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# constexpr-to-string
* Convert any integral type to a string at compile-time
* Supports converting to any base between 2 and 36 inclusive
* No external dependencies, only includes `type_traits` for template parameter checking
* Supports custom character types, e.g. `to_string<123, 10, wchar_t>`
* C++20: Supports floating-point-to-string conversion with `f_to_string`
**How to use:**
The file `to_string.hpp` provides a `to_string` utility, which may be used as below:
const char *number = to_string<2147483648999954564, 16>; // produces "1DCD65003B9A1884"
puts(to_string<-42>); // produces "-42"
puts(to_string<30, 2>); // produces "11110"
With `to_string`, all that will be found in program disassembly are the resulting string literals, as if you wrote the strings yourself.
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`f_to_string.hpp`, requiring C++20, provides an `f_to_string` utility for floating-point conversion:
puts(f_to_string<3.1415926>); // Defaults to 5-point precision: "3.14159"
puts(f_to_string<{3.1415926, 7}>); // Specify precision: "3.1415926"
# How it works
The basic structure of `to_string` is shown below:
template<auto N, unsigned int base, typename char_type, /* N type-check and base bounds-check */>
struct to_string_t {
char_type buf[]; // Array size determination explained later.
constexpr to_string_t() {} // Converts the integer to a string stored in buf.
constexpr operator char_type *() {} // These allow for the object to be implicitly converted
constexpr operator const char_type *() {} // to a character pointer.
// begin() and end() are supported too.
template<auto N, unsigned int base = 10, typename char_type = char>
constexpr to_string_t<N, base, char_type> to_string; // Simplifies usage, e.g. to_string_t<367>() becomes to_string<367>.
Since the number and base are template parameters, each differing `to_string` use will get its own character buffer.
The integer/string conversion is done using a simple method I learned over the years, where the string is built in reverse using `n % base` to calculate the value of the lowest digit:
(*Note: The below examples of code are not up-to-date, though they still give a general idea of how `to_string` works.*)
constexpr to_string_t() {
auto ptr = buf + sizeof(buf) / sizeof(buf[0]);
*--ptr = '\0';
for (auto n = N < 0 ? -N : N; n; n /= base)
*--ptr = "0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"[n % base];
if (N < 0)
*--ptr = '-';
As you may have noticed, `buf` needs to be given a size for all this to work; in fact, the above code relies on the buffer having a size equal to the generated string (or else `buf[0]` would still be uninitialized). This is actually the case: a lambda is used within `buf`'s declaration to count how many characters long the string will ultimately be. This counting is done in a manner similar to conversion loop shown above:
char buf[([] {
unsigned int len = N >= 0 ? 1 : 2; // Need one byte for '\0', two if there'll be a minus
for (auto n = N < 0 ? -N : N; n; len++, n /= base);
return len;