@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
; Day 2, part 2
; Day 2, part 1
; Read a list of instructions from stdin:
; Read a list of instructions from stdin:
; "down X" increases depth number by X,
; "down X" increases depth number by X,
; "up X" decreases depth by X,
; "up X" decreases depth by X,
@ -8,24 +8,19 @@
(require '[clojure.string :as str])
(require '[clojure.string :as str])
(loop [data {:xpos 0 :depth 0}]
(let [input (read-line)]
(keduce *
(if (empty? input)
(println (apply * (vals data)))
(let [ins (str/split input #" ")
#(case (first %2)
n (Integer/parseInt (second ins))
"forward" (update %1 :xpos + (second %2))
"up" (update %1 :depth - (second %2))
"down" (update %1 :depth + (second %2))
(apply (partial update-in data)
(case (first ins)
"forward" [[:xpos] + n]
"up" [[:depth] - n]
"down" [[:depth] + n]
{:xpos 0 :depth 0}
(->> (slurp "./in")
(map #(str/split % #" "))
(map #(update % 1 read-string))