@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
with Sf.Window;
with Sf.Window.Event;
with Sf.Window.Keyboard;
with Sf.Graphics.Color;
with Sf.Graphics.Image;
with Sf.Graphics.RenderWindow;
@ -99,24 +98,18 @@ package body Video is
function Next_Key return Key is
while Is_Running loop
for I in Key'First .. Key'Last loop
if Keys (I) then
return I;
end if;
end loop;
Last_Key := Unknown;
while Is_Running and then Last_Key = Unknown loop
delay 0.016;
end loop;
return 0; -- Only get here on program exit
return Last_Key;
end Next_Key;
procedure Poll_Events is
use Sf.Window.Event;
use Sf.Window.Keyboard;
e : sfEvent;
@ -124,44 +117,8 @@ package body Video is
case e.eventType is
when sfEvtClosed =>
RenderWindow.close (app);
when sfEvtKeyPressed => case e.key.code is
when sfKeyNum0 => Keys (0) := True;
when sfKeyNum1 => Keys (1) := True;
when sfKeyNum2 => Keys (2) := True;
when sfKeyNum3 => Keys (3) := True;
when sfKeyNum4 => Keys (4) := True;
when sfKeyNum5 => Keys (5) := True;
when sfKeyNum6 => Keys (6) := True;
when sfKeyNum7 => Keys (7) := True;
when sfKeyNum8 => Keys (8) := True;
when sfKeyNum9 => Keys (9) := True;
when sfKeyA => Keys (10) := True;
when sfKeyB => Keys (11) := True;
when sfKeyC => Keys (12) := True;
when sfKeyD => Keys (13) := True;
when sfKeyE => Keys (14) := True;
when sfKeyF => Keys (15) := True;
when others => null;
end case;
when sfEvtKeyReleased => case e.key.code is
when sfKeyNum0 => Keys (0) := False;
when sfKeyNum1 => Keys (1) := False;
when sfKeyNum2 => Keys (2) := False;
when sfKeyNum3 => Keys (3) := False;
when sfKeyNum4 => Keys (4) := False;
when sfKeyNum5 => Keys (5) := False;
when sfKeyNum6 => Keys (6) := False;
when sfKeyNum7 => Keys (7) := False;
when sfKeyNum8 => Keys (8) := False;
when sfKeyNum9 => Keys (9) := False;
when sfKeyA => Keys (10) := False;
when sfKeyB => Keys (11) := False;
when sfKeyC => Keys (12) := False;
when sfKeyD => Keys (13) := False;
when sfKeyE => Keys (14) := False;
when sfKeyF => Keys (15) := False;
when others => null;
end case;
when sfEvtKeyPressed =>
Last_Key := Translate_Scancode (e.key.scancode);
when others => null;
end case;
end loop;
@ -194,11 +151,27 @@ package body Video is
function Key_Down (K : Key) return Boolean is
return Keys (K);
return isScancodePressed (Key_Conv (K)) = sfTrue;
end Key_Down;
function Key_Up (K : Key) return Boolean is
return not Keys (K);
return not Key_Down (K);
end Key_Up;
function Translate_Key (K : Key) return sfScancode is
return Key_Conv (K);
end Translate_Key;
function Translate_Scancode (S : sfScancode) return Key
is begin
for I in Key_Map'Range loop
if Key_Conv (I) = S then
return I;
end if;
end loop;
return Unknown;
end Translate_Scancode;
end Video;