day3: part 1 one-liner

Clyne 3 years ago
parent 49b77e8fd5
commit ebd7f129af

@ -1,31 +1,25 @@
(def counts
(loop [line (read-line)
tot (repeat (count line) 0)
(if (empty? line)
(map + tot (map #(if (= % \1) 1 0) line))
(require '[clojure.string :as str])
(loop [cnts counts gamma 0 epsilon 0]
(if (empty? cnts)
(println (* gamma epsilon))
(rest cnts)
(if (> (first cnts) 500)
(inc (* 2 gamma))
(* 2 gamma)
(if (< (first cnts) 500)
(inc (* 2 epsilon))
(* 2 epsilon)
(->> "./in"
(map (fn [l] (map #(if (= % \1) 1 0) l)))
(apply (partial map +))
(map #(if (< % 500) \1 \0))
(#(Integer/parseInt % 2))
(#(* % (bit-xor % (dec (int (Math/pow 2 12))))))
; (->> input data file name
; read in entire contents
; split contents into array of lines
; for each line, transform characters '1'/'0' to numbers
; build sum array using the lines
; convert back to array of characters
; join characters into single string
; convert binary string to a number (gamma)
; multiply gamma by its bit-inverse (bit length hard-coded)
