixed LPUART1 support for STM32H7xx (bug #1113).
- FIX: Fixed wrong sector count in EFL driver for L4+ dual bank configuration
(bug #1112).
- FIX: Fixed wrong preprocessor checks in STM32 TIMv1 ICU driver (bug #1111).
- FIX: Fixed wrong revisions handling in STM32H743 HAL (bug #1110).
- FIX: Fixed missing STM32_I2C_BDMA_REQUIRED definition in I2Cv3 driver
(bug #1109).
- FIX: Fixed wrong definitions in SPC563M board files (bug #1108).
- FIX: Fixed cortex-M vectors table alignment problem (bug #1107).
- FIX: Fixed extra condition in MAC driver macWaitTransmitDescriptor() function
(bug #1106).
- FIX: Fixed schedule anomaly when CH_CFG_TIME_QUANTUM is greater than zero
(bug #1105).
- FIX: Fixed Virtual Timers corner case (bug #1104).
- FIX: Fixed GCC6 problem breaks Cortex-M0 port (bug #985).
- FIX: Fixed a wrong management of the SPI TX buffer in the ADUCM port
(bug #1103).
- FIX: Fixed STM32F4 EFL sector bug (bug #1102).
- FIX: Fixed differences in STM32 EXTI (bug #1101).
- FIX: Fixed STM32 DACv1 driver regressed because DMA changes (bug #1100).
- FIX: Fixed STM32L0 missing LPUART IRQ initialization (bug #1099).
- FIX: Fixed invalid EXTI definitions for STM32L0xx (bug #1098).
- FIX: Fixed compilation error in file nvic.c (bug #1097).
- FIX: Fixed STM32_DMAx_CH8_HANDLER not defined for DMAv1 (bug #1096).
- FIX: Fixed STM32 EXTI2 and EXTI4 not triggering a callback (bug #1095).
- FIX: Fixed STM32G4 demos compile fails if smart mode is disabled (bug #1094).
- FIX: Fixed failure in chSemReset() function when counter is equal to MAXINT
(bug #1093).
- FIX: Fixed error in EXTIv1 ISRs (bug #1077).
*** 20.3.1 ***
- NEW: STM32 ICU driver now allows to setup the ARR register in the
configuration structure, the default value should be 0xFFFFFFFFU.
- NEW: Updated debug tools to be independent from the toolchain position:
they now rely on the environment variable CHIBISTUDIO.
- NEW: Added dynamic reconfiguration API to lwIP bindings.
- FIX: Fixed swapped definition in ST_STM32F746G_DISCOVERY board files
(bug #1092).
- FIX: Fixed missing symbols in GCC scatter files (bug #1091).
- FIX: Fixed wrong SAI1 clock selection for STM32G4xx (bug #1090).
- FIX: Fixed STM32H7xx ADC problem in dual mode (bug #1089).
- FIX: Fixed invalid CHSEL DMA setting in STM32 UART drivers (bug #1088).
- FIX: Fixed sector count incorrect in STM32G07/8 EFL driver (bug #1085).
- FIX: Fixed sector size incorrect in STM32F413 EFL driver (bug #1084).
- FIX: Fixed wrong arguments for the cacheBufferInvalidate in the STM32 SPI
demo (bug #1086).
- FIX: Fixed race condition in HAL MAC driver (bug #1083).
- FIX: Fixed STM32H7 compile fails for I2C4 (bug #1082).
- FIX: Fixed early interrupts enable in ARMv7-M port (bug #1081).
- FIX: Fixed I2CD4 interrupt vectors are swapped versus I2CD1-I2CD3 (bug #1080).
- FIX: Fixed incorrect clock check when using PLLSAI1R in ADCv3 (bug #1079).
- FIX: Fixed missing checks in TIM6 and TIM7 STM32 mini drivers (bug #1078).
- FIX: Fixed problem in chMtxUnlockAllS() (bug #1076).