@ -23,8 +23,10 @@
#include "task.h"
#include <arch/stm/stm32l476xx.h>
task_t *current, *prev;
static task_t *task_current;
static task_t *task_queue;
static uint8_t task_disable = 0;
static uint32_t task_next_pid = 0;
int task_fork(uint32_t sp);
void task_svc(uint32_t *args)
@ -41,21 +43,41 @@ void task_hold(uint8_t hold)
void task_sleep(uint32_t ms)
task_current->sleep = millis() + ms;
uint32_t task_getpid(void)
return task_current->pid;
void _exit(int code)
while (prev == 0);
if (task_queue == task_current) {
task_queue = task_queue->next;
} else {
task_t *prev = task_queue;
while (prev->next != 0 && prev->next != task_current)
prev = prev->next;
prev->next = current->next;
if (prev->next != 0)
prev->next = task_current->next;
// Free this thread's stack, and task data.
// Since we're single core, no one else can claim this memory until
// a task switch, after which we're done with this memory anyway.
// TODO if child proc. set return code in parent task handle?
// or something like that
@ -87,6 +109,9 @@ task_t *task_create(void (*code)(void), uint16_t stackSize)
task_t *t = (task_t *)malloc(sizeof(task_t));
t->next = 0;
t->sleep = 0;
t->pid = task_next_pid++;
t->stack = (uint32_t *)malloc(stackSize);
void *sp = (uint8_t *)t->stack + stackSize - 68; // excep. stack + regs
t->sp = sp;
@ -107,20 +132,18 @@ task_t *task_create(void (*code)(void), uint16_t stackSize)
t->sp[14] = (uint32_t)code;
t->sp[15] = (uint32_t)task_crt0;
t->sp[16] = 0x01000000;
t->sleep = 0;
return t;
void task_init(void (*init)(void), uint16_t stackSize)
current = (task_t *)malloc(sizeof(task_t));
current->stack = 0; // free() is called on this
task_t *init_task = task_create(init, stackSize);
task_current = (task_t *)malloc(sizeof(task_t));
task_current->next = 0;
task_current->stack = 0; // free() is called on this
task_current->sp = 0;
task_current->sleep = 1000;
prev = init_task;
current->next = init_task;
init_task->next = init_task;
task_queue = task_create(init, stackSize);
task_disable = 0;
@ -143,8 +166,8 @@ void task_start(void (*task)(void), uint16_t stackSize)
task_t *t = task_create(task, stackSize);
t->next = current->next;
current->next = t;
t->next = task_queue;
task_queue = t;
@ -156,32 +179,37 @@ int task_fork_ret(void)
// Return 0 for child, non-zero for parent
int task_fork(uint32_t sp)
asm("cpsid i");
// 1. Get a PC for the child
void (*pc)(void) = (void (*)(void))((uint32_t)task_fork_ret);
// 2. Prepare child task
alloc_t *stackInfo = (alloc_t *)(((uint8_t *)current->stack)
//// 1. Prepare child task
// Get parent task's stack info
alloc_t *stackInfo = (alloc_t *)(((uint8_t *)task_current->stack)
- sizeof(alloc_t));
task_t *childTask = task_create(pc, stackInfo->size - 8);
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < (stackInfo->size - 8); i++)
childTask->stack[i] = current->stack[i];
//uint32_t *sp;
//asm("mov %0, sp" : "=r" (sp));
// Create child task data
task_t *childTask = (task_t *)malloc(sizeof(task_t));
childTask->stack = (uint32_t *)malloc(stackInfo->size - sizeof(alloc_t));
childTask->sleep = 0;
childTask->pid = task_next_pid++;
// Copy parent's stack
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < (stackInfo->size - sizeof(alloc_t)); i++)
childTask->stack[i] = task_current->stack[i];
childTask->sp = (uint32_t *)((uint32_t)childTask->stack + (sp
- (uint32_t)current->stack));
- (uint32_t)task_current->stack));
childTask->sp[15] = (uint32_t)task_fork_ret;
//childTask->sp[16] = 0x01000000;
// 3. Insert child into task chain
childTask->next = current->next;
current->next = childTask;
//// 2. Insert child into task chain
childTask->next = task_queue;
task_queue = childTask;
// 4. Re-enable scheduler, make change happen
//// 3. Re-enable scheduler, make change happen
asm("cpsie i");
return 1;
return childTask->pid;
__attribute__ ((naked))
@ -198,15 +226,21 @@ void PendSV_Handler(void)
isb; \
stmdb r0!, {r4-r11, r14}; \
mov %0, r0; \
" : "=r" (current->sp));
" : "=r" (task_current->sp));
// Load next task
prev = current;
uint32_t ticks = millis();
do {
current = current->next;
} while (current->sleep > ticks);
current->sleep = 0;
task_current = task_current->next;
if (task_current == 0)
task_current = task_queue;
} while (task_current->sleep > ticks);
task_current->sleep = 0;
/*task_current = task_current->next;
if (task_current == 0)
task_current = task_queue;*/
// Load stack pointer, return
@ -214,6 +248,6 @@ void PendSV_Handler(void)
ldmia r0!, {r4-r11, r14}; \
msr psp, r0; \
bx lr; \
" :: "r" (current->sp));
" :: "r" (task_current->sp));