jumps and functions

Clyne Sullivan 7 years ago
parent 3b6bcc0e6e
commit 0c3901b3a8

@ -27,6 +27,9 @@ char *strnclone(const char *s, uint32_t n)
void ifunc_set(interpreter *it);
void ifunc_jmp(interpreter *it);
void ifunc_label(interpreter *it);
void ifunc_end(interpreter *it);
variable *idoexpr(interpreter *interp, const char *line);
@ -40,8 +43,24 @@ void iinit(interpreter *interp)
interp->vnames = (char **)calloc(MAX_VARS, sizeof(char *));
interp->stack = (stack_t *)calloc(MAX_STACK, sizeof(stack_t));
interp->stidx = 0;
interp->lines = (char **)calloc(20, sizeof(char *));
interp->lnidx = 0;
interp->indent = 0;
inew_cfunc(interp, "set", ifunc_set);
inew_cfunc(interp, "jmp", ifunc_jmp);
inew_cfunc(interp, "func", ifunc_label);
inew_cfunc(interp, "end", ifunc_end);
void ipush(interpreter *it, void *v)
it->stack[it->stidx++] = v;
void *ipop(interpreter *it)
return it->stack[--it->stidx];
variable *interpreter_get_variable(interpreter *interp, const char *name)
@ -193,9 +212,20 @@ variable *make_var(interpreter *interp, const char *line, uint32_t *next)
int idoline(interpreter *interp, const char *line)
variable *ops[8];
uint32_t ooffset = 0;
uint32_t offset = 0;
uint32_t next;
uint32_t ooffset, offset, next;
interp->lines[interp->lnidx] = strclone(line);
if (line[0] == '`') {
goto norun;
} else if (interp->indent > 0) {
if (!strcmp(line, "end"))
goto norun;
ooffset = 0;
offset = 0;
// step 1 - convert to tokens
while (!eol(line[offset])) {
@ -221,11 +251,29 @@ int idoline(interpreter *interp, const char *line)
if (ops[0]->value == 0)
return -3;
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < ooffset - 1; i++, interp->stidx++)
interp->stack[i] = ops[i + 1];
for (uint32_t i = ooffset; --i > 0;)
ipush(interp, ops[i]);
if (ops[0]->fromc) {
} else {
ipush(interp, (void *)(interp->lnidx + 1));
interp->lnidx = ops[0]->value;
interp->stidx -= ooffset - 1;
if ((int32_t)interp->stidx < 0) {
interp->stidx = 0;
return -5;
if (interp->lines[interp->lnidx] != 0) {
line = interp->lines[interp->lnidx];
goto loop;
return 0;
@ -318,25 +366,35 @@ variable *idoexpr(interpreter *interp, const char *line)
return &result;
variable *igetarg(interpreter *interp, uint32_t index)
return interp->stack[interp->stidx - index - 1];
char *igetarg_string(interpreter *interp, uint32_t index)
if (index >= interp->stidx)
return 0;
return STR(itostring(interp->stack[index]));
variable *v = igetarg(interp, index);
if (v->valtype == FUNC)
return "(func)";
return STR(itostring(v));
int igetarg_integer(interpreter *interp, uint32_t index)
if (index >= interp->stidx)
return 0;
return INT(itoint(interp->stack[index]));
variable *v = igetarg(interp, index);
return INT(itoint(v));
float igetarg_float(interpreter *interp, uint32_t index)
if (index >= interp->stidx)
return 0;
return FLOAT(itofloat(interp->stack[index]));
variable *v = igetarg(interp, index);
return FLOAT(itofloat(v));
variable *itostring(variable *v)
@ -423,16 +481,36 @@ float iget_float(interpreter *, const char *)
void ifunc_set(interpreter *it)
if (it->stidx != 2)
variable *n = (variable *)it->stack[0];
variable *v = (variable *)it->stack[1];
variable *n = igetarg(it, 0);
variable *v = igetarg(it, 1);
n->valtype = v->valtype;
n->value = v->value;
void ifunc_label(interpreter *it)
variable *n = igetarg(it, 0);
n->valtype = FUNC;
n->value = it->lnidx;
void ifunc_end(interpreter *it)
if (it->stidx > 0) {
uint32_t line = (uint32_t)ipop(it);
it->lnidx = line - 1;
void ifunc_jmp(interpreter *it)
int newidx = igetarg_integer(it, 0);
it->lnidx = newidx - 1;
* Builtin operations

@ -10,6 +10,9 @@ typedef struct {
char **vnames;
stack_t *stack;
uint32_t stidx;
char **lines;
uint32_t lnidx;
uint8_t indent;
} interpreter;
typedef void (*func_t)(interpreter *);
@ -23,6 +26,7 @@ void inew_cfunc(interpreter *, const char *, func_t);
int idoline(interpreter *, const char *);
variable *igetarg(interpreter *, uint32_t);
char *igetarg_string(interpreter *, uint32_t);
int igetarg_integer(interpreter *, uint32_t);
float igetarg_float(interpreter *, uint32_t);

@ -14,8 +14,6 @@ void s_put(interpreter *it)
void s_type(interpreter *it)
if (it->stidx != 1)
variable *v = (variable *)it->stack[0];
switch (v->valtype) {
case STRING:
@ -56,6 +54,7 @@ int main()
unsigned int size;
int result;
while (1) {
printf("%d> ", interp.lnidx);
getline(&line, &size, stdin);
*strchr(line, '\n') = '\0';
result = idoline(&interp, line);
